"The numbers ... are really detailed."

After Shalin disconnected the jump point, the data flowing in the creation sea stopped.

So Sharine asked the army to collect a lot of ... data from the sea of ​​creation.

Maybe it's because the data is like a huge ball of water, so they mainly use spoon scoops.

Every piece of 'water' coming out was sent back and examined carefully.

It can be found in the test that these waters contain a lot of data, of course, Lin knew it before then.

The data inside is very detailed, carefully recording how everything in the normal void works.

"So much data ... and so much ..."

Sharine and Lin are in the stargazing room at this time, where you can see the various data streams of the sea of ​​creation.

Just a moment ago, Sharine checked it and determined the location of multiple data streams in the sea of ​​creation in unpredictable places.

These data streams ... now have sixteen.

They surge towards unpredictable places, and reach certain places through jumping points, and they will actively fight back if attacked.

The data stream that was supposed to flow in here just now, because Shalin closed the jump point, it changed direction and continued to move forward, as if there was no plan to flow in again.

And the rest of the data here, it seems like ... no matter.

"If such a huge amount of data flows into this place, it will generally make it 'normal void'." Sharine said: "It can make a large area almost the same as normal void."

"But it doesn't really make much sense to do this, because if these data can not be maintained for a long time, this place will still be slowly affected by other dream energy, and the phenomenon of normal void will also disappear ..." Shalin said: "It certainly wasn't just trying to do this, but if three voids were to collide again ... Where should these data be used?"

"Is there any place that can be affected by this data ... to make the void accessible?"

Sharine thought for a while and said, "There are places ... there is such a possibility."

"Where?" Lin asked.

"These places are areas that will have a greater impact ..." Shalin said. "In short, it also needs to cooperate in the normal void, if it does not cooperate, it will not attract ..."

"I still have to go to the normal void," said Sharine. "I would like to know what kind of impact it will have, and ... the result of the fusion of the three voids."

"It should be detectable before it's completely completed," said Sharine. "There is still a lot of time."

"Why do you know?" Lyn asked. "It seems to be done."

"No, it will take a long time for these data streams to reach their destination ..." Sharine said: "In short, you can wait here until my journey data arrives, and then we can go to the normal void together, where ... … I believe I can find a lot of useful information. "

"……so be it."

Next, Lin continued to wait here for a period of time. During this period, Sha Lin mainly studied these data of the sea of ​​creation.

But the most important thing is to break down the data.

That is, they are separated and each piece of data is placed at a relatively long distance.

Although the 'boundless conference room' seems to be only 30,000 kilometers in diameter, in fact, a large area of ​​void in the vicinity is the control area of ​​this conference room.

So Sharine was able to create the previous magma attack.

Because she feels that the data is 'alive', Sharin intends to disperse all the remaining data.

Then do some slow research.

And the creatures here ... have a lot of discussion about the previous battle.

Lynn found that many creatures that were originally intended to wait and see are now trying to stop the sea of ​​creation.

Mainly because they felt ... dangerous in the sea of ​​creation.

That being said, they didn't seem to act.

As for Sha Lin's journey story, Lin also waited for a while and found out that it was finally transmitted.

"You have encountered a lot of things ... you have to crush this place."

Now Lin and Sha Lin came to the previous wooden house, the managers in red and white clothes had a relatively large reaction to Sha Lin this time.

Mainly because the data transmitted back looks very large.

It looks like a crystal from the outside, and ... it's over a hundred meters high.

Pressed on the wooden house like a small hill, but the wooden house looked strong and was not crushed.

"It's been a long time, this is only part of it." Shalin told Lin: "But as long as you get this part of the information, the next information can be directly transmitted to you, no need to wait here."

"Touch it now and you can ... feel it."

"Like this ..." According to Saran, Lin slowly floated before the huge crystal pressed on the wooden house, and gently touched it.

The moment she touched it, Lynn could really feel ... Salen's journey.

Countless adventures, countless encounters, all sorts of things ... but as Sharin said, this is only part of its journey.

But it already contains quite a bit of information.

After Lin fully accepted the information, the entire crystal broke apart and turned into a powder.

"Now let's go back to the normal void," said Sharine. "Go there and see ... what's going on."

"Yes," Lynn said, "but I want to stay here for a while."

