4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 113: The rest of life

Even though there are very few remaining cities, the residue resources are scarce, and these creatures are still working hard.

The last remaining creatures formed an organization that called themselves the 'final consciousness'.

These creatures have experienced most of the war and are constantly aware of the last creatures.

Most of them are... ‘leg creatures’.

But now they face a big problem, that is, they may be difficult to maintain their awareness.

Of course, they want to maintain a normal consciousness. At first, this group of creatures used the old method, that is, they entered the city and let themselves be suspended.

And there is a special team who sees who has been flying for a long time, then attacks the city and rescues the companion.

But there is a problem with this approach.

That is, every attack needs to fight with Thundercloud, there will be many deaths and injuries.

Because they can't solve the Thundercloud, there is no creature to manage the city after solving the Thundercloud.

Many of the institutions in the city of suspension are controlled only by Thundercloud. They cannot replace Thundercloud to manage the city.

And these thunderclouds are also a bit nervous, they always reject many creatures and don't give them into the city.

This makes the remaining creatures... difficult to create a sense of recovery.

As their consciousness became weaker, they finally made a new approach.

That is... go directly to kill those creatures that have been hanging for a long time.

They find that those creatures that have been suspended for a long time, restored to consciousness, if they are dragged out and killed directly, will have a large number of growth organisms on the ground.

As long as they stay in this range of biological growth, their consciousness will slowly return to normal.

This wide-ranging approach to restoring consciousness solves the biggest problem for them.

And this also means killing a companion who is hard to recover consciousness in suspension.

As a result, the members of the organization no longer try to join the city to hang, but to see other creatures join, hang it for a while and then drag it out to kill.

The ‘leg bucket unit’ that Lynn saw was actually responsible for doing this.

They regularly observe around the city to see what creatures have been flying for a long time.

Then they went to attack the city, grab the hanging creatures and kill them, and buried their bodies somewhere in the wilderness.

In this way, the growth of the creatures that grow around them will maintain their consciousness.

This kind of place that can maintain normal consciousness is the 'spiritual station' that Lin encountered before.

The things in the spiritual station that look like buildings are actually creatures that have been hanged for a long time.

The spiritual station is not only used by members of the organization, it will attract many other wild creatures.

Because there are still many creatures that continue to appear in this abandoned place, these creatures discover that the spiritual stations will gather in the process of constant deterioration of consciousness, where they trade each other's residues and work hard to live.

However, a spiritual station does not last long, and the growth of the creatures will gradually decrease and eventually disappear.

Then, the members of the organization will continue to attack the city and get a new spiritual station.

In an attack, they not only bring out a hanging creature, they often bring out several, so they will also build many spiritual stations in the wilderness.

The places they choose to build are generally located where there is a residue suitable for the growth of the spiritual station.

As for the same creature, it has a special function.

It is mainly to prevent abnormal thunderclouds from being generated.

The current thunderclouds are relatively normal, but if there is an abnormal thundercloud, it will cause a lot of trouble.

The production of Thundercloud is related to the colorful clouds above.

You can perceive that when the cloud changes into a thundercloud, it will produce a wonderful energy fluctuation.

It can analyze whether this fluctuation is abnormal, if it is abnormal... it will be solved by launching the condensed residue before it completely becomes an abnormal thundercloud.

The colorful clouds that were influenced by Lynn and ‘awakened’ will almost certainly become abnormal thunderclouds, so they will attack them.

They used to be in a normal life, but suddenly there seemed to be a lot of accidents.

One accident is Lin.

The sudden appearance of Lynn made them feel very uneasy, and felt that Lynn might hurt the city on which they depended.

At first, when Veronica appeared, they were not so upset, but now Lin uses the data room to smash these creatures around the city, and they feel that Lin is likely to hurt the city.

So they wanted to stop it.

In addition, the reason why they do not eat these biological gains is mainly... Eating these semi-conscious creatures to die from the growth of the creatures will make them accelerate the decline of consciousness.

So they have been working hard to collect the residue that can be eaten, and they don't want to eat so many growths here.

It turns out that... Through these legs, Lin understands most of the history of this place.

Of course, they are actually only a very small part of Lin.

Lin can understand all the content, mainly to detect the thinking of those legs that were shot by Lin...

Lin found these dead leg buckets, and the mist they rushed out of the body was not their blood, but their consciousness.

There are a lot of memories of their thoughts, and when Lin communicates with this group of legs, they find that the fog is floating around.

So Lin absorbed the mist into the data room and began to detect them.

The data room has a lot of thinking patterns of dream creatures, so you can interpret the thinking memory contained in the fog.

After doing this understanding, Lin felt that it was indeed possible to build a new dream here.

But Lynn has some other questions.

That is, Lin found that the range of activities of these creatures, and all the places they have visited in their history, is not very large.

To be precise, their range of activities does not exceed 3,000 kilometers.

Of course, this abandoned place is not only so small, its size is much larger than this range.

It’s just that these creatures have never been to a farther place, and there seems to be no doubt about why they don’t go further.

They have long lived around the city of suspension.

Lynn thinks it may be because these creatures are affected by the ‘implementation’.

Whether it is semi-conscious or almost recovered, they are actually affected by implied signals.

The implied signal is a signal that has been sent from the platform of the hanging city, and they have always influenced these biological thinking.

...Lin felt it necessary to investigate further afield.

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