"Some creatures seem to notice ... the fate of their control."

Travelling across the world is easy because of the team leader.

Some creatures went to Dreamland Rush, the heartland of all the world.

Then they found the fact that scared them there was their world, which was originally in the game.

Because some worlds are about the same level of skill as or even more ... They wandered in the dreamland and soon discovered these games.

In fact, the world of these creatures is already in a semi-destructive phase due to the brutal 'villains'.

They discovered in Dreamland that this was mainly a game plan.

Because we want gamers to continue ... there are monsters to play, so we need to keep the game world suffering from various crises.

These creatures were shocked to discover that what happened in the game ... was what happened in their world.

And the Ershi people on the dream Ershi have a lot of games and various works. Because these creatures have been to some worlds, they find that these worlds are the same as some of the works of Ershi people.

The dream Ershi ... is controlling all other worlds.

Because of the continuous crisis and almost destroyed anger of their world, these creatures began to attack those ... game creators in Dreamland Rush.

Although they successfully killed the maker, they found that this did not solve the problem.

Their world has not changed at all, they think it may be because even if the producer is dead, the game will not completely disappear on the dream Ershi, and many Ershi people continue to play or remember the game.

Their original idea was ... the dream Rush may continue to affect their world.

Then the group of creatures came to the answer. To end the suffering of their world, they must destroy the dream Ershi.

Then the creatures began their plans.

They went to other worlds, and advertised that their worlds were works of Dreamland's games.

When other worlds learned this, they were almost shocked.

Then various creatures from different worlds formed a huge team, and they decided to destroy the dream Ershi.

Because of the propaganda of the original creatures, these worlds agreed that only the destruction of the dream Ershi ... can completely get rid of the fate of this world being controlled.

These creatures from different worlds formed a huge army, and they gathered in front of the leader's city.

They want to attack Dream Rush through the city of the leader.

However, the leader rejected their invitation.

In fact, they didn't know that the leader was also from Dream Rush. They thought the leader was willing to let them attack, and even these creatures wanted the leader to join them.

The leader's refusal made them very angry, because these creatures felt that they were saving their world.

The unwillingness of the leader was not a particular reason, just because it had lived in the dream Ershi before.

The leader then set up his own troops to resist the invasion.

As many of the inhabitants of the leading city were originally Lashites, they soon formed a unit to fight against invaders in another world.

Then the war began.

The team leader was at that time against the creatures who wanted to destroy Dream Rush ... It was not very difficult.

Because at that time it was already very powerful, and so were its troops.

They are easier to defeat than creatures who want to invade Rush.

But this is not the end, because the news of the team's victory soon spread to those who want to invade the world of dream Rush.

It even spread to many worlds that didn't know it.

This made a lot of the world know the dream of Ershi, and knew that their world was composed of the imagination of Ershi people.

The creatures in these worlds all have similar ideas. They decide to destroy the dream Ershi, so that their world will be free.

Soon, these worlds were united, and even those in crisis, the world that was about to be destroyed, crowded out some troops.

After all, these crisis worlds also have 'heroes'.

Now these heroes have changed their goal from solving the villains of their world to destroying the dream Ershi.

These creatures from all over the world gathered again before the leader's city.

This time the fight was much fiercer than the first. After almost destroying half of the city, the team leader still won.

The creatures of these worlds also understood the power of the leader, but they did not give up.

Instead of forming troops to attack, they tried to bypass the team leader and attack Dreamland.

These creatures started trying to make jumping points themselves.

Although the jumping points of Dreamland Ershi to these worlds are one-way channels, under their research, there are still some methods that can be reached.

The leader at that time ... was also expanding and forming his own army.

The purpose of the leader ... is to rule the world.

Rule the world that is trying to invade Dreamland.

These worlds don't know the leader's intentions, and they study jump points quickly.

As soon as they found a way to connect with Dream Rush, they immediately dispatched a large number of troops to attack Dream Rush.

Ershimin is still in a state of almost knowing nothing. In the face of a sudden attack, many of them are online at once.

After responding, Ershimin still formed a force to fight these invaders.

But Ershimin's forces are relatively difficult to fight against them, and because they are fighting locally, there is always great damage whether they win or lose.

But the leader's troops are also ready.

The leader created some large jump points and began to attack the nearby world directly.

These worlds also did not respond to the attack of the team leader, and they were not as resistant as the Ershimin.

The first world attacked by the team leader soon fell, the team leader completely occupied the world and discovered that they had invaded Dreamland.

As a result, the leader returned to Dream Ersh, and after solving these invaders, it continued to attack other worlds.

The first few worlds were occupied by the team leader with little reaction, and the news of the team leader's attack quickly spread.

Then, these worlds began to resist the invasion of the leader.

The leader said that was also an interesting time.

It called that war 'the war between the realms'.

It fights its own forces against all the worlds united.

In the fierce battle, the leader finally found the repair data of ancient consciousness.

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