"Of course you can," said Sharine. "But you can also go back with me in other parts. Your body can continue to stay here, but ..."

"What?" Lynn asked.

"There will be other travel information coming next." Shalin said: "These information will find your body first. If your part returns to the normal void, they will also go to the normal void. . "

"You can directly perceive this information in the normal void." Sharine said: "If you continue to leave this body here, then only this body can receive the information."

"That being the case, it's better to go back with this." Lynn said, "Just now ... want to test it."


'boom! ’

Under a violent shock, a creature ... flew out.

It turned out to be so.

Lynn's Veronica is floating in the air, and a strong ... whirlwind surrounds Veronica.

When Veronica landed on the ground, the whirlwind stopped slowly.

It feels really interesting.

Now Lynn can temporarily adjust the energy of the dreams around her, making them change quickly.

This is mainly what I learned with Shalin before, and also learned a lot in Shalin's travel information.

So Lyn wanted to test it.

After understanding this control method, it is not difficult. It is mainly to ‘multiple settings’ for a dream material.

Generally speaking, a dream material can only be set to some kind, such as making it like metal, like flame or something.

It is generally not possible to arbitrarily change from metal to flame.

And now Lynn generally understands this rapid change method, which can quickly change the dream energy into different states.

Lynn then came to this abandoned area to find some harmful creatures here for some tests.

It seemed to work quite well. Lynn asked Veronica to use this changed dream material to bring down a pest that looked like a dust pile.

"Are you dealing with them?"

When thinking about it, Lynn found a ... the manager came over.

This manager hasn't seen Lynn before. It has short blond hair and is relatively small, like an ershimin cub.

"If you want to deal with them, you should also dispose of the corpses."

The manager walked to the dust pile that Lin had just knocked down, poked at the pile and said, "This is not dead yet."

"Who are you?" Lynn asked.

"I'm in charge of eating them." The manager said, shoved the dust from the floor into his mouth, and started chewing.

"You know what?" The manager said as he ate, "I'm a small part of Sharine."

"A small part?" Lyn asked. "Do you have anything to do with Sharine?"

"Yeah ..." After it said it, it was covered by a shadow and disappeared.

This ... Lynn thinks it seems strange.

Although it looks like it should belong to the manager.


"What! You actually met that ultra-rare guy!" When Lin returned, Shalin seemed to be surprised at the one Lin met ... like the cub's manager.

"Who is it?" Lynn asked.

"It's a very ... very special individual, which I used to use as a 'split' for a while," said Sharin. "Then, after I stopped using the sprite, it moved on its own."

"It is said that it has been wandering in abandoned areas since then, eating those harmful creatures," said Sharine. "It is said that it was hard to see it!"

"Really ..." Lynn said, "So, now it's time to go. How can I go back?"

"Of course it is on the subway!" Sharine said: "There is a very fast route to the normal void ... you don't have to go back to the same way!"

So Lin and Sha Lin came to a ... subway station.

This subway station is also a discussion area, but there are no living things here.

They don't seem to like this place very much.

The entire subway station was empty, and when Lynn and Sharine came down, they saw only one subway stop quietly there.

The subway entrance reads: ‘Abandoned Line, A Trip to the Abandoned Void Station. ’

"Here ... was it abandoned?" Lin wondered, looking at Ershimin's words on the entrance.

"It doesn't matter what is written on it." Shalin kicked the entrance, and the entrance slowly opened.

Then Lin and Sha Lin entered the subway. Sha Lin sat directly on the seat beside her, and then patted it next to him: "Come on, sit down and start."

"..." Lin sat next to Sharine, and the moment she sat down, the car made a noise.

"Two passengers, go to ... normal void, please enjoy this unusual journey."

At the moment, the scenery outside the subway window began to change at a high speed.

The scenery outside is mainly an underground tunnel, as if it were a real subway.

I thought I could see the void scenery outside, but it didn't look like this.

"Can't you see the scenery outside?" Lin asked.

"This is a special expressway." Sharine said: "You can think of it as a space tunnel ... Although this void has no separate space, it can be accelerated by similar methods."

"Then soon ..."

‘哐 当’

The entire subway suddenly jerked and stopped.

"How is this going?"

