4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 195: data flow

"Midgart, the super-solidification of the void ... I don't know much about that void. Mobile phone side"

"However, it's normal for it to investigate here, because most living creatures want to understand it whenever they recognize it."

"So now ... let's kill this thing before we say it!"

Sharine jumped **** the ground, and a violent explosion bloomed at its feet almost at the same time.

"This thing ... is pretty strong."

Sharon then landed on the roof of a nearby hut, and stood with Lynn's Veronica looking at the creature ...

Not long ago Lynn and Sharine came to this place.

It also looks like a ruin, but it is more ancient, that is, the ruins of the Ershi civil civilization in the primitive era.

Most of the houses here are low spear grass houses, but there are more powerful creatures hidden here.

That's what Lin and Sharine are facing now ... looking like a three-dimensional image.

It is a translucent blue object more than ten meters in shape and is not fixed like a ball of mud.

Sharine said that the combat ability of this body is actually not very strong, after all, it was temporarily created.

The creature itself is the same. A sufficiently strong body also needs a large amount of data to support it.

"It's going to attack!"

The moment Sharin finished, the blue object instantly turned into a drill-like shape.

At the same time, the cabin where Lynn and Shalin stood stood shook, and the whole split in half.

I saw a huge drill coming out of the cracked two-half hut, but it didn't drill to Lin and Sha Lin ... because, it had already jumped into the air.

The interesting thing about this creature is that when it changes into various shapes, there will be dream energy surrounding it that will become the same shape to attack Lin and Sha Lin.

Like now, Lynn noticed that it had turned into a sharp needle, and suddenly a lot of needles appeared in the surrounding air.

The needles flew at high speeds, and they were all tied to Veronica's hair and ... Shalin's body.

"Can't you stop it for me?" Sharine pulled a needle stuck on her forehead.

"Are you incapable of stopping?" Lyn asked.

"It's not there on the surface," said Sharin, pulling the needle from her body. "Anyway ... you feel it carefully."

Speaking, Sharine threw a needle in her hand towards the target, and the needle penetrated the blue translucent creature ... It seemed that nothing special happened.

With this, the blue object changed into the shape of a circular saw again, but this time no circular saw appeared around it.

"Sure enough," said Sharin. "This creature has a strong ability to control the surrounding energy. There are some ways to interfere with its control. It is the easiest to interfere with its own creation."

"... mostly felt."

Lynn did find out that the needle that Saline had thrown back had ‘infused’ a strong emotion.

"Then solve it!"

Speaking, Shalin bumped at the translucent creature.

Sharine's body didn't pass through the creature, but directly hit it, and the creature was knocked out immediately, knocking down a hut ...

The creature was constantly changing its shape in the debris of the house and floated slowly, and then stepped on by Sharin.

Then ... it will look like a slime and never move again.

...... It doesn't seem to be so difficult.

Lynn hasn't acted much all the time, mainly to see how Shalin fights.

And she seemed to be willing to demonstrate.

According to Lin's observations, Saran's body does not have any special abilities, but she can adjust at a very fast speed to construct the surrounding dream energy.

Ordinary creatures need long and complex thoughts to construct the dream material into something, and Sharine can quickly constitute it.

In addition, Sharine's body is also a 'body-conscious' creature, and it is easy to recover from injury.

And Shalin showed them to Lin, it seems that there are mainly ways to let Lin learn more about the control of dream energy.

"So where did you just say ... Midgart?" Sharine stepped on the blue slime beneath her. "If you have a chance, I would like to see that creature."

"It forms a void ..." Lynn said, "Will that void in the frozen void also affect it here?"

"There are many reasons for the impact, and the main source is 'thinking.'" Sharine said, "thinking can affect dream energy, besides thinking, it is 'data'."

"A kind of data that is set in detail ..." Sharine said: "In the normal void, there are countless forms of stored data. Any object you see can be regarded as data. Biologically, it is not necessarily a password that stores countless secrets. "

"But here ... data is data," said Sharin. "It takes the form of ... it can be said that there is only one."

"Shalin!" At this moment, the manager's voice suddenly rang: "Data ... is coming to this side."


Speaking, Lynn found a ... screen screen popping up in front of Sharine.

You can see a huge river flowing in this screen.

This is the data river of the sea of ​​creation, and it seems like it is flowing towards this 'boundless conference room'.

