4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 142: phantom?

This place ... has a wonderful feeling.

Lynn was slowly moving forward in the darkness.

Lynn's Veronica boarded on a thick silver fog, the dense fog containing the abandoned mood moving slowly.

You can see some scenery around, that is, the light point that looks far away from here.

They are few in number, swaying in darkness as if they are about to go out.

I don't know if this is the scenery seen by Abandoned Abyss or something special. Lin didn't leave the dense fog to detect these light spots, but just watched them slowly drifting past.

As the journey continued, the light spots became fewer and fewer, and the last one was gone.

But something else appeared.

These things are ... something that looks like sculpture.

It looks like it is made of rocks, each of which is only a few meters in size, and has a variety of shapes, some like marine life, and some like various void creatures.

But they are just like, in fact, they are not creatures that Lin has seen.

The number of these sculptures became more and more, and Lin found more different materials appeared. Most of them were like gray rocks, and a few were like white stone carvings, and some were like metal, even shining with brilliant light .

These materials are different ... what do they mean?

Soon, Lin met some familiar things, such as some tumbling people, including various stars and ordinary tumbling people, and some sculptures of void phenomenon.

And they are all normal void phenomena.

In various sculptures, Lynn saw a familiar tumbler ... that was Ersh.

Ershi's 'sculpture' is different from everything else, because it is colored and looks exactly like the real Ershi.

And it's on the way of Lynn.

Lynn did not control the direction of this dense silver fog, it was completely automatic, it is getting closer and closer to this Ersh, and Ersh is also approaching ... getting bigger and bigger.

It swelled quickly, changing rapidly from a diameter of only a few meters to the true size of an Iris.

And the dense fog that Lin was riding in also flew into this Ershi ... 'atmosphere'.

Then slowly landed towards Ersh's surface.

Lin found that there was a brightly lit city below, and the roads were full of densely populated people and their vehicles, except that they were different from the surrounding scenery and all were gray.

The dense fog that Lyne boarded landed near a street, and then the thick fog disappeared.

The moment Lin's Veronica landed on her feet, Lin found that all the Ershimins around him ... had become colored.

Several Ershi folks looked around in the direction of Veronica.

"Did you just ... suddenly appear?" One of the stations, Ershi Min, asked Veronika, "Did you suddenly emerge from the air?"

"..." Lynn didn't answer it, it walked away after a few more glances.

And the people around Ershi who had paid attention to Lin also walked away, as if everything had returned to normal, and the people around them were busy with their own affairs.

Lynn thinks it's also a place ... such as Ersh, simulated with dream energy.

But why is there such a place? And it belongs to the more 'old' Ersh.

Judging from the style of the surrounding vehicles and buildings, Lynn found that she was in an era in which she had not yet begun to explore the void.

Their only exploration of the void was on a nearby moon moon, and at this time they did not know that Ersh was alive.

This place simulates this era ... I don't know what it means, is it related to the leader?

Because it was fun, Lynn shook around a bit, and at the same time asked some of the people around Ershimin.

Lynn found that they lived completely in the simulation, completely unaware of the unforeseen land, and that when she landed on the ground, she saw the sun appear in the sky.

After strolling around for a while, Lynn found ... a more prominent Ershimin.

Lynn noticed that her body had a brighter luster than other Ershimins, although it looked no different from the ordinary people around.

But because of its sheen, it looks very prominent in this lively street.

This was probably only visible to Lynn, so Lynn quickly approached it.

Lin found the Ershimin moving quickly on the street, as if rushing somewhere, but after stopping for a while it stopped and turned to ask Lin: "What are you doing with me? I Is it so popular? "

"Do you know me?" Lynn asked it.

"Ah?" Ershimin asked, "Isn't it my question?"

"..." Lin didn't say anything. The Ershimin also stayed in front of Lin for a while, then said, "Strange." Then he left.

Lynn continued to follow it. Although she often turned around and looked at her, she was very concerned about Veronica's appearance, but her footwork continued.

In the end it went under a building and walked in.

The first floor of the building is a place with ... a lot of computers.

Ershimin's discovery has always been to try to make the screen thinner, but this era is an era where the screen of a computer is still very thick.

Many Ershimins were sitting in front of the computer and looking at the flashing screen, so was Lin following him.

It came to an empty computer, and before he sat, he took a careful look at Lin and said, "What the **** are you doing?"

"You continue," Lynn said.

"..." The Ershimin hesitated for a while before continuing to pull the chair and sit down.

Then Lynn watched it and started playing the entertainment games of the past.

It seems ... nothing special.

It controlled the characters in the game in the game. At the same time, Lin also found that it communicated with the teammates in the game, saying that Lin was watching it, and those teammates expressed enviously how popular it was.

"Ah!" Suddenly, its game character ... died.

"What's going on!" The Ershimin yelled in surprise, because there was nothing in the game that caused his character to die.

At this time, Ershimin's entire body was instantly sucked in by the computer.

Lynn noticed that the screen was forming a vortex that looked like it was constantly spinning, and no other Elshmins around had noticed it.

Lyn found that Veronica could also enter the whirlpool, so she got into it.

"This is my initial form."

After entering, Lyn heard a voice.

"you are……"

As soon as Lin asked, the voice responded, "I'm the creature you want to find."

"I am ... the leader."

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