4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 193: Remote change

This is a spacious river, with some strange things floating in the slow current, the ship made by the bones.

“Wow!” Some short, dark-skinned creatures swam around the boat. They caught the fish caught in the water and then pushed the boat upstream.

As their bone boats look up, you can see a huge canyon, the river flowing in the canyon, and on the rock walls on both sides of the canyon, the city of the dwarf creatures stands.

The city made by the bones.

A variety of bone huts are built on steep rock walls. There are also bone bridges built by bones between the cottages. In the valley, there is also a huge bone bridge connecting the rock walls on both sides. Among the rivers, there are also 'fishing nets' made up of bones for captive fish. Countless gnomes are going back and forth in the houses built by bones. All the things here are their masterpieces.

"Oh..." A white figure appeared on the cliffs of the cliff.

It looked down at the bone house below, and the sigh of color leaked out of his eyes.

This white creature is wearing a strange armor, reflecting the shining brilliance under the sunlight. Although it belongs to the class of white dragon, it seems to be different.

However, compared to the armor that it wears, it seems to admire the bone houses built by the gnomes. There is nothing to bond between these bones. They simply plug one bone at a time. Together, this is a fairly complicated technique that has only been passed down from generation to generation in gnomes.

This white dragon looked at the gnome building below and seemed to be fascinated. Until it noticed a sound.

"It's a white dragon!" Behind it. There are twelve... no. It’s thirteen dragons, and they almost all glared at the white dragon, and the weapons in their hands have been lifted high.

"Kill it!"

With a scream, the dragons rushed up immediately, and the white dragon was trying to retreat, but the first dragon had already rushed to it, and the high stone axe slashed on the armor of his chest.

"Hey!" Bai Haolong fell to the ground because of the slamming of the dragon, although its breastplate is still intact. But it is probably hard to stand up again.

At this time, all the dragons were surrounded, and the screams of Bai Xiaolong reverberated over the canyon...

“Hey?” At a distance of about three kilometers from the screaming place, another white-skinned dragon, who was also wearing it, heard the sound and immediately ran in that direction.

And behind it, there are dozens of white dragons.


At the same time, on the other side, the voice of battle is constantly echoing...

Here is a plain with brown meadows, five huge pyramids of more than 50 meters towering in the center of the plain, surrounded by a pyramid. They held their spears and looked around nervously. In all directions of the plain, they are covered with the green figure of the jade dragon.

Since this time, the emerald dragon army led by Susumi has occupied one pyramid after another, and there is almost no loss, because the number of erectings in the pyramid is too small. Finally, after cleaning up the surrounding pyramids. Susumumi began to integrate the troops and attacked a seemingly more difficult target – the grassland with five pyramids.

The prairie is covered with rotten trunks. This is a masterpiece of Lichen. They will also push down the nearby trees while building the pyramids, but they do not remove or use the wood, but leave the wood in place, soon This place will be filled with low-lying plants, grasses and fungi.

At present, Lin is still not sure why Li is doing this, perhaps just to create open areas, and this open area also provides an excellent venue for the Jade Dragons.

The army led by Susumi has surrounded the five pyramids. Perhaps because of the relationship between the five pyramids, the entire grassland is very large and can even accommodate tens of thousands of troops!

The Lieutenants are different. They don’t hide in the pyramids as before, but they are surrounded by pyramids and are ready to guard these pyramids.

However, in the face of more than 20,000 emerald dragons around, and the Yalongs in the sky, only a few thousand of them have a high chance of winning, fear is centering on their thoughts... but They have no way to go.

In this battle, Susumumi also came to the battlefield as a conductor. He rode on the largest Yalong in the body, overlooking all the creatures on the battlefield, holding a huge horned horn in his hand. Susumi put his horn in his mouth and blew it hard...

"Oh--" The low voice echoed between the heavens and the earth, and the emerald dragons dispersed immediately. Among them, huge bows and arrows were pushed to the front of the team.

Despite the huge number of advantages, Susumui is still reluctant to fight directly, but instead uses the old method of shooting with huge bows and arrows.

