"You have to ... leave here."

"Can't stay in this place anymore."

"But where can we go?"

"I don't know ... just to leave."

The terror echoed above every other tumbler.

Feeling this 'broadcasting' creature, their reactions are different, most of them think that this is what some villains in their world have done.

And these villains certainly felt this horror.

In fact, they don't care what they think, as long as they have the idea of ​​escaping.

Thinking is the power of this void, and the thinking of a large number of creatures can cause some effect.

Lynn observes these worlds in the 'telescope room', each of them has a different level of escape thought, the lowest one ... is the dream Ershi.

Because the dream of Ershi is now at a very ... busy stage.

Many Shirmin people are busy doing all kinds of work. Even if [m] some horrible feelings appear in their minds, they will generally try to ignore it.

Although some Ershi people are more concerned about it, and started to discuss with other people, but in general, the overall social impact on Ershi people is not great.

And some realms quickly developed a great sense of terror, which they thought might threaten the entire world.

Lynn found that the greatest horror was a foreign realm.

This alien setting is itself a 'escape world', that is, the world itself is set to be filled with ... refugees.

Their original world was destroyed for some reason, they transformed a part of the land into an aircraft and escaped.

This is the setting.

So their world is not like a tumbler, but a land.

It is more than 1,000 kilometers long and about 3,000 kilometers wide. When the terror began, the people above immediately wanted to start the land and escape again. Because this idea was too strong, their world was fully qualified 'catapult'.

And Lynn is helping them escape.

Now Lynn is in the telescope room ... 'Catapult'.

This is mainly controlled by imagination. Under Linda's Veronica's thinking activity, this continent is also slowly moving.

They were sucked into the inside wall of the simulation device, where a huge crack developed.

Big enough to let this land pass.

After slowly entering the rift, the creatures on land also noticed that the surrounding landscape became dark again.

It's just that they no longer see the original scenery.

Their continents are set without day and night, and the sky can be seen at any time.

What they see now is not a starry sky, but a sky with complex mechanical structures ...

These huge machines are slowly moving, some of them with hundreds of meters of pointed posts protruding from them, and they slowly fall to the ground.

Along with the terrified screams of creatures on the surface, they also found that the gravity of the ground was slowly recovering.

Before ejecting, you need to restore some ... basic functions, that is, use these pillars.

They can input some construction data into this land.

This allows it to return to its previous function.

After almost recovering, you can eject.

This ejection is actually a long-distance travel method, and it can also be called 'random ejection'.

When preparing, these huge pillars will spread a signal on the surface and let them imagine.

After receiving this signal, they will imagine some ... wonderful environments.

These environments can be said to be their favorite environment and the most comfortable place to live.

Their imaginations are then fed into a simulation device and radiated into unpredictable places.

If the unpredictable land has some environment like their imagination, they will be pulled towards that environment.

This way of travel is not really fast, but it will be more ... stable.

Because after fixing the target, it will always go there.

Midway will not stop unless destroyed.

This is perfect for escaping some places, such as ... like this area of ​​thinking.

Some areas of thought, like the land of abandonment, have something special that traps things here.

In this way, you can escape this place.

As for why it's called "ejection", that seems to be because ... it's like ejection.

When it was first launched.

When these creatures began to imagine the environment, the simulation device slowly pushed their land towards the device's shell.

This land is now moving slowly in a simulation device full of complex structures, and the creatures in it are not aware of the environment in the device because they are all in an imagined state.

After reaching the device enclosure ... the entire land suddenly accelerated.

Lynn could see the land flying into the void at a very fast speed in the telescope room.

I don't know if they can fly out, but Lynn is not just launching one.

Next Lin continued to observe the situation in other realms.

As long as there are enough creatures in the body to escape this idea, Lynn will start trying to eject them.

Then ... see which one can go out.

At the same time, there is a thing that Lin puts in every other world, which can be called 'seed'.

This thing is considered Lynn's ... a small part of consciousness.

This small part of the consciousness is still dormant, and when these aliens leave the area of ​​influence of the abandoned land ... will begin to grow.

They will eventually become like Veronica ... Lin ’s unit.

Lynn also doesn't know how large the area of ​​influence of the abandoned land is, but as long as you see other dream creatures and ordinary dream environments, you will be regarded as successfully leaving.

Of course, it was also possible that Lynn had found a way to split up new units.

In fact, it was a method that was discovered mainly after hearing about the leader Shalin.

Because Lynn's consciousness is in a special, her own 'empty'.

Not in an unpredictable place, nor in a normal void, so Lynn controlled the army through her own void.

It ’s the same as if it ’s in an unpredictable location. It ’s controlled in some way.

Lynn should just try to extend this control thinking to more energy.

After some testing, Lynn found that her conscious control seemed to be limited by normal void.

Simply put, it is necessary to have a unit on the edge of a normal void to contact an unforeseen place, in order to create an unit in an unforeseen place.

It's just that the birth position of this branch ... is not fixed.

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