"It's approaching a jumping point that can reach here," said the manager's voice. "It can pass the jumping point, and it is likely to jump directly here."

"This is quite interesting," said Sharine. "So ..."

"Don't find it interesting, Sharine." The manager said, "These data streams themselves are different in nature, some are gentle, and some will destroy everything encountered on the road."

"And this is the kind that can destroy everything," the manager said.

"Well, do you think of a way?" Sharine said: "I have managed this for so long, there is no way to deal with it."

"There are many ways," said the manager. "It's just ... anyway, don't you want to think about a way? Rarely come back."

"Why do I want to? I still have to tell Lin a lot of things." Shalin said, "This kind of thing ..."

"You can try to solve it." Lin said.

"Is that so?" Saran said. "Since my Lynns all want to see it ... look at it."

After speaking, Lynn and Sharine left the abandoned area and returned to their previous stargazing room.

Now the stargazing room is not showing the starry sky, but the scenery of the void outside. You can see that the data stream of the sea of ​​creation is moving extremely fast.

"There is no real light in this void, but this thing is already close to the speed of light." Sha Lin looked at the data stream and said, "It's half a light day before we can reach the jump point."

"Then get out the previous one, Zi!" Sharine turned to the manager behind him, "that ..."

"Sorry," the manager said, "that was destroyed 30,000 years ago."

"What?" Sharine was shocked. "How did you destroy it?"

"That battle." The manager said, "There is no way to fix it."

"What ruined it?" Lynn asked.

"That data restoration device." Sharine said: "Simply put, it is a device that restores the modified materials to ordinary materials, which is very useful, but it is very troublesome to build ..."

"Since this is the case, there is no other way, use another solution, turn off the jump point." Sha Lin said: "This way, it will definitely not get through!"

"Can it be closed?" Lin asked.

"Of course." Sharine said: "Thinking at the jump point can send you to different positions, and you can change the position of this jump point at the destination ... or even cancel it."

"That's fine," the manager said.

"Well, let's get started."

When Sharine was talking, I saw a big ... map on the stargazing room.

It is mainly the environment of the entire boundless conference room. The entire conference room is quite large, and there are a lot of complicated environments mixed in it.

The entire conference room is a huge disk-shaped, with a diameter of 30,000 kilometers. Each area is quite small, with an average diameter of several hundred meters.

There are multiple areas lit with red dots, and these represent ... the positions of the jumping points.

"Turn them all off."

After Sharine spoke, these red dots quickly disappeared.

"That's it!" Sharine said, "it won't be able to come here next, let's keep watching."

So Lynn and Sharine continued to watch the data flow of the creative sea outside in the stargazing room.

The data flow is divided into many pieces, and this one is very ... destructive.

When it touches anything, it will quickly destroy it, like something floating on the road. It disappears as soon as it is touched.

And it's very fast.

This acceleration method gives Lin the feeling that it is like accelerating in the normal void. As long as it is constantly accelerating, even if it is very slow at first, it can become a relatively fast speed with continuous increase.

The data stream of the sea of ​​creation seems to be similar to that situation.

Under observation, the data stream quickly approaches the target, which is ... the position of the jump point.

There are many jumping points to reach this infinite conference room, so there are so many creatures here.

And the moment when the data stream of the sea of ​​creation touched the jumping point ... disappeared.

"Shalin! It's at the jump point!" The manager immediately said, "Shut down ... seems useless!"

'boom! ’

At this moment, a starburst sounded in the stargazing room, and the whole room was lit with red warning.

"That's it, it looks like it has the ability to forcibly open." Although the room was flashing red, Sharine didn't care much: "Fortunately, I was prepared."

It can be seen from the stargazing room that a large amount of data is flowing out, but the location where it is pouring out is not the boundless conference room, but in a void space more than 100,000 kilometers away from the conference room.

"You changed the position of the jump point?" The manager was surprised. "When did you do it?"

"Of course it was just now, this kind of stopping it from jumping is not necessarily easy to use, so I just ..."

Before Sharine finished, the manager said, "But it's over."

"Hmm ... I saw it."

As soon as the data stream came out, it came towards the boundless conference room.

It's just a lot slower than before, so it didn't arrive here immediately.

"Very well, solve it, send troops!" Sharine said, "Don't tell me you don't even have troops left!"

"Of course there is ... but I think it may be useless." The manager said, "But if you want to dispatch, then dispatch."

Then, the manager clapped his hands.

