4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 143: past life

"Where is this? Did I get into that? ... What's wrong with me!"

Here is a vast plain.

Lynn's Veronica and an Elshman are together.

Before, Lin and the Ershimin entered the vortex of the screen, and then came to this plain.

At the same time, Lin also heard herself claiming to be 'leader' before entering.

"You ... you came in too? Wait, what the **** is going on with me?"

Lynn found the Ershimin looking at herself very anxiously, because she had put on a new set of clothes all over ... and her skin had turned purple.

Simply put, it becomes the character in the previous game.

This kind of thing often appears in Ershimin's entertainment works, and it seems that it can also be experienced in Ershimin.

"Guru ..." At this time, Lin found a large monster ahead, of course, this is one of the monsters in the game.

"Did I really enter the game ... Great!" The Ershimin was very happy to see the monster coming over, without any panic, and pulled out a weapon from behind.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen ... ha ha ha ha ha!" It was full of confidence, yelling and rushed towards the monster.

Then it was trampled to death.

After Ershimin's death, Lynn noticed that the surrounding scenery had completely disappeared and changed back to the scene before her computer.

The vortex of the computer screen also disappeared, and the Ershimin was lying in front of the computer, as if sleeping.

The scenery just now ... is it a dream?

When Lyn thought so, the voice of the self-proclaimed leader resounded: "This is not the first time, nor is it the last."

"You ..." Lynn asked, "Do you want to tell me something?"

"Yes," said the leader, "this place is the farthest point where Ersh has reached, and it makes it all."

Then he talked to Lynn about the whole process.

This place is the 'source' of ... Ershi.

It is said that in the kind of dreams that Lin encountered before, there are actually many of them, and they are all going on unpredictable journeys.

The purpose of these dreams is only one, and that is to find the source of Rush.

'Source' is precisely the source of the birth of the bus creature.

At the time, Ersh believed that bus creatures were a mixture of species, and their thinking came from unforeseen places.

As a result, it created a large number of dreams Rush was looking for.

It's just that they were destroyed for some reason, but one of them was very far away.

This is the place of the abandonment place, which is also the place where the source is located. It is said that the consciousness of the bus creatures is really ... the place of birth.

At the time, Ersh thought so.

The leader said that he didn't know much about Ershi at that time, but he generally knew some ideas of Ershi, and it wasn't clear why Ershi took this as the source, but there was something special about this position.

This location is really far from the entrance to an unpredictable place, which means that the location of the desired space is quite far away.

According to the calculation method of the distance in the normal void, there is almost a distance of more than 10,000 years.

And this dream Ershi did not move after arriving here, it stayed here.

At that time, this Ershi was the same as the normal void Ershi environment, that is to say, there was still a long time before the emergence of Ershi people.

It can be said that it is in a very primitive state.

Of course, the original is only the ecological environment on the surface. At that time, Ershi was not primitive. It might as well say that it probably knew the most at that time, at least more than it does now. It has a deep understanding of unforeseen places Therefore, these dreams were created.

Next, this dream Ershi, which came far and deep in unpredictable places, began a rapid 'development'.

The ecology above it is changing rapidly, much faster than the normal Void.

In the end, it stopped in this era.

This is the era of Ershimin ... Ershimin is developing at a high speed at this time, and there are many countries on the surface, but the exploration of the void is at a very slow stage.

At this time, Ershi, who was in the normal void, was far from appearing.

Not even dinosaurs ... or trilobites.

Although the pace of development here is much faster, it is entirely developed according to the line designed by Ersh ... There is almost no deviation.

Ershi created his dream Ershi by entering 'data' into unforeseen places.

These data are not only the environment at that time, but also a series of ecological developments in the future, etc.

But these data are not infinite, and their end point is the era of Ershimin.

Arriving in this era of dreams Rush stopped rapid change.

The Ershimins here do not realize that they are in an unforeseen place.

All the 'rules' here are carried out in strict accordance with the normal void, so the Ershi people here still live a very normal life.

Around this dream Ershi, there is also a 'star sky simulation device'.

This is a more wonderful device. In simple terms, what Ershmin can see when watching the starry sky is ... a normal void starry sky, not an unforeseen environment.

These stars also include long-term changes, that is, what Ershmin sees is the normal starry future sky.

Even around this dream, Ershi, there are matching ... rollers of the original galaxy.

However, they did not exist at the beginning, but were slowly formed around the scene when the dream Rush arrived.

Almost after the dream Ershi stopped in the era of Ershimin, the tumblers around him also formed Wannianquan.

Then, this dream Ershi, who has explored the source, has stayed here at the source.

It's unclear whether it has been used to explore the source, in short, it has never been moved.

Ershimin also lived in this place without any doubt.

At that time, Ershimin may have explored beyond the galaxy, and they could find this anomaly of the void, but their technology at that time only landed on Ershi ’s satellite—the moon. As for farther places, they just looked through the telescope .

This way they will all see the familiar normal void scene.

The leader was born here.

It indicates that at the time ... it was one of the many Ershi people on the surface of this dream Ershi.

This is the Ershimin that Lin has seen now.

Looks ordinary, has no outstanding ability, likes computer and other entertainment things, the leader's initial thinking starts from it.

But ... not exactly.

:. :

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