"These voids are small voids."

Lynn and Sharine are now in the position of the former 'Stargazing Room'.

This place is not only used to bring back Sharine, it has many other functions.

For example, detect the surrounding void environment.

There is nothing special to do because she is waiting for Sharine's 'Travel Data'.

Lynn continued to ask Sharine about various things, and followed it to see what it wanted to do.

Now Lynn and it are detecting the situation in the surrounding void.

Mainly to detect some ... data, the dream energy of the surrounding void environment.

In the energy of dreams in unpredictable places, sometimes other void data are mixed together.

To be precise, it is from other void creatures ... thoughts and ideas, and they occasionally affect the energy of this void. And make a small change in this energy.

This 'stargazing room' can detect these influence data from other voids.

"This is really high," said Sharin, looking at the twinkling 'Starry Sky'. "Much higher than before."

"Yeah." The manager of the blond hair is also here: "It's gotten higher recently, it's almost 30% ..."

Earlier, Sharine and Lynn said that these effects from other voids are usually below 0.1%, which will hardly cause anything.

Above 1%, there will be some changes in the dream energy, such as the phenomenon that only occurs in other voids.

Of course, it will not be completely complete until 100%, and 30% can already have a big impact.

"Is this the change created by the Sea of ​​Creation?" Lynn asked.

"No, there was before it," said Sharine. "This value seems to have been increasing for a long time."

"The impact data comes from the smaller voids," said Sharine. "It seems that there are many small voids approaching this place."

"These little voids ..." Lynn asked, "How small are they?"

"Different sizes," said Sharin. "Generally, in about a light year, their 'rules' are mostly similar to normal voids, but there are also some wonderfully regular voids. The reason for their formation is generally considered to be ... split. of."

"There are many reasons for the formation of the void. Split formation is one. It can be said that a large void is broken down into many small voids." Sha Lin said: "Because there is a void in a collapsed state, I think it should all come from To it. "

"... collapse?" Lynn asked.

"Hmm ... It's like the collapse of a void tunnel," said Sharine. "If you want to say, the void tunnel can be considered a ... little void."

"Most of the voids are small ... as far as you know, there are three large voids," said Sharin. "And these large voids are actually more than three."

"... how many are there?" Lynn was still quite surprised.

"I don't know much about most situations, because these large voids are quite far away ..." Sharine said, "but there is one ... I know more about it."

"This void is called 'collapsed void', it collapsed a little bit long ago, shattered ... a lot of small voids are generated like this." Sharine said: "Now there are many from this The small void effect that collapsed. "

"The influence from the creatures inside." Sharine said: "It's quite interesting. Maybe it's necessary to investigate. Would you like to go there together? Lin?"

"Go to those little voids that collapsed?" Lin asked.

"Well ... there's actually no direct way to get here," Sharine said. "You have to enter the normal void first, and then ... you can get there."

"Easy going there?"

"It's not very easy, you need to know it in the normal void," said Sharine. "Of course, if you want to come, you can go together."

"……of course."

For the next time, nothing seemed special.

Lynn and Sharine have stayed here, except to continue to ask some things, Lynn is the creature with whom he looked around and discussed.

Many of these creatures are indeed discussing things such as changes in void data, while others are discussing in secret.

The secret way ... just can't see what they're talking about, they don't send out a large number of fragments like other creatures, it seems that several creatures come together.

Sharin said that if they discussed this way, they might be discussing something about occupying here.

In fact, creatures have always wanted to occupy this 'boundless conference room'.

It's just that they never succeeded.

Some are solved by managers, and some are solved by other creatures.

During the previous testing, Sharine and Lynn discovered that some creatures are now having bad ideas for this place.

Because there was nothing special to do now, Sharine decided to take care of them, and of course Lynn followed it.

"Here ... this is an abandoned conference area."

At this time, Lynn and Sharine came to a ... darker place.

The other meeting areas gave Lin a ‘bright’ feel, and the place was very dark, and it looked like the ruins of a medieval town.

According to Sharine, although the creatures here generally don't like the structure of Ershimin, they really like the urban environment of Ershimin.

Unpredictable places are not really bright and dark. If you see a similar dark scene, you are usually disturbed by energy.

