4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 197: Final level

With the shaking of the quagmire, all the jade dragons were nervous, they clenched their weapons and waited for the appearance of their opponents...

‘Boom...’ Suddenly, the muddy water of a pool of mud slammed like an explosion, and a giant monster stood up from the mud.

"What is that?" All the emerald dragons were surprised to see this creature. Its shape is huge, up to three meters long, about five meters long, and six long limbs around the body, like a kind of ' The worm of the otter's shape helps to balance it in the mire.

The three pairs of joints in front of it are specialized into the shape of a sickle. Although this creature is strange, Lin believes that... it is also a member of the scorpion. In the face of this creature, it can be seen that it is similar to the scorpion. shape.

Can they specialize in such a strange shape? Or is it itself a legacy of the Atlantis, is it that Lie has found it and directed it?

Just start a simple name, called the giant python.

The giant scorpion waved his forelimbs and instantly shot several spears that blocked it. Several emerald dragons were also stepped back by its power.

But it did not continue to attack, but issued a sharp scream, this voice instantly rang throughout the swamp, when the countless figures began to appear around the swamp.

The lower part of the stand is relatively flat. They use the lower body to crawl on the mud with the joints, which allows them to move in the mire without sinking. They appear from all sides of the swamp, and there are almost no counts of their number. How many.

At this moment, the Jade Dragon was caught in an extremely unfavorable venue. Lynn thinks this may be Susumumi’s judgment mistake. It may not think that opponents will attack them in the swamp. Who knows that Li Yi has something that will not sink?

Although Lin knows, she did not tell Susumumi...

‘Hey! 'At this time, the giant cockroach moved first. It violently waved the forefoot to the front of the jade dragon. With the sound of the slamming, these jade dragons were beaten back by a huge force, and there was a jade dragon retreating. Then, one foot fell into the quagmire.

"Hey!" At the moment when its screaming sound rang, the python swung his forelimb again. It slammed the emerald dragon standing in front of the swamp trail and forced them back to the quagmire behind them...

Some emerald dragons also took up spears and bows and counterattacks, but these weapons hit the giant python and only made some small sounds, and it felt that it was not painful at all.

The surrounding squats are slowly approaching, because they can't run in the quagmire, so the speed of the envelop is very slow, but it is difficult for the emerald dragon to be able to parry.

"Enemy!" In the jungle, Susumi’s new commander immediately shouted at the sky: "There are a lot of enemies! They are attacking us!"

In the sky, Susumi also noticed a lot of squats under the jungle, so Susummi's voice quickly responded. But the content is a bit out of the expectation of all Jade Dragon: "Assault! Go forward at full speed!"

“Hey?” All the Jade Dragons were shocked when they heard the order, but Susumi continued to shout: “Come on!”

"You heard what the king said!" The commander also shouted: "We can't back down here! Go forward!"

"Hey!" The Jade Dragons are no longer confused at this time. They rushed along the path between the marshes to the front of the army, and they all held high arms and prepared for a deadly battle...

This group of regular troops is training quite well, but this does not mean that they can withstand the crisis.

"Hey!" A group of emerald dragons were slammed out by the giant python and fell into the quagmire.

In fact, it usually falls into the swamp of the swamp, and it will not sink completely. However, it may not be able to cause starvation. Obviously, this method of death is even more tragic...

"Block it!"

Several emerald dragons held high spears against the giant clams, but their movements made it difficult for the entire team to advance, and they were difficult to attack the giant clams effectively, and the giant clams were hard to beat because of the large number of jade dragons. Going down, the two sides are caught in a stalemate.

In addition to this team of jade dragons, the surrounding emerald dragons are constantly advancing, and a large number of lieutenants in the quagmire have surrounded these teams.

"Shooting!" Almost all the emerald dragons have bows and arrows. They pull up the bowstrings and start to shoot at the stand in the quagmire. Because they move slowly in the quagmire, they can only accept the constant blow of the arrow. Many of them had fallen into the mud before they approached, but there were more troops close to the Jade Dragon. The Jade Dragons immediately replaced the spears and fought with the group.

