This looks like... there is a 'water source' look.

A disc is slowly moving over the dusty desert.

Veronica is sitting on this three-meter-diameter disc and observing things ahead.

In this place, Lin explored the time of three pompoms staying up late, and Lin is currently seeing here... only gray legs.

The gray legs mainly wandered around the wasteland in groups of 6 to 10. The number of them was quite large, so Lin grabbed a lot and repaired some of the data rooms.

This disc is also made of ash legs, it is a disc with four legs.

Veronica can sit on it and enter the direction of where it goes, and which direction it will run.

Of course, Veronica can also move by itself, but Lynn wants Veronica to maintain a state of almost full energy, so it still needs a vehicle.

Whether it is thinking movement or other methods, there is still energy loss during the activity.

So Lynn doesn't want Veronica to move herself in this wilderness where energy sources are uncertain.

But at this time, Lin seems to have seen... more energy.

It is this small lake, which has a diameter of more than 30 meters, the surface of the water looks clear and transparent, and there is nothing in the water.

But there are a lot of things growing on the lakeside. These things are like some white soft substances. They grow side by side on the side of 'water', which makes it look like an oasis in the desert.

These things are more like green.

They are actually unconsciously enriched, that is, after the death of a dream creature's core of thought, its body survives and grows unconsciously.

Previously, Lin thought that this kind of growth was related to the tutor. Actually, it was not. They were more common in the unpredictable void.

It can also be said that this kind of thing plays a plant-like role.

The difference is that the plants of the normal void have not evolved consciousness, and here is the product of consciousness after death.

Of course, these things can also be used as repair materials, so Lynn decided to get them all back.

Veronica jumped off the disc and prepared to harvest the growth of the creature by the lake.

But before that, Lin first examined the lake here.

This lake... seems to be a consciousness of dying.

Lin can detect some thoughts from here, which gives Lin a feeling of being about to disappear.

Lynn can easily detect that it is not an ordinary dream creature, but a species generated by normal void data.

In general, it is known that this is a very large creature that has been swaying in the desert formed by this residue.

It has been sloshing for a long time... because it has been unable to get enough food supplements, it slowly becomes weak.

So it has also been trying to find anything that can be absorbed.

Later it went somewhere, and that place seemed to be an area where many creatures gathered.

But it didn't get close to that place, and finally it fell here, because it couldn't move, it slowly died.

When it fell here slowly, the ‘flesh and blood’ on its body grew away from the control of consciousness.

It was originally a big one, and then it was slowly shrinking and only the lakeside was left.

This is mainly due to the lack of energy... These increased 'blood flesh' is a special residue that absorbs the surrounding.

But as they grow more and more, these residues are almost absorbed by them, so they also begin to decrease.

There are many breaks in the memory of this creature... This is also because it is dying.

Can know about it, Lin can go to the place where there are many creatures in his memory.

In its memory, this place where many creatures gather seems to be a big... city.

There is no way to know why it is inaccessible for what reason, and it should not have been attacked.

So Lynn is definitely going to see it.

As long as you can find enough materials to fix the data room, then Lin can start building other parts.

Although the material needed to build a dream may be too large, Lynn can build a smaller one and then continue to travel in unforeseen places.

If so... then act.

Lin first dragged most of the growth here, although the lake can also be absorbed as materials and food... but because it is not a good relationship, it has not been returned.

The appearance of the dream energy usually has a similar effect to the normal void.

It is like the state of the lake and the water of the normal void is very close, so it is very troublesome to carry it.

But as long as I bring back those creatures, and the gray legs that Lynn has been capturing as a material... it is enough to completely repair the data room.

The process of repairing the data room is a very simple process... it is to break up the appropriate material and put it in a room in the data room.

This room is primarily a function of a conversion material that breaks down the thrown material and then automatically repairs the damaged area with these materials.

This process took a long time. When Lin returned and threw the materials in, she did not wait for it to be repaired and set off again.

Lynn’s goal... is to go to the place where there are many creatures.

This place is very far away and may take several days and nights to arrive.

It’s faster to fly, but it’s more energy to fly in a gravitational place... so it’s better to run.

Of course, it was Lin’s disk run.

This journey is very... monotonous.

Because there was nothing special on the road, Lin sat on the disc and ran six pompons around the clock, and only saw some gray legs on the road.

Until the seventh pompon stayed up late... I encountered some special things.

These things are a lot of creatures.

They grow densely in this area, which makes it look like a jungle... white jungle.

It is actually more like a fungus jungle, because most of these growth organisms are ellipsoidal and spherical.

Lin examined these growth creatures, and Lin found that they all came from different creatures.

This gives Lin the feeling that many creatures have died here, and then their flesh and blood continue to grow after the consciousness has died.

This can give Lin a lot of energy, but Lin did not stop but went on.

Because... not far from the front seems to be the city that was previously known from biological memory.

It looks quite interesting.

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