Under this sunny day, the dragon's exploration forces are slowly advancing, and in the depths of the jungle, the war of the emerald dragon is continuing...

Here is a huge pyramid, and the second pyramid that the Emerald Dragon intends to attack. Just like the previous one, the radius around the pyramid is surrounded by grass and low plants, and the pyramid itself It is higher than the previous one and is more than 50 meters high.

The tall building that stands in the middle of the jungle is now besieged by the emerald dragon army. The sky is swirling with a lot of Yalong. The surrounding jungle is also covered with the green figure of the emerald dragon. Now, the whole emerald dragon’s troops are already The pyramids are surrounded by the jungle, but they are not close to the pyramids and do not step into the grass around the pyramids.

Lin estimated that there were about 20,000 troops brought out by Susumi, and only a small amount remained in the city, and the fighting commanders Mukla and Black Pepper also came.

Lin feels that Susumi’s dispatch of such a large number of troops may have some problems... For example, is it possible for Li Yi to bypass Susumi’s troops to attack the city?

So far... Lin is not very clear about the ideas of Lie, and Susumi’s is more obvious. It intends to destroy the nearby pyramids, and then concentrate on siege the most pyramids. Further, there is a pyramid. Concentrated areas, this is also the most concentrated place...

Lie was originally active everywhere, and he often saw it outside, but since Susumi sent troops, they all hid, perhaps hiding in the pyramid. It may be somewhere else. Obviously. Their ability to acquire intelligence is much stronger than that of Emerald Dragon.

Susumi seems to be aware of this. Now even with so many troops, Susumi’s actions are very cautious. Susumi did not start attacking immediately after the pyramid was surrounded, but was preparing...

"Put that thing..." With some black-skinned, unspirited sounds, there are several Yalongs in the sky. These Yalong's claws grab a thick line, while the line is hung. Some huge weapons.

This is the 'giant bow' made by Susumi. Because it is too large to be transported in the jungle, it can only be carried with Yalong.

Although Yalong does not usually hunt for groups, they are very cooperative when they fly in groups, which also allows them to transport some large weights together.

The group of dragons slowly lowered their height and placed these large objects on the grass on the edge of the jungle.

These bows are finished and look like a large bow that is a few meters wide and placed on a strange base. This bowstring is made of a mixture of large horned dragons. The strings are already It was pulled open and fixed on a wooden small gate at the back end of the base. An arrow with a length of more than two meters was placed in the center of the bow. The arrows are made from the horns of dinosaurs. In fact, most of the dinosaur teeth or corners are much harder than ordinary stones.

Although it seems to be a very sophisticated weapon. But Lin felt that Susumumi only enlarged the usual bow.

Then, the Yalongs brought in more giant bows. A total of ten giant bows were lined up on the edge of the grass. They all face the pyramid in the center of the grass...

"Ready to start!" Under the command of the black pepper, ten emerald dragons walked out of the jungle. After they reached the giant bow, they placed their hands on the small gate.

Susumumi is not here now. It has already split a part of the troops to attack other pyramids. This is the result of its previous information on the black pepper. However, in order to prevent any problems, the two units will maintain the use of Asia. Dragon communication.

In the current army here, the black pepper is still the command...

"Shooting!" With a shout of black pepper, the Jade Dragons immediately opened the small gate that pulled the bowstring!

‘Hey! Under the powerful dragon-bomb ejection, the huge arrow rushed across the grass at a very fast speed, and banged into the rock wall of the pyramid.

It can be seen from a distance that almost the entire arrow stone has penetrated into the stone wall, and there are still a lot of cracks around it. There is even an arrow directly hitting a hole in the wall.

Lin feels that this arrow is not only powerful, but it is not very hard and has a relationship with the wall.

The emerald dragons also had a surprise after seeing this power. Although they did not cheer, Lin could feel their excitement and get a new powerful weapon. They would have been very happy.

"Very good! Keep shooting!" The black pepper looked very satisfied with this power. Then, a group of emerald dragons carried out huge arrows from the jungle and then loaded them onto the giant bow.

This weapon is not good at this point. The speed of continuous shooting is quite slow. The emerald dragons havetened to install the arrows and then pull the bowstrings. It took hundreds of meters of time to complete the row and the bows.

