4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 129: Separation

"Does it want to be forgotten by..."

"No, I want to give up this part of myself."

This is what happened... I don’t know how long ago.

In short, it is when the abandoned land is generated.

It is said that in an unpredictable place... a strong emotion will form a phenomenon.

It seems that the abandoned land seems to be formed in this way, and the strong emotions have caused some changes in this place.

It allows the abandoned objects to converge continuously in one place and finally gathers into this place.

This kind of emotion is of course the feeling of 'abandoning'.

Being thinking has been carrying out some ideas that will lead to the accumulation of abandoned objects.

The thinking that makes a certain phenomenon in the void requires a very strong mind to do it.

"This thinking... is its thinking..."

Abu said so.

It believes that the thinking that forms the abandoned land belongs to the ... leader.

The reason for the abandoned land is mainly because the leader wants to abandon its idea of ​​'ontology' in the unforeseen place.

The team leader seemed to want to separate himself from the normal void body and the unforeseen land, and then made such a plan.

The details of the plan are still unclear, and in short it seems to have successfully abandoned this part of the unforeseen land.

The way it is abandoned seems to be to use strong thinking to make this part of the body disconnected from it.

This part of the unforeseen land does not die, but here it forms this wonderful phenomenon.

And it's not an ordinary phenomenon. It may be that the place where the abandoned objects are concentrated is constantly affecting it... and the surrounding environment.

It may become a new creature, or a pure... disaster.

"This is not wrong."

At present, Abu and Veronica are crystallizing the ground hills to drive away this.

The longer it moves in this place, the more it seems to perceive it. This place is full of a signal of thought... This signal gives Abu the same feeling as the ‘team leader’.

This kind of thinking signal has no specific meaning, but a way they are used to identify peers.

It can also be said that only such creatures as Abu, who have participated in the team, can feel this kind of information.

As for this place, it is the thing that the leader abandoned the 'ontology'... it is perceived from other special places.

These special places occasionally appear, they look like the ground with a slightly brighter color, and in these places, Abu suddenly feels some information.

This kind of information seems to be the deliberate stay of the leader...something similar to the diary.

It describes some of the previous ideas of the team leader, and of course only the players can perceive it.

Biab believes that the leader’s time to abandon the body of the unforeseen land is before meeting them.

It may be that after the complete separation, the team leader began to travel in the normal void. Although Abu believed that the leader's body was in an unpredictable place, it now feels that the leader may have abandoned the unforeseen body part.

Of course, it also feels that the leader's body is not as small as it was seen before, and should be somewhere in the normal void.

And this part of the unforeseen land may be completely abandoned, which is why the abandoned land is formed.

After the separation of the abandonment and the leader, it experienced quite a lot of changes and long years... It has no relationship with the leader. In fact, it is hard to say whether it is a creature.

The information it feels here is a legacy of the past.

So what should I do now?

After understanding a lot, Abu raised this issue.

Of course, Lynn feels that she should continue to investigate to get more information.

For the cloud that has been looking forward to recognizing what is going to happen here, it seems that the current situation is difficult for it to accept.

Because it has always felt that as long as we can more clearly recognize the abandonment of the abandonment will happen something special.

But now it seems that nothing has happened, everything around it is still... normal.

Lin is very strange, why they feel that forgetting or cognitive abandonment will make some changes here.

For Lin's question, the cloud did not answer. It just felt that it was very strange that the creature with such a cognition could not change it now.


"Your cognition must be wrong!"

The smoke cloud suddenly said to Abu: "What you feel is not the abandonment itself. It must be just some thoughts that past creatures have left here!"

"You can't recognize what the nature of the abandonment is, so you can't trigger any change!"

"No," Abu said. "I can be sure that this is the creature I once knew, the leader...".

"If you recognize it... what will definitely happen." The smoke cloud constantly changes in the sky: "You don't know... you certainly don't recognize it, no cognition!"

After saying these words, the cloud of smoke grew higher and higher and finally disappeared.

"...It is a very dangerous creature." Abu looked at the disappearing smoke cloud: "If it is hostile to us, it will be difficult to deal with, but now it seems that it will not be."

"So, do we continue to move now? Go to a deeper place?" Abu said: "Maybe you can continue to reach it...the location of the abandonment."

"Of course." Lin said: "We continue to move down."

So, Lin and Abu went on, mainly to find out if there was any passage down.

Although it is possible to dig holes in the ground of the crystal structure, Lin does not want to do so at present.

Excavation may lead to... anomalies.

When you act here, you can feel a huge horror, and if you dig out the crystal, this feeling will be more intense.

Because these crystals themselves have the purpose of resisting this horror.

Or they lock up the horror.

However, because the blockade is not complete enough, there is a lot of horror that leaks out, making it full of this feeling.

And if you dig up the crystal, this horror may come out and cause some kind of uncontrollable phenomenon.

For Abu, it doesn't feel this kind of horror.

However, it has been able to feel a little while swimming here for a long time.

Abu felt that it might be what the leader did, so that the team members would not feel the horror here.

This also means that the team leader should have long thought of it to build a team in the normal void exploration.

When talking with Abu, Lin finally came to a place deeper with it.

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