4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 194: War suspense

"Hey!" At the moment when the neck was stabbed by a spear, Li, who had just been invincible, fell to the ground and did not move.

The surrounding emerald dragon looked at the scene with amazement. The jade dragon who had just thrown a spear found the weakness of Da Lijun! The spear of the spear is exactly the black pepper that was still worried.

In fact, it didn't keep going, and the black pepper ran away at the moment when the Lijun army rushed over, but it hasn't had any movement since then, and it has only been shot until now.

Lin has never touched her hands, but watched them in the army. In the battle, Da Lizhen has almost always been rampant, no jade dragons to resist them, black pepper should not know Da Lijun This weakness, is it just just lost? Or is it another reason?

However, after the black pepper successfully killed a big lieutenant, the surrounding emerald dragons immediately began to imitate. They used bows and spears to shoot the neck of Da Li’s neck. Pierced and fell down.

This should be the weakness of their deformation, because the carapace of the head is rapidly enlarged, resulting in some gaps.

However, Lie still did not give up, there is still a considerable amount of Da Lizhen in front of the charge, they rushed into the chaos, has already smashed a passage from the north side of Yalong, all the rushing to this The gap is frantically flowing.

As long as they flee into the jungle, they can quickly get rid of the chase of the emerald dragon.

"Don't let them run away! Attack! Kill all the light!" Under the screams of the Emerald Dragons, the sky has flown through countless huge shadows, and Yalong's wings have always been the most fearful object of Li. They fly through the air. The emerald dragons in the sky shot down the arrow. And some Yalong rushed to the ground, crushing its opponent with a huge body.

"Hey!" A big man suddenly slammed his head and flew a few emerald dragons that surrounded it. A dense jungle had already appeared in front of it, but just as it wanted to run forward, it suddenly felt a huge force. Grabbed its back, its hands and feet no longer touch the ground.

A dragon used his claws to grasp the big scorpion under his feet. It flew high into the air and threw it back into the group. Put a few smashes just below the stand.

At this time, more Yalongs rushed down from the air. They grabbed them and threw them down. This is even more efficient than attacking weaknesses, but it is also because the Jade Dragon is perfect. Command Yalong.

Maybe Li Wei will now regret why the trees around the pyramid have been pushed down, which makes the Yalongs attack quite easy. However, Lin believes that Lie should have thought about this problem for a long time, but they rarely try to be in the jungle. Jade Dragon is fighting...

Lie slowly collapsed under Yalong’s offensive, and their blood has already begun to change the atmosphere. Every Lien has no intention of fighting, but rushes to the exit with all strength.

There is no suspense in the battle of this battle... Has it?

'boom! 'In the five pyramids in the center of the entire venue. Suddenly some kind of loud noise came out.

This sound is big enough for all the jade dragons who are fighting in the madness to notice that many of the jade dragons are looking at the pyramid because of doubts.

‘Boom...’ Under the watchful eyes of the Jade Dragons, a pyramid suddenly appeared numerous cracks, and the stones on the walls began to collapse, and eventually the entire pyramid collapsed...

At this time, more Emerald dragons fled into the jungle while watching the pyramid.

Lichen may have used some way to make the binding liquid in the entire pyramid gravel instantly lose its viscosity. In fact, the lieutenant will secrete this liquid for opening, but they have not seen them used to disintegrate the entire pyramid.

Next... the war is over.

The Emerald Dragons killed 80% of the shackles, and the rest fled into the jungle. At their speed, the Emerald Dragon could not catch up.

And because the pyramid collapsed, the Emerald Dragons did not dare to enter the remaining four pyramids, they all had to surround the pyramid.

Although the jade dragons won this time, the happy mood was smaller than usual, mainly because Li Yi attacked the troops in the north and lost a lot of them, and there is still a problem...

Emerald Dragon has discovered that Lie is not only a creature that knows how to use spears, but there are even different forms among them, which makes some jade dragons worry about future battles.

However, Susumi is currently most concerned about the issue of raids in the north.

"What the **** is going on, black pepper, why did the troops on your side not even shoot an arrow!"

On the grass, a group of emerald dragons became a circle, while in the circle stood three emerald dragons, Susumu, Mukla and black pepper...

"If you shoot the arrows in time, the troops will not have so much loss! They will not escape them!"

It was Mukla, and Susumi stood by and said nothing.

Susumi paid considerable attention to the life and death of the soldiers. After these battles, Lin found that Susumi always avoided as much as possible.

It may be that training a soldier takes a long time, or because a casualty can cause morale problems.

Lin felt that Susumi should get more combat commanders to avoid a similar situation.

"...I..." What did the black pepper want to say, but stopped again...

"You are not suitable as a commander, black pepper." Mukla said: "If you continue to do this, there will be other dragons to replace your position."

"No, it wasn't like this before." Suddenly, an emerald dragon stood up and said to Mukla: "The black pepper commander had no problem before... until it was a strange thing in the lair's lair. After the bite..."

"Strange things?" This is what Susumume said. It seems to have suddenly come to interest.

"That is... this strange thing." This jade dragon picked up a spear and portrayed the shape of the brain on the ground.

The surrounding emerald dragons look to this side, Mukla also looked very confused. It asked: "This creature...has never seen it. You said that you found it in the nest of Lili? Why didn’t you Say?"

"The last time they reported to me that there is such a creature." Susumi said: "But they said they have already killed."

The emerald dragon said: "Yes... we have killed it, but after that the commander became very strange..."

"嘎——!!!" At the moment when the emerald dragon just finished, the black pepper suddenly looked at the painting on the ground and shouted in horror... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!

Ps: Thank you ~mac~ monthly ticket~

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