Sharine stood up and looked out the window, and saw outside ... it turned into a wilderness.

"This situation is rare!" Said Sharin. "It seems like something terribly wrong."

"Why is it like this?" Lynn asked.

"This tunnel is accelerated by continuous thinking, which is the kind of data flow acceleration method you saw before."

"But there are occasional minor errors in this approach," said Sharine. "Like ..."


Suddenly, a creature with limbs rushed to the subway window.

"Ah, that's the kind of mistake," said Sharin, looking at the creature at the window. "Forget it, keep going!"

The moment the Sharon finished speaking, the subway moved again at high speed, and the creatures on the windows were also thrown away.

The scenery outside this time ... is a bit interesting.

Most of the outside is the scenery of rocky wasteland, and occasionally a blue, tall plant like ferns appears.

There are also many weird creatures running around the wasteland, but in general they are close to cellular creatures.

The speed of the subway is not very fast. Although it started quickly, it has now slowed down.

It was advancing through the wilderness at a speed of one hundred meters per second.

"Is this okay?" Looking at the scenery outside, Lynn asked Sharine: "Where exactly did this scenery come from? Your part of your journey data did not record a similar situation."

"It's still a tunnel," said Sharin. "It's just that there were some mistakes in the original tunnel scenery. It seems to be slow now, but it's actually moving at a fast speed."

While Sha Lin was talking, the subway suddenly began to shake violently.

Because the subway drove over a canyon, and it seemed to be a gravitational place, and the subway was being sucked down.

"It looks worse than expected ..."

When Sharine finished saying this, the subway went down to the gorge with a booming sound.

"Hmm ..." In the sideways subway, Sharine and Lynn climbed out of the window.

"So what do you do now?" Lynn asked Sharine.

"This place ... or the acceleration of this journey is mainly through my thinking." Sharine said: "The environment here is also formed by my thinking ... It seems that it is an alien world in a work, But not exactly the same. "

"Can't you fix it?" Lyn asked.

"I don't directly control it." Sharine said: "The subway tunnel can be said to be maintained by a 'solidified mind' that I set up previously, that is, to fix the thinking mode into a device and let it happen constantly to maintain The composition of dream material. "

"This device has some kind of anomaly, which caused the entire place to no longer maintain the tunnel status," said Sharine. "Finding a control point to fix it here."

"Or ..." Sharine said, "We can go back, and then go the way you came back."

"No, take a look here," Lynn said.

Because it looks interesting here, Lynn chose to investigate here.

If you return from the original road, you will return to the realm where Lin boarded, and then fly back to the realm.

It takes a long time, and there is nothing new on the road.

Thinking about it, Lin looked around, and found that the canyon was quite rich in scenery. There was a small lake nearby, with many gorgeous flowers growing by the lake.

There are also many small creatures running around on the ground.

"Oh, isn't this strange?"

Sharine was looking at a creature by the lake that looked like Ershimin's head.

The creature looked like a bald Ershimin with open mouth and eyes closed.

Sharine poked her face in a row with her hand, and Lin found that Ershimin's head rolled on the ground ... and fell into the water.

"This ... it's a bit fun." Through the clear water, Shalin and Lynn could see the head falling into the water.

At this point, you can see something like a tongue sticking out of its mouth, but this tongue is very long and can roll the water plants around it into the mouth.

"It was originally a horror thing," said Sharine. "It turned out to be a plant-eating creature ..."

"This means ..." Sharine said, "My abnormal thinking device may have been maintained for a long time."

"There are some strange changes that have caused the creatures here," said Sharine. "You can also say 'evolution'."

"That should be the case."

Sharine pointed to a group of creatures on the ground in the distance.

This group of creatures is very much like crabs, but only has limbs.

It can be seen that they lie on the ground every time they climb a short distance, and if you look closely, you can see that they are sucking some fruits on the ground with the structure like teeth under them.

"These were originally terrible creatures that could parasite on their heads," said Sharine. "They have also become docile."

"That is to say, these creatures originally came from various works from other worlds ..." Lin said, "Although they have not changed much in appearance, have they changed their lifestyles in order to live here?"

"That's right!" Sharine said, "So this environment may have been maintained for a long time. It's hard to say whether it can be easily adjusted back, but since it looks fun, then explore it."

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