4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 112: War of consciousness

It is said that this is a world that has been abandoned.

In fact, for some reason, a lot of waste and creatures that I imagined to have been abandoned have flowed to this place.

Then, some creatures noticed this place and deliberately dropped some creatures here.

This abandoned land is also slowly formed.

However, just like the normal void, the basic things have the possibility of being used. For some creatures, the residue here is not completely residue.

Some of the creatures that come here have the ability to live with these residues.

For a long time, this abandoned land was filled with ‘scavengers’, that is, creatures that lived with residues.

They are all semi-conscious creatures, but they are not beginning or semi-conscious.

The creatures that first came here have normal consciousness, but if they live here for a long time, their consciousness will slowly fall.

It is said that it will be the same as the process of coming here, and the creatures that live here for a long time will slowly become nothing.

They feel that they are in the dark, without any hope, without any future.

Then their thinking ability slowly weakens and becomes a simpler creature.

No matter how rich the creature is, it will enter this state.

So here is a semi-conscious creature, or a creature whose thoughts have degraded, and their purpose of life has become... very simple.

They will only constantly look for waste life, and the entire abandoned place has maintained this state.

Until a certain time, a huge ‘machine’ was built on the abandoned land, which is the city of hanging.

The City of Suspension is a huge device that takes advantage of the biological state here for energy conversion.

It uses the semi-conscious creatures here to collect the residue.

As long as the creatures that are hung up carry out the thinking of 'experiencing good things,' they will attract the parts of the residue that can be used.

This feeling is quite similar to the situation of the 'permanent parliament', where the permanent parliament gathers dream energy through parliamentary discussions.

Lynn thinks that the creatures in this place have similar abilities... They only have to think under certain circumstances, which will attract some dream energy.

The energy attracted by these suspended semi-conscious creatures is transported to the middle area and converted to the clouds through the transformation of the platform.

But Caiyun is actually a converter.

These energy clouds are not all used for eating, and most of them are used for other entertainment activities.

As long as it is not the energy to eat, it will be transported to the top and used by the city's builders.

As for what it is used for... I don't know, maybe it's because the energy is enough, so it left the place.

Originally, Thundercloud seemed to be under the control of the builders, and it would always be normal. When the builders left, they became more and more abnormal.

They have a lot of abnormal behaviors, and the main cause of urban collapse is that they often destroy those buildings that are hanging.

After they ruin the hanging building, the creatures inside will of course be released.

And if a living creature in a hanging building has been in the building for a long time, it will return to normal when it is released.

That is no longer a semi-conscious creature, but a full consciousness.

When these released creatures notice the situation of the hanging city, they will try to release more of the same kind, or try to restore the semi-conscious kind to normal.

The term 'polluter' refers to the creatures that are released.

They don't just release the hanging kind, but also try to climb to the middle to attack the colorful clouds above.

Because they think that Caiyun is the chief culprit in imprisoning them.

At the time, they also believed that Caiyun and the city deliberately made them semi-conscious and then used them to gain energy and enjoy themselves.

So these released creatures have been trying to destroy the entire city.

The number of them is increasing, plus a lot of abnormal thunderclouds... the actions of these creatures are successful.

The main thing is that the above colorful clouds do not matter.

In fact, the dangers occur a little farther away from them and they will not feel it. The range of perception of a colorful cloud is about three meters.

Even if the platform three meters away is collapsed, it is not known.

Of course, they can feel the tremor of collapse, but they won't be the same thing.

Unless it is a collapse, it appears within three meters of its own radius.

Throughout the process, the city’s defenses were entirely made up of thunderclouds and defenders.

The creatures first tried to solve the defenders, and they also developed some weapons to bombard the middle platform.

In this way, they destroyed the hanging city a little bit during the ongoing war.

However, the war did not last until the end and was terminated on the way.

This is because the group of people who have left the hanging captivity found their thinking slowly weakening.

The creatures that were first detached have almost weakened into a semi-conscious state.

Then these creatures slowly discovered that they can get rid of this state of debilitating consciousness and actually have a connection with the city of suspension.

These creatures stopped the attack on the city of suspension.

But even if they stopped the attack... Thundercloud did not stop.

At that time, it was said that there were a lot of abnormal Thunderclouds. They were like crazy people attacking anything everywhere.

Under the damage of these thunderclouds, the destruction of the entire city has become more and more serious.

The ‘polluter’ who initially attacked the city began to turn to protect the city.

They mainly solve the abnormal thunderclouds, but they can't attack the normal thunderclouds.

So caught in a very contradictory state.

Because no matter what the abnormal thundercloud will attack them.

At the same time, these creatures find that their consciousness begins to decline, they will try to enter the hanging building and let themselves regain consciousness.

Of course, you can't come out anymore, so you have to let your companions help to let it out, so you must fight with the thundercloud and the defenders.

In short, this wonderful war lasted until the end... it became what Lin sees now.

The city is only a little bit left.

The defenders have all gone, they are a fixed number, and no more will not be created.

And Thunderclouds are all relatively normal, they will at least maintain the city.

However, the rest of the city cannot keep a large number of creatures in a normal sense.

So many creatures have weakened into a semi-conscious state.

And because the city that hangs before it consumes a lot of dream residue, most of the remaining debris is useless.

As a result, the number of biological groups that were originally large has begun to decrease, and only the number is far less.

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