4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 185: small garden

"this place……"

Veronica's figure slowly dropped from the air and landed on a gorgeous flowerbed.

Here you can feel the warm sunlight dripping from the sky, see the various small insects flying in the plants, hear the calls of various birds ... This place is indeed a very peaceful space.

"who are you?"

In the small white hall in front of him was sitting a man who looked very similar to Veronica ... Ershimin.

He put down his book and turned to Veronica. "How did you get here?"

"Memory in the corpse," Lin said to it, "Do you know Sharine?"

"Of course." It said, "This is what Sharine created, a place in its memory ... a calm place."

"This place will last forever." It said, "Always be calm."

"Do you know where Saran went?" Lynn asked.

"Not quite sure." It said, "Sharine, it ... has a lot of ideas, but it has always wanted to have this peaceful place in its heart, and you come to enjoy this tranquility."


Lynn didn't say anything, she just walked around here.

This place is a space about one kilometer in diameter, with a cottage that looks very ordinary, plus a courtyard full of flowers.

Lin came to this place mainly through that corpse.

The corpse looks like a large ... mountainous mountain of debris on the ground, and there are many creatures on it.

Lynn chased away these creatures with the leader of the ‘weapon’ destroyer of the other world, and then brought the last hamster close to the mountain and began digging on the mountain.

The hamster quickly found a place suitable for excavation and dug into the interior of the mountain. Lin found that the mountain ... was also a large number of metal fragments, and there was nothing special about it.

When Lin used the star simulator to detect where the hamster was, she could see another scene.

It was the scenery of the 'small garden' in the depths of Shalin's memory.

It seems that when the simulation device detects the dream energy in the mountain, it will automatically analyze the situation there and show the scene.

And this view is not only displayed on the ceiling as usual, but instead turns the entire telescope room into a garden.

Lynn's Veronica was able to explore the entire garden.

But Abu didn't show up here, it seemed ... couldn't see it all.

Thinking, Lynn came before the only hut here.

This cottage looks like a two-story cottage made of masonry, and when you walk in, you can see it is full of wooden furniture.

On a table, Lynn saw a small book with ‘Diary’ on the cover.

After taking it and looking at it, Lynn found that this was the diary of Sharine's life here, and the content was very ordinary.

That is, it waters the flowers every day, feeds the guinea pigs, plays games and the like.

It feels like it's just recording daily life.

"It's been here for a long, long time ..." Stay here. "

"Stay here forever." It said, "Your mind has something in common with it, so you can keep it here forever."

The moment he said these words, he suddenly rushed over to Lin.

It was fast, but it was still hidden by Veronica, and it hit the table behind Veronica directly.

After smashing the table into pieces, it quickly stood up and threw the pieces of the table piece by piece.

It seemed to be using an ordinary attack, but Lynn found every piece of debris it threw had a wonderful feeling.

This feeling is similar to Lynn's feeling of positioning.

When Lynn wanted to create new units in unforeseen circumstances, Veronica could be used for positioning.

After positioning, if Lin enters an unpredictable place in a normal void unit, she can be 'born' directly at the location.

Now this Shalin's 'friend' seems to want to locate Lin.

It wants to give Lynn's position here.

And Lynn also found that it can weaken Lyn's perception of other positions.

If you touch these things that it has thrown away, Lynn will feel that the other positions have become more and more ‘weak’.

To put it simply, if it succeeds, Lynn may not be able to locate other positions, and if the troops come in later, they will all appear in this place.

Lynn finds this amazing, how does it do it?

It seems that there is a way to 'connect' directly with Lynn's units in the normal void, and then make them locate to this place.

In short, Lin felt that it was necessary to research.

When Lin thought about it, it was constantly attacking. It smashed various furniture next to it, and threw all its fragments.

Veronica avoided these flying fragments, and Lynn also found that the fragments had a positioning effect only a few seconds after it was thrown over.

So Lynn returned it with the pieces that had lost the positioning effect.

Because Lynn grabbed her hair and lost it, it was quite accurate.

A large number of fragments kept smashing at it, and this ‘friend’ was soon lost by Lin.

Lin found that she could still hurt it if she threw it hard. Under the successive attacks of Lin, she ran out of the door behind her.

Lynn chased after him.

Immediately after chasing out, Lynn found it crawling onto the wall, and it quickly reached the window on the second floor and rolled in through the window.

Lin used her hair to support her body to a height on the second floor to observe the situation inside.

The second floor is a bedroom with two beds and a computer, and Lynn finds that it is pulling out under a bed ... a long knife.

"You must accept this eternal peace!"

After pulling out the knife, it slashed to this side.

Although it is still a few meters away from Veronica, its knife almost cuts Veronica.

Because its knife stretched sharply as it swept across, cutting through the walls and windows directly to Veronica.

Lin stepped back a little later, letting the blade edge a few centimeters from Veronica.

Lin can feel that this knife has a strong positioning effect.

Lin felt that if she encountered it, Lin's normal void army would only perceive this place when it tried to enter an unforeseen place, and no other place.

Although it is said that Lin still has arms to carry out new positioning, Lin feels that it may also be affected in some way.

So Lynn pierced her ... head directly.

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