"Go to that distant place ... at the end of it ..."

Lynn's Veronica ... is in a place like a 'stargazing room'.

Here in the stargazing room, Lynn can really feel Shalin's ... feeling.

It felt like I was constantly advancing in the boundless void, wandering towards the depths of the void ...

Countless scenery flashed around Lin, they appeared instantly and disappeared instantly.

This feeling continued for a long time before stopping slowly.

Lynn found that Veronica was standing in a dark space, and the place looked like the void.

In front of Veronica was the figure ... Lin had been looking for.

... Sharin.

It was looking at the darkness ahead, reaching out and not knowing what it was touching.

Lin slowly drifted past when she saw this, and Sharine seemed to have reacted to Lin's arrival.

"Sure enough, it was you who found me." Sha Lin suddenly stopped and turned slowly, looking at Lin.

"Are you ... the deity?"

This Shalin gave Lin a very different feeling from the previous storage point. In short, it was similar to the feeling of "kindness" ... as if it was part of her thinking.

But Lynn tried to ask.

"... Yes," said Sharine. "You should know this, you should be able to feel it."

"However, although I have guessed, I was really surprised to see you here ..." Shalin floated to Veronica and looked over carefully: "I can feel it too Then you have ... a lot of growth. "

"You really are ..." Lin also looked at Shalin carefully, and after watching for a while, Lin reached out and poked at her face.

It does have a sense of ... Lin's unprecedented familiarity, which feels like it leads directly to the depth of consciousness.

"Why, do you want to feel it more carefully?" Sha Lin grabbed Lin's hand and said, "It's all right."

"So, what are you doing here?" Lynn continued.

"This is the end of the void." Sharin said, looking at the dark road behind her. "I have been traveling in this direction."

"I didn't expect it to be here, this void ... the farthest place." Sharine said, "There are so many things going through, but what surprised me the most is that this place has an end."

"Of course, you're not coming to the end and talking to me now, but you ... when you go to the 'boundless meeting room' ... it will activate some of my consciousness left there, and you are now talking to this part of consciousness . "

"No matter what part of the consciousness, you can think of it as me." Sharine said, "You are here to learn about me, you can ask anything."

"Is it ..." Lynn said, "So, I want to know ... the details about what you created me ..."

"Well ... you should know almost this part," said Sharine. "From the storage point, I almost put everything in, but it's not so complete ... let me see how much you know first. ... "

Having said that, Sharine was still in place for more than ten seconds, and then Sharine said, "So, you know what you have stored."

"Huh? How did I know? Our thinking is somewhat common, so to speak ..." Sharine said: "Then tell you something you don't know or don't know. "

"If you must classify yourself as 'species', you belong to a separate void creature."

Sharine said: "This creature constructs an independent void and can also affect other voids ... although it may feel similar to some species living in a separate space, it is still very different. "

"Your consciousness was mainly born after the distant shadow and my consciousness collided. In addition, you added some special things." Shalin said, "That's Ershi."

Lynn wondered, "Ersh?"

"Yes, Ersh," said Sharine. "You should have encountered it ... part of it, or one third."

"Three tumblers," said Sharin. "This is Ersh itself ... huh? You call the planet a tumbler? It's interesting, do you still use the words I gave you before?"

She seemed to feel that Lyn would translate some of its messages into familiar words.

"Those words ..." Lynn said, "It's also fun."

"Yeah." Sharine smiled. "Then continue to say that Ershi is not just a bus creature."

"... actually call them buses, is it so fun?" Sharine said: "In short, Ershi is a kind of ... very ancient hybrid creature, it is much older than ordinary bus creatures. They appeared before they appeared. "

"Bus creatures mainly come from the collapse of the Void Tunnel ... It seems that you already know the relevant events, and Ershi appeared before that. To be honest, I don't know how old it is, after all, we do n’t have a lot of communication . "

"It itself represents three worlds, three worlds, and one consciousness." Sharine said: "Although its consciousness seems to be in one place, in fact, the three worlds are closely linked. "

"You should know all three worlds. One is Ershi and the other is Pompom. Do you call it Pompom? This title is also ... well, the point is that the third world should have been ruined. Lost."

