4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 193: influences

"The collision of the void has triggered a lot of new things, and the connection between these two voids ... has never ended."

"Many creatures think this connection indicates that the two voids will collide again, but they have never happened."

"They are getting farther and farther ..."

At that time, the normal void and unforeseen places, their contact conditions were actually very ... complicated.

In general, there are many unique mixed phenomena that do not occur in a certain void alone. They are a wonderful phenomenon that only emerges when the void collides.

Sharine has done a lot of research on this phenomenon before, and creatures such as the Sea of ​​Creation were born during the initial collision.

In addition, there are many other creatures.

What is interesting about many of these creatures is that they have two characteristics of the void.

Most of these creatures themselves did not know where they came from when they were born ... but if they live long enough, they will notice their special characteristics and recognize two voids.

If they find that the two voids are getting farther and farther apart, they often develop anxiety.

Then they want to bring the two voids closer again.

Of course, collision in the void will also have some bad effects on creatures, for example, it is not good for bus creatures.

In addition to the impact on the normal void, the unforeseen places are also affected by many collisions.

As for these effects, Lynn actually knew about them.

Species such as the various normal void data now emerged after the collision.

Prior to this, the unpredictable land was not so 'pure' ... other void creatures.

The creatures living here ... although they may have some data from other voids, they cannot live according to the rules of those voids.

Simply put, the creatures living here must consume dream energy from the beginning, use mind movements, and other lifestyles in unforeseen places in order to survive here.

If a creature is completely in accordance with the original rules of the void, it must not be able to live here.

And after the collision, there were many creatures that Lin had seen before ... that came completely in accordance with the original void rules.

Before the collision, using the data of Ershimin to form an Ershimin in an unforeseen place, it would die quickly.

Because of the surrounding environment ... there is no air temperature and everything else that it needs in a normal void.

If you fully simulate this environment with dream energy, you can support it for a longer time, but the environment is also easy to collapse if it is disturbed by other energy.

After the collision, a different situation emerged.

Even if an Ershmin is constructed exactly according to the rules of normal void, they can live here.

This is true even if there is no dream energy surrounding them to form an environment suitable for them, and they will soon discover to use dream energy.

It can be said that living things have the ability to adapt themselves.

But this is not the whole unpredictable place, it is mainly the creatures that come in the space of hope ... that's it.

Sharine said that the deeper you can see the more “pure” unpredictable creatures.

As for the creatures near the normal void, they are not so pure.

But no matter what, the strength of the unpredictable creatures is mainly related to thinking.

After learning about the origins of the unpredictable land, Lynn asked Sharine about her journey ... and the encounters on the road and the like.

Sharine said the journey was ... very complicated, but also fun.

After all, this was a fairly long journey, and it actually 'died' many times along the way.

And I've been to many places where there are no jumping points and can only float.

Too many encounters on the road, Sha Lin felt that if she wanted to ‘speak’, she would be able to create a huge data stream like the sea of ​​creation.

Of course, there aren't as many seas of creation, but there are many.

"If you want to know all the details of my journey ... then I can't tell you directly yet. I need to 'download' to this place."

Now, Shalen and Lyn came to a relatively large wooden house.

This chalet is said to be a place of worship for gods, and in front of the chalet there is a manager wearing red and white clothes.

The managers here were very surprised by Sha Lin's return, and this manager ... was the one with the most dull response.

It just glanced at Shalin and turned around to do her own thing ... that is, sweeping the floor.

Sharine also told Lin before that these managers are one of her favorite roles in the other world.

Of course, they also have the actual strength to manage the creatures that come here. Although they generally don't care about it ... but there are occasional creature troubles.

"This place has this effect." Sharine walked to the door of the wooden house and struck the door hard. "It can completely transmit the data of my journey."

"Because the data itself is huge, you won't come along when you wake me up. It needs to be transmitted back through this place. It will take some time." Shalin retracted her footing. "Now the transmission has started, you What to do ... is to wait. "

Then he jumped in front of Lin and said, "Where shall we go next?"

"You've been keeping ..." Lynn asked, "Is this character?"

"Not all of them," said Sharine. "My current character is very close to the character of my adventures at that time, but ... I can change at any time, and I can change differently when dealing with different situations."

"Anyway before the transmission is over ... by the way, I want to see if they are here or not, so let's check them out together."

Speaking, Sharine ran in one direction.

Lynn followed it and started moving.

The cabin was located in a grove, and soon Lin ran out of the grove with it and came to ... a large square.

This is also the characteristic of this place called ‘Boundless Meeting Room’.

This place is formed by combining a number of completely different areas, and the environment between each area is completely unrelated.

But each area has a lot of creatures like it, and gathered here to discuss.

Like this square that looks like a masonry floor, there are also many creatures gathered here.

"They are really ... still here."

Sharine and Lin came to the center of the square, where there was a pool more than ten meters in diameter.

I saw two cotton-like creatures floating on the pool.

These two creatures are also sending a lot of image fragments to each other. These fragments are a little different from other creatures. They are ... constantly changing.

When other creatures communicate, the image fragments sent each time are a large number of the same small amount of different, and these two creatures each send a large number of different fragments.

"They never left," said Sharine. "The two creatures have been here a long time ago."

"It may be tens of millions of years," said Sharine. "I paid attention to the situation here when I traveled before ... the two are said to have stayed here since they haven't moved."

"Why are they here for so long?" Lynn asked. Set up

"They belong to a 'civilized setting creature'," said Sharin. "They are always discussing changes in the void ... they will discuss many details."

"Then they will discuss how a civilization was born in this environment, and how it should be born ... and then in this environment, the civilization they are talking about may be born."

"After some time, they will discuss how this civilization should perish, and then this civilization will perish." Sharin said "It seems they have been doing this kind of thing for a long time."

"No, they haven't discussed that recently." At this time, Lynn noticed that the former blonde manager had appeared.

"They have recently discussed what dramatic changes will occur when the environment receives a large amount of data input." Managers said "these data come from many places, including recently ... the sea of ​​creation, and they have been discussing what these data cause. Those environmental effects have not been discussed in a long time. "

"Really ..." Sharine wondered. "That's special."

"They ..." Lynn asked, "Can you tell me the details?"

"Of course." Sharine said. "The two creatures have been talking about a huge range of environments ... maybe in about ten light years, and then discussing what civilization will be born in it."

"You also know that they are just constructed bodies. Their real bodies will go to the discussion area and construct the civilization they are discussing in the discussion area."

"In the process of making civilizations, they need to be personally ... assembled, but the control process is not used."

"They control the direction of the entire civilization through discussion ..." Sha Lin said "It can be said that their hobby can also be said that they live this way."

"You also know that if the creatures here maintain a certain behavior for a long time, it means that they mainly live in this way. If a group of creatures suddenly stop their long-sustained behavior ... it is really wonderful."

"It means that this void is really going to change a lot, so much data ..."

Sharin said suddenly, "It seems something needs to be done."

"Are you trying to stop the sea of ​​creation?" Lin asked.

"No, it's mainly to check the distance between the voids," said Sharine. "It's not just the sea of ​​creation."

"There are some other void data coming in ... some of the creatures here are talking about those inside



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