"You created us, and we know you better than you."

This plan of arousing the "conscience" of the heroes is relatively successful.

Many heroes, under their persuasion, think that Dreamland is no longer a threatening target, and that the fate of their world should indeed be controlled by themselves.

Ershimin has been secretly trying to control the fate of these heroes.

Ershimin sums up on the surface, and has been studying why they can no longer control ... the world in these works without the other party knowing.

Although they did not believe that their works could give birth to a real alien world, the current situation made them have to believe.

So under research, Ershimin also found out how the jump point works.

As long as there is a certain amount of technical knowledge, jumping points can be created, but the jumping points of each world have a certain 'upper limit'.

After reaching this limit, there is no way to put more jumping points in this world.

The dream has a very high jumping point limit, so Ershimin tried to create a few jumping points by himself, and they went to the world where the heroes were to investigate.

They sent these worlds almost filled with all kinds of strange forces from the outside world, and they were engaged in fierce battle.

The Ershi people who went to investigate learned about the local situation and returned to the dream Ershi.

After receiving the investigator's report, they found that the plot of these worlds had indeed deviated too much from the work.

It is mainly full of forces from other worlds.

And at the time there was a proposal by the Ershimin, what would happen if they did so? Make a work that fits the situation.

Maybe this will change the realm again?

With the idea of ​​trying it out, Ershimin produced a new ... work.

This work completely imitates a situation in a different world, and writes in almost all the conditions there.

After writing, they sent agents again to observe the situation in the outside world, and at the same time began to try to modify the plot of the work.

They found that doing so ... did work.

Changing the plot of this new work, which is completely described in accordance with the situation in the other world, will also cause some changes in the other world.

But this kind of change is relatively limited. After many tests and researches, Ershimin got the details inside.

The first is that they can't write a certain character directly, and it is not effective to set certain creatures in other works to die in the works.

Nor can they make any immediate changes, for example, they write ‘Now an earthquake suddenly happened’ and nothing will happen.

But it is possible to write ... something for the future.

For example, it is effective to write that this land will become barren due to drought after one year.

But they also can't write directly exploding the whole world, they can only write some small changes.

At the same time, they can also write that a character's weapon will be damaged in a future battle because it has been in disrepair and forgot to replace it.

Using the 'describe the future situation' approach, they slowly change the situation in the outer world.

This made these groups of Ershimin think they had a chance to win.

Ershimin began to use this method to influence the situation in the other world.

They continue to send scouts, let them record multiple situations of the other world and write them as works, and then slowly change the situation of the other world.

So a lot of situations happened in those forces in the other world.

For example, some creatures found that the trigger of the firearm did not know where to go during the fierce battle ... Some found that their weapons were damaged and disconnected, and other creatures suddenly wrestled during the charge.

Various small accidents are very deadly on the battlefield. Ershimin first used this method to weaken those overpowering forces.

Then they kept multiple forces in balance and slowly weakened them.

If they fight, no matter which side wins, they will lose a lot.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ershimin has been trying to change the environment of the outer world, and described the works to make the situation of multiple outer worlds worse and worse. But after these small changes accumulate a lot ... it is possible to turn an alien world into wasteland.

At the same time, they will let those heroes know that there are various situations in their hometown, let them go back to protect them, and solve these problems of their hometown.

When the heroes who were still planning to invade Rush discovered the condition of their hometown, they returned to check.

Then the most crucial step is to stop them from invading Dreamland,

There is an upper limit to the jumping points of each world, and Ershimin also found this in his research.

There may be hundreds of jumping points in Dream Rush. They do n’t know how many because they are hard to detect.

And the number of jump points in those outsiders is mostly less than ten.

Some are more, that is, dozens.

Ershimin united some good heroes at the time and asked them to help themselves to destroy those jumping points in the other world.

The reason was to protect Dreamland from being invaded, and the heroes agreed.

After being destroyed, they once again created jumping points in various hidden places in the outer world ... such as the sea bottom.

As long as the jump points are piled up to the upper limit in a secret location, then this place can no longer create new jump points.

All creatures ... will be trapped in this place.

Ershimin's plan was quite successful.

With the help of good heroes, they destroyed many of the world's original jumping points and successfully recreated them in hidden locations.

Creatures in this world can't find these hidden places, because they can't create their own because the jumping point reaches the upper limit, so they can't leave this world.

If they are found occasionally, immediately blow up the found jump point and find a hidden place to create a new one.

Then, Ershimin continued to describe the environment of the outer world worse and worse through his works, so that the creatures trapped above perish.

Although they feel that it is a pity to destroy these worlds, there is nothing they can do.

After all, the above creatures are very threatening ... Some Ershimins think that all the threatening creatures above can be destroyed first, and then the environment of the outside world can be written, and then they can colonize or obtain resources in the outside world.

Of course, before the Ershimin began to destroy these realms, they would let the heroes who helped them go to other realms.

They will not let the heroes see the dying world of destroyed jumping points slowly disappearing.

These heroes helped Ershimin to destroy many jumping points in the other world, but they did not know that Ershimin had set up new jumping points in the secret place, and then let the alien world slowly destroy.

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