4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 191: the first

"I've been traveling."

"I think ... traveling gives me the final answer."

"But maybe ... travel itself is not the answer."

"The longer you live, the more purely the purpose becomes to look for the unknown, to witness the unknown."

"So are you ... Lin."

"I saw this void answer, it was ... thinking."

"What do you think of thinking?"

"Different creatures and civilizations have different definitions of thinking, and this void has its own definition."

"That's ... the ability to imagine things out of thin air."

It is said that it happened a long time ago.

However, how long is the birth of a void ... No one knows.

It itself was born from pure thinking.

That is ... from other creatures ... imagine.

The source of the unpredictable land is the imagination of other void creatures.

Not only the normal void, but also other void creatures, the thoughts of countless creatures, their thoughts on different things, these thoughts may originate from real things, or they may be pure imagination.

Shalin told Lin that it wasn't just the three voids that Lin knew now, but some other voids.

In fact, the void is a particularly huge space. As long as a certain space is huge to a certain extent, it is regarded as a separate void.

Of course, its 'nature' will also be very different from ordinary space.

Countless imaginations have been aggregated into data somewhere due to wonderful reasons, forming the prototype of an unpredictable place.

The void at that time was like a chaos. Numerous imaginary polymers were mixed together, and everything was difficult to describe.

Later, these mixtures slowly stabilized.

The main reason for this is the 'location' of unpredictable places.

It is a very special void, because it will be close to other voids and away from other voids.

When it approaches, the things inside become chaotic, and when it leaves, the things inside become more stable.

This is also the initial condition for the birth of this void creature.

As the unpredictable land moved farther and farther away from other voids, the earliest groups of thinking creatures were born.

These thinking creatures ... they just think.

It can also be said to be a group of 'brains' who stay in place and do nothing, but continue to imagine.

They have been imagining things all the time.

All kinds of things from other voids ... are constantly 'wandering' in their minds.

In fact, they do not respond to these things, they just simply absorb the surrounding data, and then think about all these data.

Why did these earliest thoughts appear? Sharine thinks it was 'naturally generated' after the initial chaos stabilized.

Maybe there is no special reason.

However, some Sharine's partners have different views on this.

The unpredictable place at that time was still unstable, because it would often approach other voids, and the chaos inside would 'boil' at this time.

It's just that these initial thoughts have stabilized.

Regardless of whether the unforeseen places are close to other voids, they remain normal.

And they are also normalizing the surrounding chaos.

These earliest thoughts continually imagined the influence of the surrounding mixture.

The mixture itself comes from the imagination of a large number of other void creatures, which were originally all mixed together.

Under the influence of the earliest thinking, these mixed imaginations began to separate and no longer mixed together.

It's unknown how long it lasted. Under the influence of the earliest thinking, these mixtures in unpredictable places ended the mixed state and separated.

But whenever the unforeseen place approaches another void, these separated imaginations are mixed again ... everything becomes chaos again.

I don't know when there will be some sort of 'protection' in unforeseen circumstances.

It can also be said that a wonderful power has greatly reduced the influence of other voids on unforeseen places.

The more stable the imagination in unforeseen places is under the influence of the earliest thoughts, the less the mixing phenomenon occurs.

Some other species were born at this time.

A creature considered to be an imagination.

To put it simply, it is similar to the characters appearing in those works of Dreamland Ershi Alien.

The imaginary creatures appeared in unpredictable places, but the initial appearance of these creatures also showed an unstable state.

They only appeared for a short time, and then died quickly. The first living creatures were in this state.

There are many causes of death, and generally they are imperfect in their composition.

It can also be said that there is a lack of content. For example, when Ershimin imagines a creature, they will not set all the details such as internal organs, and the formed creature will soon die due to lack of these 'contents.

And even creatures with detailed and complete settings cannot survive for long.

Because the unpredictable environment at the time was not suitable for any other void creatures.

If they were born exactly in the setting of the original void ... they would not survive.

After a long period of time, there was still a small group of creatures that survived.

These creatures are in a wonderful state. Although they are also imaginary creatures, they can sustain themselves by absorbing the energy of dreams.

That is, imagining creatures that do not follow the rules of normal void.

The life of the first group of creatures can be said to be very ... boring.

They have been wandering in the void, not knowing what they are going to do, or what they should do.

There are many creatures who are beginning to feel the information in the energy of the surrounding dreams.

They are able to read what is stored in the energy, so that they can know many things about normal void and other voids.

Later, some creatures noticed that their thinking ... would change the energy of dreams around them.

You can assemble things by thinking.

Although there are many kinds of dream energy, they can also be divided into two types in general.

One kind is ordinary ‘no thinking energy’. This energy does not form living things. Common dream materials use this.

The other kind of energy may have thought and give birth to living things.

Both of these energies can be used to form various things with the influence of thought, but the second one may become a living thing in the process of formation.

After the earliest creatures found that they could assemble materials, they began to 'carve' the void.

They are constantly trying to decompose by various methods, recombining the original dream energy, constantly testing the nature of these dream energy, testing their ... limits.

They 'customize' various things.

For example, the various jumping points, various materials, various environments, and many things that are now seen in the normal void are initially absent.

These things are all constructed by ...

If things in the normal void are naturally arranged and combined, things in unpredictable places ... are carved by thought.

Now it is difficult to see the earliest dream energy, almost all of the dream energy that can be seen has been influenced by thinking.

But it can also be said that 'thinking' itself is the earliest dream energy.

These earliest creatures have greatly changed the environment of unpredictable places, and have formed the prototypes of unpredictable places now ...

They can construct not only 'objects', but also other phenomena and environments in the void.

And these earliest creatures did not always survive.

Some creatures born later can be said to be pure dream creatures.

The early creatures had some other void ... shadows, besides themselves, they also constructed things.

Most of them come from other voids, such as those with normal void rolls, as well as the phenomenon of solidification of solid voids.

Others are a marvelous mix of multiple voids.

These constructed things formed the main environment of the unpredictable place at the time.

It can also be said that the unpredictable places in ancient times were like a mixture of various voids.

Perhaps this can be used to judge what will happen after the three voids collide together now?

The mixed phenomenon of ancient unpredictable places did not last.

Some special things also appeared at the time.

It can be said to be 'pure dream creations'.

This structure can be said to be ... almost free from the effects of other voids.

That is, unlike any void object or phenomenon, it belongs to a phenomenon that has only occurred in unforeseen places.

It is hard to say whether this phenomenon was constructed by these early creatures or it was 'naturally born'.

Because they construct countless things, these things react to each other and give birth to more new things.

Accompanied by this strange phenomenon, it is a pure dream creature.

They do not possess the characteristics of any other void creature, and are fully adapted to life here.

These pure dream creatures are the main creatures of this void.

They were few at first, but gradually increased in number.

At first, there were fewer and fewer creatures with other characteristics of the void, and eventually they disappeared almost completely.

Pure dream creatures have a great advantage over those creatures with other void characteristics. Simply put, they can completely adapt to everything in the void.

However, this void is constantly changing, so the creatures here are also changing.

Later, some big things happened, and there were some situations that could be called 'Void Consumption'.

Like the name, it's a void ... devouring another void.

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