4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 186: in memory

"... you can't do it."

This Sharine's 'friend' was pierced.

But Lynn didn't pierce it with her hair, because it also has that kind of strong 'positioning effect'.

So Lynn used a stone that she just found in the garden and sharpened it with her hair.

When it was looking for a knife, Lin cut the stone ... Then Lin threw it at it after it was cut.

It did not escape, but was pierced directly by the stone.

Lin originally thought it could hide, but it ... didn't hide.

But it didn't die.

"You have to stay here, you can't leave here, this is the only ... calm ..."

"Why do you want me to stay here?" Lin asked the ‘friend’ questioningly.

It didn't answer Lynn directly, but talked about some ... things in the past.

It is a true friend of Sharine after leaving Dream Ersh and going to the realm.

Then it has followed Sharine through various adventures in various realms, encountering various things.

Sharine finally took it to the normal void, and what happened in the end ... it's not clear.

Because the "friend" that Lin met was created by herself in the small space of thinking, not the real one.

Although it has some memories of this friend.

After creating this small space, Sharine also formed a part of her thinking and lived in this place.

They have lived here for a long time, and have always lived in peace with Sharine.

It liked this peaceful life with Sharine very much, until some time, Sharine had some situation.

That's when Sharine arrived in this lost cemetery.

At that time, Shalin decided to put this peaceful little space deep in her mind outside. Actually, it was originally intended to be here ... that is, the inside of the wreck ball to create a new, larger and calmer space than originally.

Then stay here and live a peaceful life.

The reason for placing it inside the wreckage ball is mainly to keep normal void creatures from getting lost.

The calm space also has the effect of reinvigorating the normal void creatures arriving here, and it is not clear why Sharine did this.

Sharine itself is not affected by loss, because it is not a normal void creature.

And its plan to create a calm space in the wreckage ball was successful at first, but after Sharine left, the space ... collapsed on its own.

It initially played a role, and when lost creatures arrived here, they regained their spirits.

But this peaceful space was disturbed by ...

This disturbance is caused by lost creatures, and it is said that those lost thoughts in their thoughts flow into the calm space.

This quickly caused the peaceful space to collapse.

So this Shaolin's 'friend' thought of a way ... It cut off the peaceful space.

This keeps lost thoughts from flowing in here, but it also does not restore lost spirits.

But even so, calm spaces are not safe.

Because the calm space had been discovered by some carrion on some wreckage balls.

They kept trying to find the peaceful space, because the rotten man had a ... fanatical obsession with any normal void information.

And they always find this place in the end.

Even if you kill those found, more will come later.

It seems that the scavengers can always find clues about calm spaces.

As these scavengers appear more and more, it is difficult for 'friends' to resolve them every time.

Then it came up with the idea of ​​leaving here.

Although Saline wants to keep the calm space here to play the role of rehabilitating the lost creatures, it wants to keep this calm space forever.

Enjoy that kind of ... calm forever.

Later, it left the calm space to find a way out of the wreckage ball.

It just hasn't found any way to leave. Although it's not very difficult to make an aircraft ... but it doesn't know where to go after leaving here to stay forever calm.

And it is not easy to leave here. Although it is not difficult to make the aircraft, but it is easy to be sieged by a large number of rotters if it controls the material.

Because the materials here all need ‘thinking’ to make up.

And when it comes to thinking about the constituent materials, it will be easily discovered by the eater.

Until the end, it suddenly found a ... good way in a calm space.

Mainly it investigated Sharine's diary.

Sharine has another diary on the second floor of the hut, which records something special.

Sharine wrote in her diary that if the calm space cannot be maintained here, then 'friends' can take the space away.

In fact, Sharine thought about their retreat at first, but instead of saying it directly, she wrote it in her diary.

It ’s been a long time since ‘friend’ went to see this diary.

The way to leave is to take advantage of the craving for peace.

If a lonely space exists in an unforeseen place, it cannot be calm.

If this space is to be truly maintained, it must be in the mind of a living being.

For some reason, Sharin can't let the peaceful spaces be in her mind, so she put them out.

If calm space cannot be maintained outside, the only way is to return to the mind of a certain creature.

However, there are no suitable creatures.

So ‘friend’ intends to sacrifice himself.

It moved the calm space into its own mind.

When it comes to movement, it is just a deep memory of all the data related to the calm space.

Sharine's diary contains a detailed 'memory method'.

As long as the diary method recorded above, that peaceful space will appear in the depths of one's own thinking, and without any intervention in this space, it will slowly and smoothly run.

After remembering, ‘Friend’ wanted to leave the wreckage ball, but it was severely attacked.

A large number of scavengers seem to suddenly sense its location and attack it frantically.

In the end ... Lin now sees it.

It could not resist the attack and turned into a corpse.

It was completely dead at the time. No life at all.

Until ... Lin's arrival.

To be precise, after Lin's body was detected with a star simulator, it was 'reborn'.

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