At this moment, Lynn could see a large number of ... creatures flew out from the edge of the disk in the boundless conference room.

The creatures looked like an Ershimin, but had a pair of large butterfly-like wings on their backs.

The number of them is also very large. At present, Lin has seen millions flying out.

"They are well maintained," said Sharine. "The whole army is aiming at that big river! Go and bomb it into powder!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

In the stargazing room, you can see these butterfly-winged Ershimin responded very positively, they began to rush towards the data stream quickly.

When viewed from a distance, it looks like two huge floods are about to collide, but the army did not directly hit the data stream.

They flew to a distance of 10,000 kilometers before stopping, and then they spread their wings.

Instantly, countless brilliant sparks scattered under their wings, feeling like gorgeous fireworks, these flickering objects flooded into the data stream in large quantities.


There is also a 'dubbing' system in the stargazing room. The brilliance dropped by this army exploded on the surface of the data stream one after another. It feels like throwing stones into the water, causing the surface of the river of data to be blown up by countless Waves.

But ... it didn't stop, it was still moving.

"Go ahead and maximize the firepower! Let it know how terrible we are!"

Under Shalin's shout, Lynn found that the objects thrown out by these troops were also getting bigger and bigger. They initially lost small flashes like fireworks, but now they began to throw large colored **** of light.

Countless light spheres form a huge 'colorful flood', which directly collided directly with the data stream.

When the collision between the two sides simulates a huge roar, the data flow can also be seen ... actually stopped.

When the two sides collided, the data stream spattered like water hitting the surface of the stone, and a large amount of water floated into the surrounding void.

The "color flood" made up of light **** thrown by the army is slowly advancing, it seems as if the data is being pushed backward.

This data stream ... shouldn't be pushed back so easily.


Suddenly, these long-winged Ershi people screamed. Many of them were splashed ... water attacked.

The 'water' spilled from the data during the collision has now all turned into sharp objects.

They started flying towards the army.

The group of winged Ershimin also reacted, they began to spread their wings to attack the sharp objects flying.

When a large number of sharp objects came flying, most of this army also began to fight, and this also caused the firepower of 'Caihong' to become increasingly insufficient.

These sharp objects are not only produced by impact sputtering, but also a lot of ... the liquid actively flying out of the data stream becomes a sharp object flying away.

When most of them were dealing with sharp objects, the entire 'Caihong' began to collapse, a large number of light **** became less and less, and eventually even completely disappeared.

The data stream continues to move towards the boundless conference room.

"It seems this thing is quite difficult to deal with."

Now the entire army is in a state of fighting with the sharp objects flying from the surface of the data stream, and it is difficult to stop the data stream.

Sha looked at the current situation, it reached the center of the stargazing room, and stepped on it hard.

'boom! ’

A violent explosion ... suddenly unfolded in the middle of the data stream.

The explosion directly exploded the data stream into two sections. At the same time, Lynn also found a lot of lava-like luminous substances in the place of the explosion.

"This is a trap," said Sharine. "The emergency **** spawning device, it seems that this function is still intact."

While she was talking, Lynn also saw a huge magmatic flow completely blocking the river of data.

And there are a lot of ... in the magma flow, things fly out, and a lot of fireballs are fired at the data flow.

Lynn finds this very interesting, and it can cause this effect instantly.

After the data stream was cut off, one segment continued to rush here, while the remaining segment continued to impact the magma that blocked it.

It seemed that it was going to completely engulf the magma.

"Okay, it's almost over."

Suddenly, Lynn noticed that Saran clapped her hands, and saw the continuous stream of data flowing from the jumping point ... Suddenly interrupted.

It was as if the jumping point had suddenly closed.

However, the data streams that have flowed into this place before are still there, and they are continuing to do the same.

"How did you turn the jump off?" Lin asked.

"Just understand how they jump." Sharine said, "there are many ways to control the jump points, but let's solve all the water here first."

Speaking, Lynn found ... more troops were dispatched.

They mainly flew from various areas in the boundless conference room, but they looked almost like a winged Ershimin.

They are more numerous than before and completely surround the two data streams left in this void.

These two data streams also stopped their activities at this time. They did not continue to emit sharp objects or continue to impact the magma. Instead, they stopped all activities ...

"It doesn't seem to move, go and break them down ... completely!"

Under Shalin's command, Lyn found that the army began to dig data streams with a ... like spoon.

Evolution of 4.6 billion

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