'boom! 'Compared to the filling, the shooting is only a moment. The wall hit by the arrow is making a loud noise, and the crack on the top is also creeping. There is an arrow just next to the previous arrow hit point. In an instant, the wall of the piece collapsed and fell off...

But relying on these arrows to knock down the entire pyramid, I don't know how long it will take.

And even if there is no one inside, I don’t know, but these pyramids should have special meaning for Li Yi. Although they don’t always stay in them, they are very valued. I don’t know why. What...

At this time, the Jade Dragons have already installed the third arrow. The arrow of this arrow has been made of stone. It is estimated that the dinosaur horn is not so good.

Susumui tried to raise horned dragons, but the character of the horned dragon is quite violent, and it is absolutely hostile to non-similars, and is completely different from Yalong.

But even the stone arrow, under this speed, can still penetrate the defense that is not too thick... ‘Boom! ’

This is the third shot. There are a lot of such large arrows on the surface of the pyramid. The black pepper is holding the distant wood to observe the holes that are hit by the arrows...

"Following..." When the black pepper was about to continue, it suddenly stopped and changed its mind: "Wait! Prepare to fight!"

The surrounding emerald dragons immediately became nervous. They clenched their weapons one after another, and saw a lot of shackles in the gap on the other side of the pyramid.

They used to smoke for a long time and they didn't come out. This time they ran out with three arrows and three arrows. These creatures are really special.

A large number of rafts emerged from the pyramids, and they ran straight across the grass and rushed to the surrounding jungle!

"Shooting!" As the Lie was getting closer and closer, the black pepper immediately screamed, and suddenly there were countless arrows flying in the jungle. They were like raindrops on the Lie, suddenly. The sound of screams also sounded...

"Kill them! One does not stay!"

"嘎-!!!" At this time, countless emerald dragons rushed out from the jungle. They rushed forward with their spears to the erection of these arrows, winning and losing, almost in an instant. It was revealed.

Before the black pepper caught some shackles, but as Lin thought, Li can not be a slave. Generally, if Bai Lulong is unwilling or disobedient, he can create pain for him. Beating it can make it obedient, but stand No matter how you play, they are completely indifferent.

Because Li Yan’s face didn’t even have expressions, Emerald Dragon even thought that they could not feel the pain, so he had to give up the idea of ​​using Lie as a slave...

Therefore, it is very crazy for the Jade Dragons to kill them now. They pierce their bodies with spears and smash their heads with shields.

Because they can't be slaves, they can at least use food. This unit is a regular force. Plus, they are far more numerous than the ones. It is estimated that there are hundreds of stands in the pyramid, so they easily win.

The slaughter was soon over, and the rushing rush was defeated in a short time, and the Jade Dragons attacked the pyramid.

Lin also entered the pyramid with them, which is not the same as the previous structure, but in general there is nothing special.

The only certainty is that this place is definitely not the base camp of Lili. There are no eggs or cubs in it. It is also very small when it is born. It needs to undergo many shelling to grow up. There is no strange phenomenon before. Sickle a knife or make a brain.

After occupying this pyramid, the black pepper allowed some Yalong knights to report to Susumumi, and these troops began to eat and rest while eating here...

The black pepper itself, lying on the ground faster than other emerald dragons, entered a deep sleep.

Lin is waiting for this time, because Lin has a way to 'see' the dream of black pepper. This continuous nightmare can finally be observed. Lin is mainly a few nights, Lin has been using the air. The dream connecters created in the base are shipped here.

In fact, there are a few dream connecters in the air base, because the cells of the brains are more complicated, and it takes a long time to manufacture them, so the bases of Lin will be reserved.

When the black pepper fell asleep, Lin let the dreamer fly down and quietly invaded its brain. Because of its discoloration function, the surrounding emerald dragon did not find it...

... After the black peppers are asleep, everything slowly becomes different.

The sky is shrouded in a shadow...

It seems to be another world. The earth is ridiculous. There is no life. In the sky, all the clouds rotate like a whirlpool, and they are all very purple.

"Where is this?" Under this world, the only green creature is particularly conspicuous. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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