Sharine said with her hand and three clicks in front, a tumbling man appeared in every place where it was clicked.

"The third tumbler, I thought it was ruined because of the conscious image of the distant shadow, but in fact it is not." Shalin said: "It was Ershi who hid it Arise, I didn't find it then. "

"The specific situation is that Ersh‘ compressed ’the consciousness of the third tumbler in some way, and had some influence on the original distant shadow consciousness.”

"Simply put ... even before my consciousness and the consciousness of the distant shadow collided, Ersh had some influence on the distant shadow. It can also be said that you mixed our three parties' consciousness." Saline said: " Then you will be born like this. "

"You are the third world itself," said Sharin. "In fact, this is one of the main reasons why you can use 'cells' as a carrier."

"In fact, the 'body' of the third world itself should not be destroyed, at least not at that time before ... it was just that the connection consciousness above was shifted away." Shalin said.

"So ..." Lynn said, "Why did Ersh do it then?"

"I don't know," said Sharine. "Ersh ... loves to calculate the future and imagines the possibilities of the future."

"The place where I was originally born, 'Dream Elche', is what it calculates about its future appearance, and it doesn't just calculate this. It has been calculating all kinds of things."

"It's like what's going to happen in a void future," Sharine said. "Maybe it also calculates your future."

"It likes to see something happening in your future, and that's enough to get it started." Sharine said, "It's a very fun creature, right? When ordinary creatures communicate with it, they think about it Now, it thinks about the future. It stands in the future, and at some point in the future, it will look at the impact of everything now. "

"It's a creature that is always in the future," said Sharin. "It's hard to say what it is for."

"But if it is speculation, I think there is such a purpose ..."

Sharine said: "Cell creatures, do you know when they were born?"

"I don't know," said Sharine. "But I think it was created by Ersh, a fragile, but special ..." recording function. "

"Cellular organisms seem to be favored by the sea of ​​creation for this reason," said Sharin, "and the point is you."

"You may also have a close relationship with all cellular organisms," said Sharine. "That's why Rush 'created' you."

"Close connection?" Lynn asked.

"Well ..." Sharine said, "You may be the one who can truly extend consciousness to all cellular organisms, not the sea of ​​creation, but this is hard to say ... anyway, Ershi is not himself Made you, but we are together. "

"Do you know the sea of ​​creation?" Lin continued to ask.

"Well, it was the birth of a collision in the void a long time ago ... you know that, too." Sharine said: "The goal now is to make the void collide again, and not just two voids, this time count The third void. "

"I also want to know what the end result will be. Many new things will definitely appear, but maybe a major disaster will happen."

"The sea of ​​creation has always taken a positive stance on the sea of ​​creation, and the sea of ​​creation is hostile to it," Sharine said.

"Now it looks like the sea of ​​creation is at an advantage." Shalin said, "I just don't know if this has been calculated by Ershi. It has been standing in the very far future and looking at the present."

"Shalin, are you really here?"

At this time, another voice sounded.

It was actually the voice of the blond manager before.

The surrounding environment instantly disappeared and changed back to the stargazing room.

"Ah, here it is." And Saran and Lynn's Veronica stood here.

"You ..." The blond manager was at the entrance of the stargazing room, and he looked at Sha Lin a little incredibly. "Really ..."

"Ah, Zi, it's been a long time." Shalin greeted the manager.

"It's been a long time ... Do you know how long you've been out? It seems that your personality hasn't changed much," said the manager.

"It's not too long, but I don't know how many billions of years." Sha Lin said: "And most of the way, I was sleeping, so it didn't take long ... and I used some methods to keep myself at the beginning Oh, personality will not change! "

"It's okay to stay the same," the manager said. "I didn't expect it to really get you back."

"Well ..." Sharine said, "What about here? Hasn't it changed?"

"It's about the same time as you left," the manager said. "It's incredible. It's been so long. Of course, the creatures here are very different from before."

"So, let's go and see ..." Then, Saran took Lin's hand and said, "Come on, Lin."

"I ..." Linda said before she said, "If you have anything to ask, you can walk and say."

