4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 192: Nether Contact

The size of the void is not the same, some are large and some are small.

For example, the void that Midgart knows about Lynn is a very small void.

The unpredictable land has been affected by other voids all the time, but these influences have become smaller and smaller, and have stabilized it.

But it will still ‘move’ and approach other voids.

When it approaches other voids, the unpredictable place will not be affected, but the creatures inside it ... will receive some other void data or something.

At this time, unpredictable places will also produce things that contain other void data, creatures and the like.

When unforeseen places are far away, these things will not be kept for long.

And sometimes special situations arise.

Once ... the unpredictable land was very close to a void, and there was no intention to stay away.

In that void creature, the effects of unforeseen land can also be found at this time.

After the two distances are too close, there will be some connection between the two sides, so that the creatures inside can reach another void ... possibly.

As long as a creature is strong enough, it is possible to find this connection and go to another void.

This situation is generally not 'fair', and it is very difficult for other void creatures to go to unpredictable places.

In addition to being strong enough, many conditions are required, and of course a lot of research is needed to find out how to go.

It is relatively easy for creatures in unforeseen places to go to other voids. Things like dream energy can, in many cases, directly 'seep' into other voids.

Dream creatures will follow the energy as well.

It is said that dream creatures also exhibit different characteristics according to different rules of the void.

For example, in the normal void, they are generally difficult to find directly.

And in some other voids, they may be easily discovered by creatures ... What Sharin thinks is interesting is that other void creatures cannot directly enter unpredictable places.

They can be controlled by long distances, or they can be connected by thinking, or they can build a dream energy avatar for themselves, etc. These various ways can allow them to enter unpredictable places, but they just can't bring their own ‘being’ into them.

Simply put, the 'material' in the normal void cannot enter unpredictable places by any means.

Unforeseen places will appear like normal void material, energy, various 'natural phenomena' and so on. All of them are composed of dream energy.

They are not directly related to the matter of normal void.

But the energy of dreams in unpredictable places can easily enter other voids.

Including dream creatures, various energies can also flow into other voids, affecting the void and attracting the attention of the creatures there.

This is also the main reason for other void creatures to discover unpredictable places.

Perhaps the biggest impact that unpredictable places have on other voids is 'swallowing'.

Sharine said that the unforeseen land had completely devoured other voids.

When it is too close to other voids, that void will be affected more and more, and there will also be a huge amount of ... dream energy.

Those creatures inside will begin to be affected by these energies, and many of them will start trying to use energy.

A similar situation applies to both primitive and complex civilizations.

For example, even non-thinking creatures like plants will be mixed with dream energy in their growth cycle.

After all, dream energy is not only controlled by thought. There is a way to 'touch' them to adjust them.

Wonderful things will happen when this situation begins to slowly spread throughout the void.

There will be fewer and fewer ordinary creatures.

At the same time, there are more and more dream creatures.

In this void, some dream energy will be 'auto-generated'. This energy does not flow in unpredictably, it is directly generated in this place.

Then the entire void will be occupied by more and more dream energy and various dream things.

Although it seems to be fast, it is a long process.

Throughout the process, the original 'matter' in the void will gradually decrease and even ... disappear.

This last void will become almost the same as the unpredictable place, and finally merge into the unpredictable place.

The creatures in it have become completely dream creatures, living in the new void.

Because the process of 'dreaming' is long and slow, the creatures inside do not feel uncomfortable.

It is better to say that they have almost no feeling. In the long-term changes, they have adapted to dreaming.

This void finally amounts to being part of an unforeseen place.

However, this newly added area will have many special cases than the original unpredictable place, that is, it will occasionally appear some original void things.

Of course, these are all composed of dream energy, but the things that were originally void seem to be recorded here, and they are affected by the energy to construct them.

Why are unpredictable places approaching and away from other voids?

Many creatures have different opinions on this point, and some think that it is the thinking of the creature that has led to an unpredictable ... approaching.

This statement is mainly void, and some creatures think of unforeseen places.

Some special creatures, similar to the situation when dreaming suddenly feel unforeseen places, feel like they are in unforeseen places.

These creatures have nothing in common. They may come from anywhere. Generally, it is thought that there may be some special reason, which makes the thinking of these creatures connected to unpredictable places.

There are also other sayings, such as the unpredictable land itself is a creature.

There are also many other studies on the mutual attraction of virtual space.

Unpredictable proximity to other voids does not necessarily have the effect of 'swallowing'.

Some voids are not affected by it, but anyway, if they are approached ... there will always be many dream creatures and dream energy in this void.

Another interesting feature of Unpredictable Land is that it will not blend into other voids.

Consuming the void is to make other voids part of it, but it will not mix with other voids.

That is ... there will be no small spaces in unpredictable places, and all the creatures in it will be on the same level.

Its various characteristics also make other void creatures pay great attention to unforeseen places, and many creatures have always tried to study it.

But very little is known about it.

In fact, there are only unpredictable land creatures that can deeply study unpredictable places.

Especially creatures like ... Sharin.

Sharine ... can also be said to be ancient consciousness, and there are similar creatures such as distant shadows. They are the oldest creatures.

That is, the earliest thought that was born in the chaos.

These earliest thoughts did not dissipate, but instead became one 'thinking area'.

The various areas of thinking seen in unpredictable places are related to the earliest thinking.

The earliest thoughts themselves have the ability to absorb the energy data of the surrounding dreams and transform them.

This "transformation" is a wonderful part, each thought can bring different properties to the surrounding dream energy.

For example, the place of abandonment can bring together the concept of 'abandonment'.

However, the earlier thoughts were not too complicated. They generally made dream energy pure.

Like a piece of dream energy mixed with many ideas from the void, they will separate the dream energy ... so that a single thought corresponds to a single piece of energy.

And as these creatures in unpredictable places become more complex, they become more complicated.

Generally speaking, they will not have any ideas about absorbing and transforming energy. Although they will read the information in the energy, they will not have any ... concepts about this information.

But in some cases, there will be more wonderful changes. These ancient thoughts will move when they have their own ideas.

Simply put, they have thoughts about what they want to do, what they don't want to do.

When this idea arises, a region of thought may become active.

It's a situation similar to Sharine.

Because of this ancient creature, Sharine is also the species most likely to understand the entire unpredictable land.

But beyond the earliest thoughts, there are many ... wonderful creatures in unpredictable places.

There are many creatures now, all of which are associated with normal void.

Because the deepest relationship with unforeseen places is the normal void.

Normal void can be said to be the first void to collide with unforeseen places.

After the collision, there were many new things on both sides, great changes and ... new species.

Many creatures are born after the collision, and after the collision ends, they continue to live after the void is far away.

These two voids have a wonderful connection, which has never been seen before.

Creatures such as the phoenix and whirlwind that Lin met are two species that require a connection between the void to sustain.

Their 'body' is on the unforeseen side, while their carrier is still on the normal void side.

This connection is maintained even when the two voids are far apart.

In addition, many other creatures have this connection.

This also allows the normal void creatures to understand more and more about the unforeseen.

Some creatures are looking forward to having the two voids collide again, producing new ... results.

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