4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 181: Sculpture

It does feel familiar.

Here is a ... jungle.

There are a variety of different shapes of objects here, some of them are like metal, some are like rock, and some are like flesh and blood structure, and they have something similar to the glowing energy column.

Of course, they are all corpses.

The corpses of the lost creatures pile up together to form a forest land composed of such corpses, and many ‘eating’ creatures linger in this jungle.

Most of them are not interested in Lin's units exploring this woodland, but focus on the things in front of them.

The army that Lin came to explore here was not a tree army on the surface of the outside world, but sent another one.

This unit looks like a scorpion made of machinery, and is more than ten meters in size.

It's actually not Lin's arms, because it's made of dream material, and Lin can control it from a different world.

The whole alien world is currently more than 20,000 kilometers away from this 'corpse ball'.

Because some of the scavengers above seem dangerous, they are not too close.

The goal of the scorpion itself was to find something ...

Now Lynn has found this is Saran's body.

It looks relatively complete. It's about the size of an ordinary Ershimin, and it lies so quietly on a block of metal structure.

This metal structure may be a fragment of something, it looks quite smooth.

And Saran's body ... showed no signs of movement at all, and Lynn first tested it.

Soon, Lynn discovered that the body itself was not a living creature. It was constructed from some dream materials and could not move ... it was simply a statue.

That being said, there should be something here that made this.

'Hu' Lin looked around, and suddenly found a mass of things approaching at high speed.

Eventually it slammed into Lin's scorpion, and the powerful impact caused the scorpion to fly out.

At the same time, Lin also noticed that this thing was a creature with golden fluff on her body.

The shape is somewhat like a creature called a guinea pig, and it is more than ten meters in size.

This creature is obviously different from the surrounding scavenger dream creatures. It should be a normal void creature.

Just when Lin wanted to ask some questions about it, this golden 'guinea pig' ran next to Shalin's 'statue', biting the statue's head and taking it away.

It's very fast, much faster than Lynn's scorpion.

But Lin didn't need to chase it, just when it hit the scorpion, it already had a tracker specially made by Lin.

The creatures stuck by this tracker can be carefully observed by Lin from a distance using a simulation device.

This golden 'guinea pig' now shuttles quickly through complex terrain and is obviously very familiar with this place.

In the end, Lynn found that she bit the head of the statue of Saran and got into the hole.

This burrow seems to have been dug out specifically. It can be seen that the walls of the burrow are covered with some soft 'material'.

After running through a narrow cave, it came into a relatively large space deep underground.

The walls of the cave are also covered with soft, feather-like things.

And the most important thing is that there are many guinea pigs and ...

There are a thousand of these guinea pigs. In this underground space with a diameter of more than 300 meters, some seem to be sleeping, and most of them are sculpting ...

They are holding around like a stone, like a very skilled sculptor, the stones become more and more refined under their bite, and finally become ... Lynn's styling.

Moreover, the statues of their puppets are different, and there are another group of guinea pigs. When their companions puppet the statue, they are there to color the statue ...

The way they are colored is to rot a piece of colored object and apply it to an unpainted statue.

It seems that these creatures retain the concept of color.

But the most interesting thing is ... why did they make these statues of Sharine here?

Although Abu can see various images of Sharine's past here, these guinea pigs are not shown inside.

The guinea pigs took all the finished products out, including the one Lynn followed.

It put the statue that Lin had touched in the cave, then picked up another statue and took it outside the cave.

Lin found it running out of the cave, and after running a few kilometers outside ... came to a place that looks like an oil lake.

Here is a lake of black slime, about one kilometer in diameter.

Many large creatures lived on the lake. The guinea pig ignored these creatures and took the statue to the center of the lake.

It directly ... ran over the lake, and then placed the statue in the one-finger posture in the oil lake.

The statue also stood on the thick liquid and did not sink.

Then the guinea pig ran to the lake and stayed there without doing anything.

After a while, Lynn found the statue in the center of the lake ... a creature approached it.

At this time, the guinea pig suddenly moved. When the creature touched the statue, the guinea pig rushed out.

This is like the scorpion that attacked Lynn before.

The creature looked a bit like a floating mud. After being struck by the guinea pig, the guinea pig immediately bit the statue's head and took it away.

Lin found that he had brought the statue back to the cave again, and then ... this time Lin saw a slightly different view.

They are dismantling the statue.

Many completed statues, including the one brought back by the guinea pig observed by Lynn, were stacked in a corner of the cave, and then some guinea pigs were responsible for crushing the statues.

This is quite interesting.

These may be statues touched by other creatures outside, and then they are brought back and demolished.

Lin did not see them demolished before because it seemed that the statues would not be dismantled until they had accumulated to a certain extent.

In this way, the guinea pigs dismantled the finished statues they brought back into pieces.

These pieces were piled up in one place and mixed with something like slime, which was stirred together by a group of guinea pigs.

In the end, the pieces of the statue were stirred together and turned into a rock-like structure.

Then they used the rock to start scooping up new statues.

It looks like they are being recycled, but I don't know why after being touched ... they have to be brought back and remodeled.

Lynn then observed them for a while.

Lynn also found that the group of guinea pigs did little else than make these statues of Sharine.

Unless they are in danger, such as when they are attacked by some dream creatures, if they die too much, they will start breeding.

They reproduce in the same way as real guinea pigs. 'Female' guinea pigs can produce many offspring at a time.

As soon as these descendants are born, they will perform the statuette work, and then slowly grow in the statuette.

At the same time, Lynn also found that this 'debris ball' is not gravitation, which is true for the dream creatures living here.

So the creatures here are usually floating around.

For guinea pigs and the statues they make, it is gravitation.

They can fall from high speeds, and can run stably on the ground. Of course, the statue can be placed on the ground firmly and will not drift away.

The guinea pig has been doing statue work all his life, which would be incredible if it was placed in the normal void.

In a normal void, it is difficult for a cell organism like it to have a 'dream'.

Just like Ershimin, they always have a lot of things they want to do in the process of growing up, but after they reach adulthood ... they will find that they have to do some work that they do n’t want to do in order to survive. further and further.

This is also true of many creatures, and what they want to do is generally in conflict with survival.

The opposite seems to be the case in unforeseen circumstances.

If a creature does what it wants to do persistently and persistently, it usually lives better than ordinary species.

Many 'civilizations' have developed from certain obsessions, such as guardians of order and members of parliament.

In this void, hope is ... the strong foundation of life.

Simply put, these strong thoughts can affect the energy activities of dreams around them and provide them with resources.

These guinea pigs feel the same way.

They don't seem to be living at all, but in fact, they have always had such a strong obsession that they can live here.

Although they don't look better than other species, it is a miracle that such creatures, which come almost entirely according to the rules of normal void, are not extinct here.

Because Lynn can't see any normal void creatures except them here.

There may be some creatures originally from the normal void, but they do not follow the rules of the normal void.

Since the guinea pigs did not want to communicate with each other, Lynn sent some troops to catch some guinea pigs back.

The creatures were very uncooperative, and Lynn discovered that as soon as they caught them, they would find a way to commit suicide.

And even if they are affected by the effect of the ‘violating rules’ of the Lord of Destruction, they will commit suicide.

They have a very efficient way to commit suicide, which is similar to the self-explosion of the brain. They can make the thinking structure burst in an instant.

Lynn thought they were so crazy ... there must be something interesting about it.

Because the creatures here don't just have a belief and hope to have energy.

They must be truly convinced from the mind that what they are doing is perfect and correct.

It seems difficult to capture them right now, as Lynn finds it impossible to get them into a coma.

So Lynn thought of another way to understand them.

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