"They disappeared."

"Materials ... not available."

The guinea pigs all heard the news.

The team that went out to search for the material was dead.

But this is a common thing, their daily lives have not stopped, and they are also preparing new teams.

Some of Lynn's hamsters have also been mixed into the group of guinea pigs, saying they want to live with them to learn more about them.

They don't have any opinions about it either, and they seem to have enough trust in Lynn.

At the same time, on the other side, Lynn followed the team of hamsters to get the materials. Currently, there are three survivors.

They watched the last group of small guinea pigs fly to the sky and explode, at the time, Lynn didn't find anything attacking them.

Only then did the hamsters come under some attack, so they continued to hide and escape.

These hamsters are now hiding in a burrow.

This burrow was excavated by Lin and it felt relatively safe. At least it was not attacked again.

Then Lin used the burrow to continue to observe the situation here.

Lynn found the creatures ... quite interesting.

They have been fighting each other all the time, and all kinds of creatures are very nervous when living here.

Activities here will be attacked at any time, and they will attack other creatures.

In fact, their state is a little different from what Lin thought. Lin thought that it was mainly occupied by some powerful creatures, rather than this ... 'war chaos' state.

And this creature has a more interesting feature, that is, they usually do not kill all opponents.

That is, if there is a small group of creatures moving together, they will usually only die if they are attacked.

They rarely die all at once.

Even if some creatures can completely destroy this small group of creatures, they will only choose to kill one or two.

It is also because of this situation that guinea pigs may come here to obtain first-class materials, but sometimes there are accidents, as if the small guinea pig escaped and was completely destroyed once.

Lynn felt that they seemed to have entered a wonderful state, which was not exactly in accordance with what the guinea pig said.

Of course they like to dig into the memory.

Some of the large and small hills that Lin saw here were all corpses from normal voids.

Of course, they didn't originally look like mountains, but the corpses came here and were sculpted by this creature. They have a lot of memory information.

In fact Lynn could detect some.

These messages are very ... ordinary, that is, the scene of this creature floating in the void, but for the creatures here, it is very rare `` delicious ''.

These creatures are very eager to sacrifice those things full of memory, but they will not go easily.

They will watch the surroundings very vigilantly, and eat only when they find there is no danger in the surroundings.

Because, after eating, they will enter a very 'pleasant' state.

This sense of pleasure seems to be immersed in memories of normal void, and Lynn is not yet clear why they will be happy with this content.

It may be simply like the normal void, or there are some wonderful beliefs and the like.

And this immersion also puts them in danger, so you must make sure that you can eat without danger.

But because there are always many uncertain dangers around, the creatures here are afraid to eat even if they are surrounded by gourmet food.

No creature is strong enough to clear all dangers, but Lyn notices that some creatures will eat some with the protection of their companions, but they dare not eat too much.

This wonderful state of life has caused the creatures here to be in constant tension.

Lin finds the situation here very interesting, but the guinea pigs don't know much about it ... so Lin will continue to observe and research here.

That's it, some time passed.

Only the last hamster Lynn used to study the danger zone was left.

In the safe area, many hamsters and guinea pigs live together.

They are completely mixed with guinea pigs, and they can be completely fused together to do common things.

Lynn also learned something about Sharine from them.

This group of guinea pigs ... is actually a creature reared by Sharine a long time ago, exactly 'thinking creature'.

It is said that Sharine has a wonderful place, and this storage point is not mentioned.

There is a small 'garden' deep in Sharine's mind.

In this garden, Sharine herself lives a very peaceful life here.

And it's not by itself, there are some other creatures here, including the first few guinea pigs.

It's like a small ... space in the corner of its consciousness, which has nothing to do with everything in the void, only peace.

However, after reaching this 'lost graveyard', Sharine deliberately extracted this peaceful little space from the depths of her mind.

These guinea pigs also lived 'outside'.

In fact, Sharin created a similar place outside, including these guinea pigs, of course.

They have been living in the Lost Cemetery since then.

At first they lived like ordinary guinea pigs, and then slowly transformed into this model of making statues.

As for why change? They are all blank in their memory, and they don't know why.

Understanding this is not because they are willing to tell Lin, but Lin has been with them for a long time and found that they can be tested without thinking.

Sharine left long ago, and they didn't know where to go.

But you can see some clues if you check their memory.

In fact, Lin can also see these clues when he observes in the danger area. They are all concentrated on the body of a certain creature.

Abu can see many images of the body of this creature from above.

The main thing is this creature ... one of the creatures in Sharine's 'Little Garden'.

It's not just guinea pigs, but some other creatures, such as Sharine's best friend.

After Shalin constructed the contents of the small garden deep in her mind in the Lost Cemetery, she also constructed all the creatures in it.

Including this friend.

The corpse of this friend is reflected in this place, it is not clear why it turned into this.

This corpse is very large, it is also in the shape of a hill, but it is taller than the others, and it is almost one kilometer in height.

The size of the corpses here is not only related to their size in the normal void, but also the memory content of the mind.

That is, the more memory the creature has, it will swell up and become very large after death.

It was just that Lynn's hamster was not very close to the corpse, because it was surrounded by a large number of dangerous creatures.

So Lin needs to use the other world to help.

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