And pure darkness ... caused by nothing in the perception range.

"These places are left after the battle." Sharine said: "Some creatures occupied this place ... leading to some fierce wars here, and the area after the battle has been abandoned, that is ..."

'boom! ’

Suddenly, Lynn noticed that Saran took out a pistol and fired several shots in succession.

The bullets hit a nearby wooden door hanging on the door frame, which was dangling.

‘Ga…’ The moment the wooden door was hit, it was distorted and transformed into a creature with limbs, and quickly ran away.

"What is that?" Lynn asked.

"Creatures produced by the battle," said Sharine. "After the end of the battle, many endemic species were born here, and they have always lived in this environment. They are quite fun."


Suddenly, Lynn found out that the 'wooden door' that had run away ran back again, and it also carried a lot of ... companions.

Its companions are some cabinets, boilers, stoves, and other medieval furniture that grew out of several limbs.

It feels really fun.

"Oh, oh, so many of these creatures besieged us, that means there must be some badly planned creatures nearby!"

Sharin said, firing a lot of shots at these creatures.

These rushing creatures were also smashed at this moment ... These bullets were very different from the first shot it just fired, and had much greater power.

Following this, Sharine walked over their fragments, and Lyn examined the shattered creatures.

They don't seem to be anything special, just disguised as the furniture here.

As you walk through the ruins, many similar creatures can be found.

They pretended to be their surroundings and launched an attack when Lynn and Sharine approached.

But they were all easily resolved.

As soon as Sharine's bullets hit them, the rift quickly crawled through the wound.

Lin also asked Sharine about the structure of the dream material ... Sharine told Lin what she found, basically the same.

In short, the more complicated the idea of ​​construction, the more capable of exerting the 'power' of a structure.

At the same time, the idea can be used to make the constituents have different 'properties'.

It can be imagined that the material is a solid object, energy, various phenomena and so on.

As long as the thinking ability is strong enough, the dream material can show many different 'characters'.

"It should be there."

Before Sharine and Lyn came to a building with the book library, it looked like a hemispherical wooden building.

The building looked much more complete than other buildings, and Sharine shot a shot at the library door after shaking her pistol.

The moment the bullet hit the gate, Lynn saw a strong maneuver explode at the location of the hit.

It turned into a huge tornado in a short time, and the entire library began to fall apart under the destruction of the tornado.

"With different ideas, it's not just about constructing solid objects." Shalin told Lin: "Lin's words should be easy to do. After detailed settings, the materials can show quite a lot of different Effect……"

'boom! ’

Before Shalin finished talking, the library suddenly exploded.

In the explosion, a large number of books flew, and they attacked Lin and Sha Lin directly.

"These should be itself."

Sharine hit each book directly with a gun, and the books broke into halves the moment they were penetrated by bullets.

Every book was shattered, and Lin could 'listen' to a lot of screaming sounds.

In the end all the books were beaten by Sharine.

When it hit the last book, its scream was also the loudest, and the main thing was ...

It didn't crack.

The book fell to the ground intact after being hit.

Lin walked over and looked at the book, and its cover reads 'A Big Treasure.'

"This comic seems to have been seen before." Sha Lin also came over and turned it over to take a look.

It tells the story of ... a ship.

The ship was constructed on an island, and it was determined to take a big adventure.

It sailed all the way to the end of the world, sunk countless other ships along the way, destroyed countless islands, and finally reached the end.

Then ... it's over.

Although it is simple, the whole story is quite fun.

During the journey, the ship encountered many complex species, including Ershimin, and had various relationships with them.

Many creatures are hostile to it, and many creatures have become its partners.

Each partner hasn't been with him for a long time. Every time a partner dies, it assembles the partner's body on the ship and moves on.

Until the end, the ship looked like a ... deadship.

Almost exactly, a battleship piled up with the wreckage appeared at the end of the story.

"So it is, it puts itself in this story." After reading, Sharine said to Lin: "Many creatures here have this ability, you know this void can only have 'data' It constitutes a complete ... whether it is a creature or something, so some creatures will directly commit suicide when facing danger, and store their data, waiting to be 'constructed' at some point. "

"It's the same. Its data is in this book." Sharine said, "It was just easily discovered."

