4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 182: material

"Lost the lost ... no longer lost."

They have been working hard to build an 'lost lighthouse' that is not lost.

Lynn has an in-depth understanding of these guinea pigs.

They have always made Sharine's sculptures here, which is a very ... kind act.

This is true for some normal void creatures who come here.

Normal void creatures will slowly lose themselves in this void, and will eventually wander to places like this lost graveyard.

The squirrel statue placed by the guinea pig in the center of the cemetery and the wreckage of the wreckage has the effect of restoring the sense of life lost to the creature.

Any creature who comes here and thinks almost to the edge of the lost, if they see Sharine's statue, they will regain their spirit and remember everything that used to be in the normal void.

This will allow them to quickly stabilize their minds, and then continue to ... live.

Although I don't know when I will get lost again.

And these guinea pigs, they have been working hard for the very well-intentioned goal of restoring the spirit.

This can also be said to be their 'belief'.

It is with this belief that these guinea pigs can live here and continue to live.

But what exactly do they have to do with Sharine?

Lynn is still trying to understand further. At present, she only understands the purpose of this, because these creatures are difficult to understand.

This group of guinea pigs is often good at suicide, and if they catch them, they will try to commit suicide.

In fact, this is a kind of ‘self-protection mechanism’, because it ’s not just Lin, many creatures in unpredictable places are ... very good at understanding thinking from other creatures.

In the normal void, there are two different kinds of creatures ... for example, cellular and non-cellular organisms. Because of the fundamental difference in the structure of their thinking, it is very difficult to understand the thinking of another creature. If it is an ordinary creature, even the same is Cell biology is difficult to understand.

The unpredictable place is a bit different. One creature is relatively easy to understand the thinking of another dream creature.

This has led to many creatures that have the advantage of analysing biological thinking to gain an advantage over this species.

This 'advantage' may be easier to hunt down the parsed creature, or to control the parsed creature, etc.

In short, when the guinea pigs themselves face an irresistible opponent, they try to prevent themselves from knowing by committing suicide immediately, so that they can maintain their population more effectively.

So Lynn used another way to parse them, which was ... imitating them.

In the other world, Lynn created some arms that look similar to this guinea pig-hamster arms.

Then use these hamsters on the wreckage ball to do the same thing as guinea pigs-scoop out Sharine's statue and swing it around.

At first these guinea pigs ignored the hamster, but after seeing more, some of them came over and tried to communicate with Lynn's hamster.

Their initial exchange was mainly with Lynn's hamster ... expressing their opinions.

For example, Lynn would not be able to knock away those dreaming creatures who came into contact with the statue, nor would she take the statue that was touched back and crush it and recast it.

Even the materials Lin used to construct the statue were not considered to be the 'most superior'.

These guinea pigs made various comments on Lyn's hamster, and urged Lynn to correct this behavior and be perfect.

The statue touched by the dream creature is said to slowly lose its effect.

They are 'polluted' by the thinking of dream creatures, making the statues impure.

If you keep it there, it won't have a sober effect on the lost creatures that come here, so you must take it back to rebuild.

Lynn noticed that these guinea pigs' strong obsession affected the dream energy around them.

There are some special dream energies floating towards them, and they can absorb these energies with their 'hair'.

The more they absorb, the more golden their coat becomes.

Of course, they don't need to search for food by themselves, this thinking is the root of their survival.

But they look for the material of the statue, which is also the most dangerous thing for them.

Generally speaking, they will use the materials of the statue indefinitely, but these materials will always decrease in the long-term use process, so they will find out every time.

Because they actively came to communicate, Lynn also learned many things with them through the Hamster Force.

These guinea pigs usually don't like chatting, all they like to do is to constantly make a statue of Sharine.

So Lin asked for a long time and asked why they made the statue, but they didn't say anything about their relationship with Sharine.

Of course they also asked ... Why did Lynn's hamster make a statue?

Originally they thought the hamsters had the same purpose as them, and Lynn asked them strangely.

