After the leader destroys the Lord of Order, most of the creatures are actually unaware of this.

At best, they see explosions in the void, but don't know what happened.

In the past, the guardians of the order were all "lead" by the leader to the creatures.

But there is still a group of creatures who know what happened.

That is ... the remnant of the guardian of order.

There are many small individuals in the Guardian of Order. They do not follow the leaders to the void, but stay in some worlds.

They were originally on a mission to continue killing all creatures, and they suddenly felt the death of the leaders.

Eventually even the Lord of Order died.

This fact shocked them extremely.

In fact, they have always regarded their leader as God, and do not believe that the leader will die.

But they did feel it.

At this moment, these small troops were plunged into madness. They originally returned from the establishment of bases and other leaders. At this moment, they started rushing out of the base to kill other creatures everywhere.

And those sects ... they don't worship these small guardians of order.

They feel that these small order guardians are all similar to them, worshipping those giant leaders who have obtained permission to join.

When these small guardians went crazy, these sectarian creatures also began to fight them.

Later members of the sect found that they easily eliminated these crazy guardians.

Because after they went crazy ... they were really weak, and they also learned from some small guardians about the long-lost leaders.

This made these sects' beliefs ... collapsed.

Of course, they did not go crazy. Some sects were already very powerful. They immediately began to attack other creatures and decided to ... rule the realms.

Then the battle between the realms continued.

There are many creatures, especially those who are set as heroes in the original game works. They think that since the biggest threat has disappeared, everyone should work together to reshape the ruined circles.

So they set up a 'post-disaster reconstruction force'.

However, this is only one of the many forces in the various circles, and everyone is still indifferent.

At this moment, some heroes remembered the dream Ershi.

They still remember the previous idea, that is, all these things are set by the Ershi people on the dream Ershi.

So they tried to go to Dream Ersh again ... to investigate the truth.

The survey results are slightly different from their imagination. Although Ershimin continues to update those game works, the world in these works and the real world situation are very different.

Simply put, after the war between the realms began, their plot was separated from the plot of the work, and no longer synchronized.

Some heroes believe that it is possible that the influence of the dream Ershi on them has long ended, and now they all decide their own ... fate.

But there are also some who think that the plot of the works on Dreamland Ershi itself is irrelevant. As long as Dreamland Ershi is still the center of the realms, it will affect the fate of realms.

If you want to have your own destiny, you must destroy the dream Ershi.

So there were differences between the heroes.

After all, although they are all "decent", their personality settings are also very different.

Some are pure good people, and they want to help when they see any hardship or suffering. They are definitely not allowed to destroy the world. Even if they defeat the villains, they will not die.

Some heroes are willing to sacrifice the minority to save the majority. They think that the dream Ershi should indeed be destroyed.

In addition, there are various personalities. Some yearn for freedom and feel that the fate of the world should not be controlled. Others simply treat Dreamland as a villain and must be defeated.

They then split into multiple units.

A group of pure and kind heroes went to Dream Ersh first, and they intended to warn the people of Ersh people about the coming crisis.

Most of these heroes were captured by Ershi Min.

Because Ershimin have always been on the alert for invaders from outside, they certainly do not trust these heroes.

These heroes tried to explain themselves, and later Ershimin found that they indeed had similar personalities to those set in the works, so ... still didn't believe them.

They locked these heroes for a long time, but they also heard some of them and began to prepare for possible invasions that followed.

Then, the invasion did occur, and the troops formed by the heroes who were not so good began to attack Dream Ersh.

Because of precautions, Ershi Min was not caught by surprise.

But also because many heroes are too powerful, Ershimin's troops are not easy to deal with them.

At this time, those pure and kind heroes said that the Ershimin should let them go, so that they might be able to resist the invasion.

After hesitation, the good heroes were released, and they helped the Ershi people resist the invasion, regardless of their suspicion.

Their kindness makes Ershimin unbelievable, because Ershimin always felt that this role would only appear in the works.

... Although they do come out of the work.

Then some Ershimin thought of various ways to take advantage of this.

For example, design a character full of powerful abilities, and love the world of Ersh.

Or adjust the character of those intruders, and even add death endings directly to them.

Of course these are useless.

Ershimin found that all they could do was fight alongside the good guys to the last minute.

However, Ershimin later found some ways, because the invaders were also some heroes.

Some of them are not so bad and pure, so Ershimin tried to communicate with them and change their views on Ershimin.

Let them not think that Ershimin is a villain, but also make them think that dream Ershe has indeed lost influence.

Under the persuasion of Ershimin, some heroes did give up invading them.

When the offensive weakened, Ershimin was constantly investigating what was going on in these alien realms.

Ershimin have long been known very little, and they have hardly participated in any of them **.

Until now, they have begun to formally study the situation of the outside world.

They learned from these heroes that the appearance of the alien world has something to do with their works, but why did they make new plots to no effect?

They began to try to study this [m] side.

Later, Ershimin successfully went to other realms and discovered something.

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