The battle between the various circles began.

Whether brave heroes or fierce villains, they realized a little at that time.

They face unprecedented and unprecedented threats.

A powerful army occupied one world after another and turned these worlds into their own bases.

So these worlds began to unite, whether hero or villain, they tried to resist this army.

Lynn felt that this was indeed a very ... gorgeous war.

Because it is in an unpredictable place, almost everything in Ershimin's imagination can be constructed with dream energy.

Therefore, in the war you can see countless dazzling lights and shadows flying, a variety of huge monsters and machinery, many wonderful ways to kill the enemy, can be an enemy hero, can cause landslides and strong men.

The leader is the most powerful one.

It thought it was invincible, and no creature could be its opponent.

But if the opponents unite, then it is not necessarily ... plus the leader's troops are not many in fact ... so they are in a difficult phase to fight.

With the continuation of the battle, the number of victories of the team leader is also increasing, because the team leader has obtained data during the battle.

This data ... is actually a wonderful dream energy.

This dream energy comes from some places when creatures from all the worlds fight with full force.

As the data repaired ancient consciousness little by little, their fragmented forms slowly appeared on the land of the realms.

These things are generally called ancient pieces, minced meat, or twisted shapes. They are a group of indescribable creatures ... the leader said that he prefers the name of twisted shapes.

In fact, it looks like a mixture of black flesh, mixed bones and paste.

When the leader repaired the ancient consciousness, these 'distorted forms' appeared on the surface of many worlds.

They will obey the command of the leader and join the war.

These things look weird, but the leader said that their shape is not fixed. The shape of these things is mainly related to the thinking of living things.

They will become disgusting, abnormal, and disgusting to most creatures.

At the same time, they have powerful abilities, and they can interfere with other creatures' thinking and corrupt their bodies.

With the help of the emerging army, the leader defeated many world armies and completely occupied them.

The team leader felt that this victory would come sooner or later.

Those alien troops were terrified of the new leader of the team. After successive defeats in battle ... they tried to think of various ways to fight.

Initially, they have been trying to strengthen the combat effectiveness, make stronger weapons, etc., but the effect is not very satisfactory.

Later, they found that the leader's troops mainly caused emotions such as fear in their thinking and affected their spirit.

So they started trying to make an army that wouldn't be afraid.

Later they did create a special group of troops.

These troops are considered to be part of the thinking, and they will not be afraid of the leader's army.

Relying on these troop levels, they successfully resisted the leader for a period of time, and kept some worlds unoccupied by the leader, but after the leader changed some of the warfare-shaped army's fighting methods, the alien army began to fall again.

However, the leader still did not easily occupy all the world.

Because real intruders appeared.

These intruders are ... native creatures in unpredictable places.

The dream galaxy, and the world around it, appear in unpredictable places ... not without being noticed.

It's just that only a small number of dream creatures have approached these worlds, and their impact is small. Most of them only left names in myths and legends.

In the later stages of the Battle of the Realms, some dream creatures that could make a big impact appeared here.

The leader remembered that these dream creatures were huge, and they looked like they were made of platinum and bronze.

And they claim to be guardians of order.

The reason they came here was mainly the detection of the leader ... and its army of Twisted Shapes.

At that time, the team leader learned about these unpredictable places from these sudden guardians of order.

But very little was known. At that time, it only learned that this group of guardians mainly came to clear ‘negative thinking’.

In the unpredictable places, there are a lot of huge thinking areas, and the products in these thinking areas are all related to this thinking.

For example, the twisted shape of the leader's control is a creature born in the thinking area.

This thinking generally includes negative emotions such as 'disgust', 'fear', 'forgetting', 'crazy' and so on.

Of course, this negative emotion is also relatively speaking.

Compared to this group of guardians of order, they are full of negative emotions, and they don't feel much about the leader himself.

The guardians of order say they have been wandering in the void and cleaning up these evil negative emotions everywhere.

They came here a long time ago and solved the negative emotional birth here.

Those are ... ancient consciousnesses.

But I did not expect that they were not completely solved, and now they have grown again.

The guardian of order decided to completely eliminate the birth of negative emotions again in the name of order.

The team leader also faced a real challenge at this time.

During the previous wars in various realms, although its troops and foreign troops had their own victory and defeat, it was invincible.

It was only when dealing with these guardians of order that it realized how weak it was ...

The inhabitants of these unforeseen places are very powerful, they have several leaders almost as big as the tumblers, and they add a huge army.

And their purpose is ... to destroy everything.

Whether it is the leader and its distorted form, or various inhabitants of the outside world, even the tumblers of the outside world are their targets.

They just want to completely crush everything here, and think that this can prevent negative emotions.

As a result, an unprecedented grand union emerged.

The leader and all the inhabitants of the other world ... united together and decided to deal with this great threat of destruction.

Mainly because the leader originally occupied the world instead of destroying it after victory, so for the leader, these guardians of order that destroyed everything were the real threat.

But ... they found their union didn't seem to make much sense.

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