Then, Lin left the stargazing room with them, and said hello to other managers.

They were very surprised to see Sha Lin return ... Then Lin went with them to visit this place.

"It's changed a lot here." After leaving the pure white place, Lynn and them came to a place that looked like 'umbrella forest'.

There are a large number of umbrellas everywhere, they are more than one hundred meters, mostly dark red, and are still slowly rotating.

The ground is rocky and looks quite ordinary.

"It's completely different from when I left!" Sharin said as she looked around. "There was no such place before."

"Of course." The manager said, "The environment has changed too many times, but the 'function' here has not changed."

"Oh? Is that a wanderer?"

At this moment there were a few clusters of things like red clouds and mists, some like cloud creatures that Lin had seen before.

These creatures also gathered and sent a large number of image fragments to each other.

"Wanderer?" Lynn asked Saran.

"It's just a large creature wandering in the void ..." Sharine said. "It seems that it's talking about the sea of ​​creation here."

"These are also large creatures." Sharine pointed to the other dense fog around her. "They are here to discuss the sea of ​​creation."

"What are they talking about?" Lynn asked.

"... data flow," said Sharine. "The sea of ​​creation has introduced a large amount of data into this void, which has attracted the attention of many living things."

"It seems like ... other creatures are discussing related events."

Speaking of them, Lin and Sha Lin turned around here and found that there were indeed a lot of creatures discussing around them.

It's just that they didn't discuss what to do, they just discussed where these data flow out now, what impact it will have, and so on.

They have no intention of acting.

"It seems that they are not very good at confirming whether this phenomenon is good or not," said Sharine.


Lynn then asked some Sharine about these unforeseen creatures.

Sha Lin said that the creatures here are not worried about the drastic changes in the environment, and some of them even like the changes in the environment.

So in general, they may not take any action, and of course there are some exceptions.

Most of the creatures who come here are regarded as representatives of a certain civilization, or powerful creatures who live in the void.

However, because they live far from each other, they are divided into many small groups, and each group discusses its own scope of life.

After Lin and Sha Lin walked for a while, they left the area of ​​the umbrella forest and came to a place that looked like a small town.

It is similar to the medieval town of Ershimin, except that it is not Ershimin who sway on this street, but various other creatures.

It is said that the creatures who came here ... most of them will choose simple shapes floating, almost no choice of Ershimin.

"It's really the same here as before, so calm." When she came to a bar, she found a place and sat down. "So what's next?"

"You finally came back ..." the manager asked, "Do you just do nothing?"

"I didn't want to come back by myself," said Sharine. "It was Lyn who activated me to come back. This place doesn't seem to be managed by me here, so ... Lin."

Sharine said to Lynn, "You should have a lot of things to ask."

"... Yes," Lynn said, "a lot of questions."

"We can continue to discuss these things, and after that ... I might want to go with you to the normal void."

"I've traveled here for a long time, but I don't know much about the situation there," said Sharine.

"Yes," Lynn said, "but need to continue traveling here."

"Well ..." Sharine said, "You want to know what's going on here. I can tell you so much. After all, I've traveled to the end of ..."

"Of course, I don't actually know everything, everything here is constantly changing." Sharine said: "The things here ... are really interesting, thinking is the basis of everything, and it forms everything. "

After speaking, Lynn continued to ask a lot about it.

There are indeed many things Lin wants to ask ... but if you think about it, it seems difficult to say something that you want to know in particular.

After all, I know a lot before, but I still have a lot of feelings to ask.

In short, Lin first asked a lot about the unforeseen places.

Such as the history of this void and the general situation of various creatures.

She also answered these things about Lin.

At the same time, Lin was more concerned about Ershi's affairs, and continued to ask some things.

Sharin doesn't seem clear about the details of Ersh's amnesia and war, mainly because it's a clone in the normal void, and the clone itself is also going on the 'end journey' in the normal void.

It's just that this trip is not as smooth as here, because there are also many dangers in normal void, and these dangers are relatively difficult in nature ...

The trip here was actually not very smooth, it encountered many things ... but also learned a lot.

Like the origin of this void, or something, Sharin said it generally knew something. l0ns3v3

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