4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 195: Night sneak attacker

More than 30 days and nights have passed since the Jade Dragon began attacking Lie.

A lot of things happened during the period, but the most concerned about Lin is the madness of black pepper...

The black pepper is already crazy. From the beginning of the nightmare to the current situation, its spirit has become more and more abnormal. The original Susumi has three combat commanders, Mukla, black pepper, and flying spear.

After losing two, Susumi decided to re-elect more commanders. Otherwise, it is difficult to command so many troops. Susumumi did not directly choose, but customized a new system. Named: 'Upgrade'.

Lynd said that the name Susumi is really strange.

But the meaning in it is very simple, by the number of killings, the performance of the soldiers in the battle to customize the 'level', the senior can command the lower level, the higher can get the Yalong mount, and the highest can As a commander.

Some are like the competition leader of Xiaolong, but the ‘grade’ of Emerald Dragon will not be higher than Wang’s no matter how high...

In order to customize the new system, Susumi intends to start repairing the troops in this empty lawn with five...now four pyramids, and select some powerful emerald dragons. The attack may be delayed compared to the expected one.

Because the Jade Dragon will deceive the same kind, some Emerald Dragons will definitely report their own records. I am afraid that it is another trouble to deal with the fake newspapers, but this is not the case of Lin... Lin is more concerned about the black pepper.

This caused the black pepper to become like this, and the brain-killing monster has been marked as a 'very poisonous, extremely dangerous' creature, and its drawing board has been transported to the city through Yalong. Presumably it will be a long time later. The Jade Dragons will be able to fully understand this creature.

As for the black pepper that was bitten. At this time, Jade Dragon did not know how to deal with it, so it was now tied to a wooden stake with vines, and Lin walked over to it, watching the jade dragon who kept saying some strange words.

"They, the East... Hey!!" The black pepper is constantly struggling, and these words are repeated in the mouth.

"Don't get close to it!" When Lin's spy approached, the emerald dragon guarding the black pepper on both sides immediately raised the spear and said: "The poison in it may be contagious!"

"..." Lin did not say anything, but did not move on.

Actually. Lin can cure the black pepper, but if it is done, it will lose some special clues... The brain of the black pepper is now affected by a special substance.

This substance is not injected into the brain, but is produced in the body of the black pepper. This substance was originally used to make the body more excited, and at the same time has some other functions. Lin recently noticed that After each nightmare of black pepper, its body will produce a large amount of corresponding substances, presumably for some reason to induce it to secrete these things.

This kind of thing is harmless, but after a certain amount. It will make the mind become abnormal.

By studying black pepper, Lin has discovered the cause of the induction. That is something of a certain kind of current, which may be caused by brain-building monsters when they bite.

Because such things are hard to find, Lin didn't notice it at the time... And now, Lin found this 'induced current' in another creature.

This is related to the creature that Linde discovered before that made the 'landworm'...

The maker of the ground worm, which does not ingest nutrients by itself, was then waiting to see Lin, and finally waited for a creature to come to feed.

This creature can be said to be a ... discharge type creature, which looks like a parasite called scorpion, but its shape is more than one meter, and the two forelimbs are specialized into a power generating organ.

This thing is responsible for feeding the makers of the ground worms, and it usually lives a hunting life. It seems that there is nothing special, but its ability to discharge is special, it will damage some of the body's endocrine mechanism, which is black. The effects of peppers are very similar.

I must have a similar ability to make a brain, because this is called ‘Electricity’. It is the same as the brain-making monster. It is the creature left by the Yate population.

However, the brain-building blame has a deeper influence on the black pepper. It can make the black pepper have a nightmare and many other situations, and this nightmare is not the imagination of the black pepper, but it is fixed.

In fact, it is hard to think that these behaviors of black pepper are caused by a single brain-making monster. It is likely that there are still other things that have a constant impact on the black pepper.

Moreover, it is always mentioned in the East, where is it?

When Lin wants to solve this problem, she must keep the black peppers crazy... Maybe at some point, the black pepper will point out that direction.

The night has slowly deepened. Susumumi ended the first round of the selection of the jade dragon. It selected a lot of elite jade dragons. As Lin thought, Susumi did not believe those self. The Jade Dragon who reported the record, Susumi selected all the jade dragons that they themselves or Mukla had seen in the battle to kill the enemy.

