This ruin ... there are still many relics.

Lynn's Veronica is in a large room.

The floor of this room looks like a smooth, flat rock structure, while the ceiling is transparent.

Through the transparent ceiling, you can see some interesting views.

There are a lot of floaters floating there. These floaters seem to be made of white metal.

And this is not a nearby scenery, but a place in the distant unpredictable void.

That is, the ruins of the Palace of Order.

This room can also be said to be a telescope of a starry sky simulator. It can see a very distant view, but it needs ... something special.

That is ... a storage point.

The storage point was now trapped in the center of the room, and it looked like it was **** by a bunch of ropes.

At the same time, a few things that looked like eyeballs were flying over the ‘head’ of the storage site and looked at it.

This telescope, Lynn can be called 'the real telescope of thinking'.

It can observe a creature ... that is, the thinking of a storage point, then test its memory, and find related things in unforeseen places.

Simply put, as long as the storage site is impressed by the place of the Order Hall, and is extremely eager to know what happened there, the telescope can show the view of the Order Hall.

This feeling is very interesting.

Lynn feels a bit like ‘moving your mind’. You can move yourself forward through your thoughts.

In addition to moving the mind, it also has another special effect, which is to bring the distant scenery closer.

This does not make itself move, but it can make distant scenery appear like a phantom at a close distance.

This requires creatures to desperately want to get to that place, to know what's going on there.

The telescope reveals the distant scenery in this place through the thinking of connecting storage points.

This telescope is a function of the starry sky simulator, and Lynn restarted it with some modifications.

Lin found that when she tried to decompose and reconstruct the original materials, she would slowly understand what the complicated structures inside the starry sky simulation device really do.

So Lin thinks that Lin may be able to repair some of the functions of the analog device.

As for why there is no way to fix everything, it is because there are some places that cannot be understood by decomposition and reconstruction.

Therefore, incomprehensible places can only be left alone, or dismantled to be other understandable places ... energy.

From the picture, the Order Hall is now completely abandoned, and these wandering objects are the buildings they used to form.

Although it seems that these fragments are not complete, they have been retained for a long time.

How long is it?

Shalin went to the Temple of Order, and then lost contact after going nearby. How long has it been?

This does not seem to be an accurate calculation.

Generally speaking, it is only known that these dream energy materials constituted by faith can last for a long time.

This is also the way in which Lin has been trying to study the composition of dream materials.

In general, if there are creatures or anything else that wants to smash them, it can be easily done.

They will not be much stronger than materials without faith, but materials with faith can adhere to things constructed in other ways under the condition of 'natural decomposition' ... much longer.

At the same time, it is not easy to be modified by other creatures.

The transformation of the dream material is actually similar to the normal void, that is, the more the material is broken, or ‘melted’, the closer the material is to the basic state, of course, the structure of the basic material must be constructed from scratch.

Therefore, many creatures do not like to restore what has been constructed from the basic state, but prefer to directly transform.

Simply speaking, if you want to transform an Ershimin's gun into a car, usually dreamland creatures don't smash them and reorganize the particles. Instead, they directly affect the gun with their minds and turn it into a car. The look of the car.

This is much easier than smashing and reorganizing.

Without too complicated imagination, the transformed object will have its original strength, and breaking it up and reorganizing is equivalent to restarting.

Of course, this "breaking" does not mean simply breaking, but it is completely restored to the original basic material.

There are also some creatures ... Lin, for example, prefers to shatter and reorganize materials.

Obviously, these buildings in the Palace of Order may never have creatures trying to completely break them.

Without being deliberately broken, they can last for quite a long time.

Lin decided to take a look there, so now Lin is constructing the transportation.

As for the vehicles, the star sky simulator is mainly used as the catapult.

And it is the real means of transport that is ejected, that is, those who are outside the tumbler and the dream Ershi.

Lynn decided to launch them like 'pinballs' and see if she could ... leave this place.

This is the land of abandonment.

Abandoned land does not actually refer to the area where the waste is concentrated, but a large area around it.

In this place it is almost completely dark, there are no living things, no floating objects.

And there were no jumping points to jump out, and now Lin found that all jumping points could only jump from here to the outside.

Whether they can fly out depends mainly on the creatures in these alien worlds.

As their world stopped spinning, most creatures were at a loss as to what was going on.

And a small number of creatures have discovered their new 'power'.

Or to say that you are the identity of an unforeseen creature.

These creatures began to use their new powers for various actions, such as transforming things or something.

All living things are the driving force of their world.

Thinking about it, Lynn began to broadcast ...

This broadcast function is another function transformed by Lin.

It can inform all living beings of the other world that their doomsday is coming.

This doomsday is of course the abandonment abyss. The star simulator could have protected them, but it has stopped.

Lynn feels that this protection is likely to fail.

All subsequent creatures will be devoured by the abyss that is now spreading.

Their only hope is to escape from here, to the depths of the void.

The 'strength' that escapes is their thinking, and the desire to escape here ... thinks.

In the broadcast, Lynn made these creatures feel the horror of the Abandoned Abyss more or less, and then made them think of leaving.

When a world is full of creatures that have thought of escaping, it's time to start 'ejecting'.

The ejection function is a matching function with the telescope, which allows a world ... to travel at high speed.

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