It seems not surprising to them that a creature suddenly emerges with the same purpose as them.

Lynn said that she just learned to do it just to see how interesting it was.

These guinea pigs still said that, for whatever reason, they must be perfect.

So, Lin, who had reached out to them, began to take the ... adventure with them on this wreck ball.

In fact, it is to find the material of the highest quality.

The finest materials are very difficult to get. According to this group of guinea pigs, there are many dangerous creatures near that material.

They usually live in safe areas and rarely touch by dangerous creatures.

The entire wreckage ball is full of scavengers, and guinea pigs don't call them scavengers ... but rather a fun name: `` Lost Pleasure ''.

The purpose of these creatures here is not to eat rot, or rather the usual rot, because they generally do not eat the debris here. Although there are many creatures that excavate the debris, they mainly eat biological ... past.

Many creatures have been lost and died here. The creatures that die here have a more wonderful effect, that is, their memory is generally retained on the body.

And the "lost pleasurers" here, their main goal is to mine these memory data.

They have different mining methods.

Some seem to look like this, using sharp body structures to dig through the body's wreckage, while others lie on it without doing anything.

And they are actually absorbing the memories of this lost creature's body.

These memories usually contain various past experiences of living things, such as various experiences and lives in the normal void.

These memories will be stored in their wreckage in a special state of dream energy, and the ‘pleasure ’s will dig out and absorb this energy, and they will fall into a very happy state.

Then they will continue to dig.

Because they don't dig out complete memories, they usually make some memory fragments or something.

But no matter how small they are, they will be absorbed.

So all kinds of wrecks here are occupied by various "pleasure".

Lin thinks that they can also be called spiritual scavengers. Generally speaking, they are still scavengers, so Lin still calls this a good one.

However, since the parts without memory data were not eaten, the remains of the creatures remained largely piled up here.

This is how the wreckage ball was formed.

Today, these scavengers continue to try to dig memory fragments from the wreckage here.

Even the weakest of them need them.

So here you can see quite a few species.

These creatures focused on mining memory are generally harmless, but there are also some dangerous creatures.

Dangerous creatures essentially gave up digging memory fragments from the wreckage to hunt down those that ate the memory fragments.

Use this to get the pieces.

It can also be said that the excavation of wrecks is usually vegetarian, while the dangerous ones are carnivorous organisms.

And there is another kind of the most dangerous, which is the dream creature that occupied the best place.

Lynn found that when talking about this, it can be seen that the guinea pigs' goals are in conflict with the materials they used to make statues.

There are many lost creatures coming here. When many lost creatures just die, there is no doubt that it is the time when the memory is most abundant.

Many scavengers want to get close to the dead creature, but there are too many competitors. Some scavengers have powerful powers. They will kill other nearby creatures one by one to occupy the dead body.

Guinea pigs also need dead bodies, because they are what they call 'superior materials'.

Lost creatures won't die here if they see their statues wake up, they need corpses to make statues.

They hope to keep creatures from getting lost, but they also hope that statues can always be made.

After all, only making statues is the meaning of their lives.

So this conflict ... was ignored by guinea pigs.

They just keep making statues and collecting fine materials.

As for whether the end result is the complete disappearance of the lost creatures or what they haven't thought about.

In short, they have to go on.

Currently, Lin's group of hamster units and a group of guinea pig units form a team to collect materials.

They have to go to the superior material area to get the best material.

Because there are many Sharine images in that material area, Lynn plans to go over and see.

The other goal is of course to continue to observe this group of guinea pigs ... and learn about this place.

There are ten hamsters and ten guinea pigs, all of which are about the same size. After the cave door is ready ... the creatures start sprinting.

They ran through the wreckage at high speed, and Lyn's hamster appeared gravitating, following them closely.

This was so fast that Lynn quickly left what they called the "safe area" and came to ... a very dangerous place.

Here you can see some creatures that are slightly different from the past, they all look quite aggressive.


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