After eating the big meal of the grilled oysters, the jade dragons began to build temporary huts with simple branches and stones, forming a huge camp. Almost all the jade dragons slept in the hut, because this is very It is easy to be sneaked and I don't know, so Susumi has also built some 'sentinel towers' around this area, and there are some guarded jade dragons.

In addition to the black peppers and the guards on the surrounding towers, the surrounding emerald dragons entered the hut and the surroundings were silent.

Black pepper seems to be tired at this time, and has not been struggling all the time, but it still does not sleep, its eyes have been watching in one direction.

Lin did not enter the hut, but kept watching it in the hay near the black pepper.

In addition to the wind, there is no sound, Lin has a feeling, what may happen here...

"There is a situation there!" On a nearby sentry tower, an emerald dragon said to its companions.

"What?" Another Jade Dragon looked at the dark woods that were shaking in the night wind and asked in confusion; "What have you seen?"

"There was something white in the bush just now..." The emerald dragon said: "I haven't seen white creatures here."

“Maybe it is a white dragon?” Another jade dragon said: “I don’t know if there is a community of creatures nearby.”

"Will they be in the ground?"

Just as the two emerald dragons discussed, a sudden burst of white figures in the jungle, they ran through the tower at a very fast speed, and directly rushed into the camp without the attention of the emerald dragon.

"Oh..." These white creatures whispered and quickly approached one direction...

The location of the black pepper.

Lin noticed the footsteps echoing in the camp. Lin immediately let the spy change the color, waiting for the target to approach. When the footsteps were getting closer and closer, through the stars of the sky, Lin confirmed the figure of the comer.

This is... Bai Haolong? At the beginning, Lin thought that there was a sneak attack, why is it a white dragon?

There were five white dragons. They looked around nervously and walked to the side of the black pepper. One of the white dragons took out a red thing and put it on the head of the black pepper...

That thing is... split brain? Things seem to be getting interesting.

After the split brain was placed on the head of the black pepper, it seemed that there was no special reaction, but Lin felt that it released some brain waves, and the white dragons immediately picked up the split brain, and they were preparing to loosen the black. The rope of the pepper seems to be taking it away.

But... ‘oh! ’

The white dragon that untied the rope looked incredulously at his chest, where a spear was protruding, and there was no chance of screaming, and he fell to the ground.

The remaining four white dragons turned their heads and saw Susumi standing behind them with Mukhla and a few emerald dragons, and surrounded by more jade dragons.

In fact, the vigil of the vigil is not only in the tower, but many of them are still not sleeping in the hut. They should have noticed the movement here, including Susumi.

"Hey..." The white dragons looked around in panic, and Susumi and the surrounding emerald dragons seemed to be amazed at them, because no matter which emerald dragon, it was estimated that this was a sneak attack, but it was found It’s the white dragon, and they actually attack the black pepper...?

However, Susumui did not care so much, it ordered, all the emerald dragons rushed up, these white dragons fell into a pool of blood in an instant.

During their fight, Lynn noticed that the physical strength of this group of white dragons seems to be less than that of the common white dragons. Although their bodies are still tall, they seem to be more powerful than the emerald dragons.

Lin speculated that this was a very different kind of white dragon. After they were killed, the bodies were buried by the emerald dragons, and then the jade dragons returned to the house again, just like everything has never happened...

But this is very rich information for Lynn.

The split brain that the white dragons took out fell to the ground. Fortunately, it was not trampled in the fight. Lin picked up the split brain and placed it on the head of the black pepper.

The black pepper looks fine, and the split brain responds to the black pepper, which begins to produce a stronger signal.

Perhaps Bai Xiaolong relied on this signal to find black peppers... At present, Lin can only speculate that they may be the white dragons that have been seen before and started to build strange buildings under the influence of split brains.

If they are deeply affected, will they make even more strange moves? It seems that there is indeed this possibility.

In any case, Lin has already obtained clues. Lin found that the strong signal from this split brain will pass in one direction...

And that direction should be...the ‘city’. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ 旪箛峸 旪箛峸 home ~ 588~

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