4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 192: In the nightmare

"Where is this..." The black pepper walked over the ridiculous wilderness, and it looked around with fear, but the only thing that answered it was the whistling wind.

On the cracked black ground, occasionally you will see the bones of some unknown creatures, which makes the environment here a lot more strange.

The whole body of the black pepper trembles because of the cold wind. The whirlpool of the sky is like a huge eyeball, and it is not observing it all the time...

This scene is quite real, actually the same as the real one. This is the effect that Lynn created with the dreamer. Lin did not connect it to the dream of the brain of dreams, but the dreamer itself has a small brain. Can provide a fairly real view for the linker, of course, the content of the scene has nothing to do with the dreamer itself, or according to the thoughts of the black pepper.

The purpose of Lynn’s doing this is mainly because the dreams of most creatures are blurred, so that they can see more clearly.

But the black pepper has no doubts. It obviously does not know that he is dreaming. It is still moving forward in the wasteland.

Many creatures don't find themselves dreaming in a dream. This is an interesting phenomenon. Lin believes that part of their logical thinking ability cannot be used in dreams, but can be improved through exercise.

"Where is this..." The black pepper walked on his side as he talked to himself, and Lin could feel that his brain was full of fear, which is why it would be so uncomfortable to sleep.

The surrounding scenery will also change slowly with the pace of black pepper. There are some withered trees in this place. Lin found that these trees are not like any trees around the city of Emerald Dragon...

Is this scenery not seen in black pepper? This is worth studying.

"Oriental, go to the east..." Black pepper did not pay attention to the surrounding environment. Instead, we spoke strange words.

East. It was mentioned before. Is it a nest for making brains?

Lin wants to distinguish whether black pepper is simply mad, or is it really affected by strange brain waves, to do something special...

The black pepper continued to advance on the wasteland, and finally came to an end. It stood on the edge of a cliff, and the waves beat the cliffs under the cliff, making a loud noise.

The sea has appeared? Jade Dragon should have never seen the sea, so to speak. Black pepper is indeed something that it has never seen before. This kind of situation is rare, and it really is because it is affected by brain-building.

The black pepper stood on the beach, and it looked around, as if looking for something, and then... it suddenly jumped and jumped off the cliff at the beach!

"Hey!" At the moment of the jump, the black pepper jerked up. It opened its eyes and found that he was sleeping under the pyramid. Surrounded by emerald dragons looking strangely at it.

"Oh..." The black pepper knocked on his head and quickly fell asleep.

It seems that I was awakened by the fear of falling down. Even if it is not really falling, the brain feels that if it falls, it will send a lot of fear information.

It seems that the previous nightmare made the black pepper feel similar fear information, so it was always awakened. Maybe you should think of a way to let it not produce this fear, you can see more in the dream of black pepper. Information.

The jade dragons were always scared by the black peppers. Although they were not so scared after several times, they still felt that the black pepper was quite strange.

Lin once again saw the dream of black pepper... This time and before, it was a completely different place, this is a spacious river, and the black pepper is just in the river, as the water flows slowly down...

"Oriental..." Black pepper did not struggle in the water, but once again mentioned the word.

Lin felt that it might be necessary to take a look at the East, but what is the East in the East?

The black pepper descended down the river and soon reached the end of the current - the sea, the river of dreams with black peppers flowing into the sea...

At the moment when the black pepper just entered the sea, a giant beast suddenly rushed out of the sea, and the black pepper was suddenly awakened.

Lin tried to suppress the fear of black pepper, but without success, it seems that she can not completely suppress the fear...

However, the black pepper will not continue to be afraid after waking up, and it will soon fall asleep again, and this character is still very good.

Next, Lin looked at the black pepper and made many dreams. Almost every time it was a different scene, but in the end the destination was always the sea. The black pepper always went to the beach in the dream, but every time after arriving at the beach, There will be something that makes it fearful to wake it up.

This seems to form a special pattern. Is it true that black pepper is bitten by the brain and has something to do with the sea?

Of course, the brain-creating can be regarded as a sea creature. After all, the Aite group is also a sea creature. If you say this, perhaps the brain wave of the brain-making will affect the black pepper and let it go to the beach.

But what's interesting is that every time the black pepper wakes up, it sees the surrounding environment and it becomes more reassuring. It doesn't have any nightmares at all, and it doesn't have any strange moves.

It feels like the effect of making a brain monster on it is not complete, but what should happen if this kind of nightmare continues.

Of course, Lynne also wants to find out where the seaside is in her dreams, but this seems to be difficult... because every scene is different, so it is difficult to confirm, but Lynn recently caught a special creature. Maybe... some relationship with this incident is not necessarily the same.

Next, the short break next to the pyramid soon ended. The Jade Dragons left a small number of troops to stay here, while the other troops began to meet at Susummi’s location, where the black peppers were captured. At the time of a pyramid, Susumi also captured another pyramid.

It seems that every pyramid is the same. There are hundreds of vertical rafts in it, so they are impossible to resist the emerald dragon. Lishen also tried to sneak during the emerald dragon march, but the regular troops of Susumumi are not afraid of this. Kind of way.

Susumi seems to be planning to capture all the surrounding pyramids, and it has also mobilized some non-warrior jade dragons, which intend to use the pyramid directly and start building new cities nearby.

It seems that this idea is too early... After all, the war has not yet won.

Or... Susumi is too small to look at it? That is not a good thing, but it may have other ideas.

But Lie also may have other ideas, most of them are scattered in the jungle, rather than gathered in the pyramid, they may attack any place...

As for the exploration team of Xiaolong, it has now begun to move up the river...

This seems to have created an unfavorable situation for the Jade Dragon. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks to ~1176~ of ~tgfgtfd~!

Thanks to the ~whynotaccept~ monthly ticket~

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