"That's why everything becomes wasteland ..."

Ershimin ... they have trapped many aliens.

Even the heroes who helped them were deceived by the Ershi people one by one ...

Ershimin then lost this jumping point in the other world, leaving them trapped there.

Ershimin can do this not only because they know the characters of these heroes and various aliens, but also ... whether they are heroes or villains, their strength has weakened a lot.

Their 'power' mainly comes from starry sky simulators.

Simulators are now in a nearly stalled state. Although they can still use some abilities, they do not have the power that can be seen through thousands of miles and the mountains are down.

Therefore, when Ershimin built jumping points in hidden locations, they were not so easy to find.

And some heroes stayed in Dreamland Ershi, they decided to live in Dreamland Ershi, and have been guarding here.

Because of their very kind personality, Ershimin also accepted them, but always guarded against them.

Some heroes found that there were fewer and fewer invaders, and then they even disappeared. They felt strange and tried to investigate. Following the clues, these heroes finally found out ... what Ershimin did.

They were shocked and outraged by this, and were caught by the people.

Ershimin is willing to let these heroes stay, mainly because they are not so powerful.

Those who are strong and difficult to deal with are trapped in a certain realm by them.

Ershimin then continued to implement their plans.

This plan lasted for a long time ... Ershimin also rapidly developed technology during this time.

They began to try to develop into the void, and even slowly made things like void warships.

And many creatures in the other world also found themselves trapped and tried to escape to the void. The Nether army of Ershimin ... was to deal with these alien creatures who could climb into the void.

Of course, most of the creatures are still unable to escape because of Ershimin's continuous updating of the plot of his works, and slowly die.

However, Ershimin found that the vitality of some alien creatures is too strong. They have almost written the entire world as wasteland, and there are still many creatures alive on it.

These creatures have long stopped the war, and their main goal is to survive.

And most creatures perceive that this is caused by the people of Ershi. The world has undergone drastic changes in the environment. They have also encountered many accidents in succession, which is not a normal phenomenon at all. The only possibility is that Ershimin changed their plot.

At the same time, they also occasionally find some signs of Ershi people's activities. Almost every alien has some Ershi people there.

They are all ‘jump point special forces’. These units are mainly to ensure that hidden jump points are not found by outsiders, and to blow up those found jump points in time.

Alien creatures noticed that it was all made by Ershimin. They were very angry, and every creature wanted to destroy the dream Ershi.

This also caused Ershimin to colonize and exploit these aliens.

However, most of these creatures were trapped on the surface, so Ershimin thought of bombing the surface in the void, so that they could kill everything no matter how strong they were.

In this place, the development of Ershimin is still similar to the normal void, and so far no living creature has noticed the unpredictable nature of the place.

But Ershimin's development speed is still faster than the normal void, they have created a void army to start exploring the surroundings ... and to attack some of the closer realms.

And there is an Elsh civilian fleet not responsible for the attack, they are purely responsible for exploration.

From the beginning, they tried to travel to the farthest realm to detect the actual distance between the two sides.

This expedition was on a journey of void exploration ... and met the leader.

Exactly the wreckage of the leader.

The leader's shape has always been the character shape of a game, but after it was involved in the explosion of the Lord of Order, a lot of flesh-like objects grew in its place.

This situation is somewhat similar to unconscious growth.

It's just that these 'flesh and blood' are conscious.

They grew a lot in the void, and when the exploration fleet encountered these flesh, they felt very wonderful ... and stopped to investigate.

They collected a lot of samples for research, and also sent collectors to investigate directly in the void.

When these collectors come into contact with this flesh and blood, they can feel that there is a lot of 'thinking' mixed on it.

This is mainly information on various things the team leader has experienced in the past.

It's just that the general Ershimin can't feel the details inside, they just feel that there is a lot of information coming into their minds.

They thought it might have been made by an alien creature and decided to blow up the flesh.

They were prevented from blowing up flesh and blood.

Because in the exploration fleet, the captain of a ship ... is his past friend.

It has been living in the dream Ershi, but no Ershimin noticed its special identity.

When it found the flesh, it knew it was left by the leader.

It believed that the flesh contained key information about where the leader had gone, it prevented the explosion, and began to study the flesh himself.

It was just that the fleet could not stay here too long, so it stopped its own ship here.

The other ships left to explore.

After the friend of the team leader studied here for a while, he felt some of the team leader's thinking.

It knows what it is going to do.

It then returned to the dream Ershi and went to different realms through jumping points.

On the surface, it is a member of the special forces that applied to defend the jumping point, but in fact, it is to collect from other worlds ... those ancient conscious thinking.

Because the leader was blown up, those scattered ancient consciousness thoughts were not concentrated, they are still in some other realms.

And they all went into a state of sleep.

All this friend of the team leader has to do is find and wake them up, and then take them to the team leader's place.

Although this is not easy, the leader's friends themselves are not ordinary Ershimin.

It has successfully used several methods to bring several thoughts to the position of the leader.

Because of these thoughts, the flesh and blood of the leader's place began to move.

They slowly gathered together in the process of the event, and finally became ... the leader.

This is the 'game character' style it has been using.

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