At this time, if they attack them, they will have to be dispersed, which will result in a further reduction in their number and a more unfavorable form.

However, some of the pyramids that Susumi attacked before, Lin believes that there is no deliberate defense, there is a feeling for Susumi, but the five pyramids here... they are obviously very valued.

Therefore, Lie did not wait for this time. When the Emerald Dragons prepared the giant bow, there was a commotion in the group of Lijun. Some strange things went to the front of the Lijun group...

Lin's spy in the group of Emerald Dragons can see strange creatures appearing in the distant group.

Those creatures look like they are a very strong stature, about 50% larger than the average erect, and they are not standing, they are walking around, their heads are covered with a carapace. Only the sharp corners of the sawtooth.

Sure enough, as Lin knows, Lie has the ability to change their form, perhaps because they let Susumumi occupy a single pyramid on the periphery...

They take some time to change shape.

With the emergence of this large-scale stand, all the troops of Lishen have changed. They have all looked in the direction of the north, that is, the army where Lin is located.

"What is that?" Some of the emerald dragons noticed the changes in the group, and they said to the black pepper in disbelief: "Commanders, there are some strange things among them."

"..." The black pepper as the commander said nothing.

Recently, the influence of black pepper has not been limited to dreams, and its mental state has begun to change. It is estimated that after a while, it will have more serious problems.

"What's wrong with you? Commander!" The Jade Dragon was a little scared, because without instructions, they couldn't attack, but the black pepper still didn't respond.

"Oh..." At the same time, on the opposite side, those large stand-ups have been lined up and ready for the battle.

Emerald Dragon looked at the opposite side, and he hurriedly shouted: "Commander! The other party has already..."

The words of Jade Dragon have not been finished yet. There was a sudden roar of anger at the side of Li, and all the lieutenants began to act. The Liss did not disperse, but the north side, that is, the position of the black pepper and Lin. Initiated a charge!

The large lieutenant was the front leader of the striker. Their footsteps trembled the entire grassland. The huge army of troops standing behind them shouted in unison. It seems that they used this side as an exit and directly tore the encirclement of the emerald dragon. !

And watching the horrible army rushing to the side, the black pepper did not react... The jade dragons also refused to listen to any orders. They hurriedly lifted the spears and arranged them into a formation that blocked the attack.

At this time, the footsteps of the bang have come close, and Da Lizhen has already rushed to the front of the Emerald Dragons...

‘Hey! 'With a loud noise, the two armys flew out in the moment of collision. The jade dragon's spear could not withstand the impact of Da Lizhen. The defense line in front of the unit collapsed at this moment. With the troops behind them ramming in the emerald dragon, there is hardly anything to stop them, and the giant bows that were placed before are trampled into pieces at this moment.

However, the regular army's jade dragons are not so easy to collapse, they use their spears to resist the monsters before they stand in this group.

"What's going on there!" Susumi in the sky obviously noticed that even an arrow in the north was shot and it was blown away. It immediately blew the horn, and the other emerald dragons in the other directions immediately began to move. They circled the group of troops that attacked the north.

"Block them! Don't let them rush out!"

The five Yalongs used a spear to hold a large scorpion. The strong carapace on the head made Yaron's spear unable to penetrate, and its powerful strength as an extremity creature allowed it to resist several times its own. Opponents, even more than them!

Da Lizhen suddenly slammed hard, and the long-range spears of the Yalongs immediately sounded the sound of 'Kara', breaking open from the middle. At the moment when the spears broke, several moments suddenly jumped out from behind Da Li’s body. Pierced the chest of these emerald dragons.

Other troops are all around, and Lie knows this, so they are trying their best to kill and try to tear the way away.

"Yalong troops, go to support!"

Under Susumi's command, the large creatures flying around in the sky began to change their flight trajectories. They shrank their wings and swooped down from the sky and crashed into the group.

Seeing the situation at the rear, I was even more nervous after seeing Da Lizhen in front. A big lieutenant slammed into a large number of jade dragons, and it seemed to be surrounded by the emerald dragon!


A spear suddenly stabbed the back of the head, the connection between the head and the neck. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks to the ~ccrv~ monthly ticket~

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