The sound of the collision of the weapons continued to reverberate in the jungle. The emerald dragons constantly fought against the squadrons on the narrow trails, and it was difficult to move forward. Lie tried to use the spear to push the emerald dragon from the path, and the jade The dragon succumbed to a little position under his feet, and the two sides struggled in one moment.

However, as the number of Lishens grew more and more, the Jade Dragons were slowly repulsed, and Lin’s spies had already climbed to a tree to observe the situation. In fact, Lin believes that the Jade Dragons can also climb. Going up the tree and shooting below, of course, most of the trees here are in the mire, and it is not easy to climb up.

"Wang, they are already surrounded!"

In the sky, Mukla and Susumi have noticed the following situation through the gap between the trees. If this continues, the Jade Dragons may never get out of this quagmire.

"The only way!" Susumi turned and yelled at the surrounding Yalong troops: "Use the dive plan!"

"Oh--" Mukhla blew the dragon's horn in his hand after Susumumi finished, and all the emerald dragon knights immediately noticed, they yanked the head of Yalong, and quickly rose to the sky, then ...and then dive down at high speed!

Actually use this method? Lin saw it and immediately jumped from the tree.

In the next second, the entire swamp's groves suddenly sounded the sounds of countless 'Kara' branches. The huge wings of Yalong broke the branches of the swamp trees. At the moment when the branches were scattered, Yalong’s huge body also Rush into the Lijing group on the quagmire!

Yalong did not directly hit the quagmire, but immediately spread the wings to slow down at the moment of approaching, and then slammed the legs in the quagmire with his legs and then flew to the sky.

This requires a fairly fine command. The emerald dragons are usually tied tightly on the back of Yalong, using their claws to pierce the scales of Yalong's back. For this fine command, Lin is actually surprised at them. Can perform such complex actions.

However, some of the Yalongs still had a bad time to spread their wings and slammed into the quagmire. Although a large number of squats were pressed into the mud, they could not come out.

It seems that this type of warfare is very risky. Yalong is extremely precious. It really means that Susumi has no way to use this kind of combat.

However, this method is indeed very effective. It is difficult for the dragon to step on the mud into the mud. The enemies of the surrounded emerald dragons cheered and they began to fight more bravely.

Under the impact of Yalong, Lijun soon decided to retreat. They dispersed to escape into the depths of the swamp, and the giant scorpion sank into the quagmire and disappeared.

"Go forward! Leave here!" After seeing the squadrons all fleeing, Susumi immediately let the troops speed forward. The jade dragons also knew the danger here. They accelerated their pace and quickly moved forward. When they approached the night, they finally left. This swamp...

The Emerald Dragon's troops looked tired. As the sky slowly darkened, they began to rest on the edge of the swamp, and even the house was not built.

Susumi, Lin felt that it had some thoughts of 'repentance'. It stayed alone on his own Yalong’s back, and even Mukalai reported it and ignored it...

In this battle, the Jade Dragon’s troops lost about two hundred, and Yalong also had more than a dozen casualties. Most of them smashed into the quagmire themselves, while others ran into too thick branches. , causing the wings to fail to fly.

After the black pepper went crazy, this was the second major casualty, and this time I lost Yalong, the last time because of the relationship between black pepper, and this time because of Susumi’s own decision. Lead to...

Lie was not lost because of the timely withdrawal.

Susumui thought it was fine, so he took the troops and tried to cross the swamp. In fact, there are safe roads to pass, but to go far, Susumumi obviously does not want to go there.

In fact, although Susumi has done all kinds of imaginations, it has never played any war. All its knowledge about war can be said to be learned from a tiny division of labor, ants.

The ants’ wars are indeed diverse, but they rarely travel far to attack other groups of ants. It’s not surprising that Susumi’s mistakes have occurred.

Lin estimates that Susumi believes that the fastest way to win is to attack the opponent's main lair, so that the remaining Lieutenants may escape without rebellion, then Susumi can continue to open up the territory of the city.

And as for Li...I don’t think they seem to fight very much.

Susumi’s emotions did not last long. It quickly recovered and began to discuss tactics and other things with Mukla.

Lin is still feeling the signal of splitting the brain, and this signal has become more and more intense.

Wait until the night slowly passes... When all the emerald dragons wake up, they can clearly see what they are facing, their goals...

A city surrounded by yellow rocks and crystals. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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