4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 190: Nightmare

After the expedition of the dragon's exploration team, the Jade Dragon is still engaged in a war of confrontation.

After the black pepper killed the brain in the pyramid, Lin also found some underground passages there, connecting deeper underground rooms, hiding the remaining ones, some living between them, some died, big Part of it is suffocated, and living is quite weak.

Finally, the black pepper killed them all, and caught some weak shackles, perhaps wanting to be used as slaves.

Lin feels that Li is not likely to be a slave. They will not be obedient after being beaten a few times like Bai Xiaolong. For now, Lin has not found any information about the brains appearing in the pyramid. So at present, I can only use the previous speculation, and the brain-creating ran away without accident.

The Jade Dragons intend to occupy this pyramid as one of the strongholds. Lin found that Susumi not only brought troops, but also brought many jade dragons who are good at architecture. They are learning how to build this pyramid.

The pyramid looks spectacular, but in fact the building space utilization is too low, not as good as other shapes of architecture.

Susumumi’s troops were scattered. The Yalong Knights who came to save the temporary troops here were only part of it. Susumumi himself took more troops to attack other pyramids.

The distribution of Liyu's pyramids is very strange. Some are arranged in several places, while others are standing alone in the jungle. Lin does not know why they are doing such a strange construction method, but it is also convenient for the jade dragons. They made an assault.

Lynn’s spy is now along with the black pepper troops and is on his way to the Susumi forces. Susummi is said to have shipped its newly built large weapon. Lynn wants to see how it is made.

"Cough!" "What's wrong? Commander!"

There was a sudden commotion in front of the troops. Lin went up and looked at it. It seemed that it was because of the relationship of black pepper. I saw it now hitting the tree.

Black pepper did not ride Yalong, but also followed the troops on the ground. Most of the Yalongs were brought to some Suzumi troops by some emerald dragons, and the black peppers were still the commanders of the troops on the ground. action.

"Nothing..." The black pepper touched his head and continued to move forward.

Lin thinks that the black pepper seems a bit strange, of course, its performance before is very normal. But since... it’s right, it’s not normal after being bitten by the brain.

Lin remembers that it’s not toxic to make a brain, but the black pepper is really affected. Maybe you have to check it.

Thinking, Lin squeezed into the team, slowly approached the black pepper, and poked it when it didn't pay attention.

"Hey!" The moment the black pepper was poked, he suddenly screamed. He turned to look at the spy and said, "What do you touch me?"

It's weird. The strength of Lin's poke is that the skin of the jade dragon is not felt. The black pepper seems to be more sensitive for some reason.

"Nothing." Lynn simply replied. Black pepper also found that the surrounding emerald dragons are watching this side, after all, it is very common to be touched. It’s strange to be so scared.

Black pepper also noticed his overreaction, and immediately turned around and began to move.

At this time, Lin's mini-arms have entered the body through the blood vessels of black pepper. At present, we should study the parts of the wound and then look at other places.

Thousands of seconds passed, and after Lin detected many parts, it was found that everything was normal.

There is no poison in the blood of the black pepper, and the wound that the brain is biting has basically healed. There is no problem. It seems that everything is normal, but...

"Hey!" At this moment, the black pepper slammed again, and it seemed that he did not see a tree in front of it.

The surrounding emerald dragons looked at it with strange expressions. The black pepper seemed to realize that he had a problem. He watched the sky darken, so the black pepper told the surrounding team to stop and rest.

Lin also tested the eyes of black pepper, there is no problem there, then that is... it may be that the brain of black pepper is affected, but the brain part is not easy to detect, and Lin wants to observe a little more.

The Emerald Dragons set up some simple houses here and prepared to rest for the night. The black pepper seemed to be tired, and after he had ordered some vigils, it began to fall asleep.

Lin has been paying attention to it. When the night is getting darker, the black pepper clearly shows some painful expression. It turns over and over, and Lin knows that it is a nightmare.

Nightmares are a common phenomenon, and usually creatures with higher stress will produce, but black peppers, obviously for some other reason...

"Oh!" Suddenly, the black pepper screamed and screamed. It also awakened the emerald dragon sleeping around. The jade dragons immediately took up their arms and looked around. When they found out that nothing happened, they were strange. I looked at the black pepper.

I saw the black pepper eyes filled with fear and looked around. When I looked at the jade dragons around me, my thoughts slowly stabilized, and then I went to sleep without saying anything...

Lynn found that this strange behavior of black pepper is just the beginning.

Later on the way, the black pepper became a little more spiritual, and it was not so easy to hit the tree, but almost every time I went to sleep, Lin found that it would have a nightmare, and always woke up and scared the surrounding emerald dragon.

If Lin can be a bigger brain-reader, she may find that black pepper is dreaming of something, but now the spy is not so good.

Sometimes black peppers will say some strange words when they sleep, although most of them are obscure words, but one of them is clear, that is, "Oriental."

...Is there something or something in the East?

Lin found that the brain circulatory system of black pepper is somewhat abnormal, but in general there is no problem, obviously it is affected by brain-making.

Lin still remembers that Bai Xiaolong was affected by the split brain and began to make strange buildings. Can the Emerald Dragon be bitten before it is affected? This is a very interesting phenomenon... but it also proves that making brains is a very dangerous thing.

After three days and nights, after passing through the complicated jungle, the troops finally merged with Susumi’s troops. In addition to the lingering nightmare, the black pepper’s performance has become more and more normal, but it is still I don't know if the black pepper is getting better, Lin thinks, maybe watching the black pepper, you will find more secrets about making brain monsters... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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