"What creature is this?" Lyn asked.

"Extract its data and have a look." Shalin opened the book and placed it on the ground, then placed her hand on the surface of the book.

"You can also try it."

After Shalin said, Lin put her hand on the surface of the book like it did.

After putting it on the surface, Lynn can really feel the data inside ...

It can be found that these data represent the composition of a thing.

If this data is used in some dream materials, then these materials will constitute corresponding things.

That is ... the death battleship.

It can be said that it is an aircraft very similar to the death battleship, and it is mainly seen as a mass of debris.

It should not be directly related to the real death ship, because it has no other system similar to the death ship.

Its role is not to attack, but to collect.

This is similar to the way Lin conducted the inspection in the stargazing room.

The stargazer here can detect the 'influence values' in various dream energy in the void.

At the same time, it can also detect which void these influence values ​​come from, and carefully classify them.

This thing, like a death battleship, also has similar functions, but its main function is to find a source of void influence in dream energy, and then extract detailed information about this influence.

Lynn thought ... it might have something to do with Mead Void.

"So it's a solution now." Shalin picked up the book and said with her ears. "Purple, we found a creature hiding in the abandoned area. You can investigate when it came in."

"Okay, I see ..." At this time, the blond manager's voice also sounded, and after tens of seconds, it said: "This creature came here ten days ago, it is in many districts There was some discussion with various creatures, and then they drifted into the abandoned area. "

"What it discusses ... is all about the effects of a void." The manager said, "Now the dream energy is affected by the" thinking "from various voids, and some weak changes have occurred. It mainly It's asking if other creatures have found energy affected by a void. "

"The void it said seems to be a small void ... After it asked many creatures here, only one creature said that it had seen the effects from that void." The manager said, "After knowing this news, , It went into hiding in the deserted area. "

"Then it was there to try to make a large-scale exploration of the surrounding void environment, which is why we found anomalies."

Lynn and Sharine discovered some abnormal data during the stargazing room inspection, and this creature seems to be the source of the anomaly.

This kind of anomaly can be said to be an anomaly in which the data detection is unstable, that is, the influence value of a certain void data is unstable ... higher and lower.

"That's the way it is," said Sharine. "That is to say, it cares about the impact of a certain void on this place. It came here to investigate, and after we found it, it committed suicide decisively, but kept its data."

"Then take this data back anyway."

Speaking, Sharine laid the book on the ground, and at the same time she lowered the gun it had used to fire.

Then the gun began to deform into a thing with many legs, and it left after lifting the book.

"Okay." After looking at the gun and moving the book away, Shalin looked at Lin and said, "Do you want to go back? Or continue to investigate this place?"

"Keep looking," Lynn said.

"Yes ..." Sharine said, "then ... move on!"

Lin and Sharine continued to wander around in these abandoned areas.

There are quite a few creatures disguised as their surroundings. Sharine said that they originally lived a normal life. If there were some mischievous creatures nearby ... they would start to attack the incoming.

This also means that this group of camouflaged creatures is regarded as an 'indicator'.

They are actually not related in any way to malicious creatures, but they are affected by the emotions of those creatures.

Another interesting thing is that creatures trying to endanger the 'boundless conference room' will always hide in the abandoned area.

No matter how long they plan or what they plan to do, they will always try to hide inside.

It also makes it easy to grab them ... except for those that are too powerful.

So Lynn and Sharine encountered some creatures on the way.

These creatures are here to plan what to do.

Some want to kill certain creatures in question, while others want to blow up an area.

However, they are not very strong in themselves and can be easily solved.

This also made Lin discover that it seems that there are still a lot of creatures trying to harm this place.

On the way with Shalin, Lyn also went to several abandoned areas.

The situation in these areas is almost the same, like the ruins of Ershimin ... and there are also many creatures here.

Lynn also saw how those camouflaged creatures lived an 'ordinary life' without being affected.

During the period of exploration, the detection of the previous book was almost completely done.

It is indeed something associated with Mead Void.

It seems to be specifically investigating how Mead's void has affected some of the energy here.

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