4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 128: Cognition

"How can this be……"

Lin and Abu are now slowly moving on the ground, which consists of dark red crystals.

After walking for a while, Lin did not see anything interesting.

Here is a place where there is no growth, and some are just flat and smooth crystal ground.

But here, the action can feel very different from other places.

This whole place has always been filled with huge ... horror.

This kind of horror is similar to the previous one, and it feels like it is already dead, or almost dead.

This feeling of death is like a dreamless sleep, but it will never wake up again.

Walking around here can feel that you are always on the verge of 'sleeping'.

Abu is a little different. It doesn't feel this kind of horror, but feels another feeling.

"No... how can it..."

This made Abu always talk to himself during this period, and he also ran around himself.

Lin didn't ask why, just follow it and see where it would go... Abu didn't get much impact when he came here, and as time went on, it became more and more More and more... uncontrolled.

"In that place!" Suddenly Abu yelled and rushed in one direction, and Lin immediately followed.

Abu ran wildly on the ground at a faster speed, and Lin had been running with it... for a long time.

Abu has been running all the time, and this place seems to have no edge, and the vast and empty scenery has continued.

After running for almost a thousand seconds, Abu finally stopped.

"I feel it." At this moment, Abu turned his head and said to Lin: "I feel... leader."

"Leader?" Lin questioned: "Is it in this place?"

"Possibly..." Abu said: "Maybe it is this... the abandonment itself."

At the moment when Abu said this, Lin suddenly found that the crystals underneath became bright.

It could have been said that the dark red radiance that was almost extinguished turned into a bright, bright red at this moment.

What does this change mean? Said that Abu said... true? Is the leader really abandoning the abyss?

"It’s finally, the real cognizer, you fully recognize it!”

At this time, Lin suddenly found a large group of smog gathered up above, when he claimed to have formed the cloud-like creature of the forgotten.

"I am not very sure..." Abu said: "But there is this feeling, it is..."

"You, you must know something!" Abu looked up and said to Yan Yun: "I will tell you what you know, what is it... What is this abandonment?"

"We have been trying to understand this all the time." Yan Yun said: "But except for me, everyone is dead... all dead."

Then, the smoke cloud told a story...

This is about itself. It originally established the organization of the Forgotten Perpetrator. The reason and the reason that Lynn had learned from Caterpillar or Jianyun was similar, that is, to make it forgotten.

And this plan has not been successful, and the cloud is increasingly skeptical about whether their forgotten plans will succeed.

It was also at this time that Yan Yun noticed another point. Although it has never been forgotten, it has never really been recognized.

There are a lot of creatures interested in this and investigating here, but they only have a little bit of superficial information.

Although there are also the credits of the forgotten defenders, most of the creatures have been investigated and killed by them, but some creatures have successfully escaped them and studied a lot.

As the leader of the cloud, its ability is much stronger than that of other members of the organization. It has been hunting for creatures that have escaped from ordinary members.

At some point, the smoke cloud has let go of several creatures.

These creatures have strong ability to escape, although they have not escaped the detection of smoke clouds, but the smoke cloud did not attack them.

It suddenly came up with an idea and wanted to watch them for a while.

These creatures are getting deeper into the wreckage of the builders as they progress.

In the end, they are all dead.

The reason is quite simple, because it is difficult to endure the ‘horror’ felt in the depths.

The deeper the place, the more horrible things can be encountered, and this surface is a room with a crystal structure, which is... a terrible place.

Then, the clouds began to turn into observations instead of killing those creatures with strong hiding power.

After that, it also observed a lot of creatures, some of which were curious, and some simply thought that the research builders could find a way to leave the abandoned land.

But they all died when they studied deep.

This gave the cloud a thought, maybe... they didn't have to build an organization that was forgotten.

After all, any creature will be investigated and died.

However, their organization does not seem to be completely meaningless. After all, there is a constant stream of organisms that may be investigated, which has made it difficult to be forgotten.

There was still a doubt at the time of the smoke cloud... that is what the abandonment of the abyss wants to do.

If cognition can make the abandonment grow, why is it so difficult to be recognized?

In fact, it is completely difficult to understand it, as if it was completely forgotten.

The idea that Yanyun has this idea is that it has always believed that the abandonment is a creature waiting to recover.

In fact, there are many such creatures in the unforeseen land. They are not completely dead after death, and they will reassemble under certain circumstances.

Abandoning the land seems to be avoiding being recognized and avoiding being forgotten.

Later, the cloud cloud was separated from the organization it had established, or it was hidden from itself.

At first, there were still many members who wondered where it went, and under the replacement of the members of the organization, a new group of members did not know the cloud.

Then Yan Yun began to study cognition.

It wants to know, what if there is a complete cognition of abandonment? Will it make it recover immediately? Or will there be other situations?

It is also impossible to study on its own, although its resistance to ‘terrorism’ is higher than that of the average creature.

Therefore, it has always wanted to use other creatures to recognize the abandonment.

If you find a creature with a higher probability, the cloud will try to guide it and let it do more research.

Of course, it has never been successful. Until now, it has only seen it.

It finally found out... the real possible cognition.

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