After the marsh jungle, the next step is a broad plain, which is very suitable for looking at things, and very suitable for... war.

If you look at the edge of the plain and look south, you can see a huge city. Although it is no bigger than the city of Emerald Dragon, it is also very magnificent. It shines even under the sunlight. Rays.

The city of Licheng is mainly composed of ten huge pyramids arranged in a straight line, and a large number of small pyramids around it. The smallest one is only a few meters high, the big one is usually more than ten meters, and the huge pyramids are There is a height of fifty meters.

They are not completely made of a mixture of sand and rock. Some of the pyramids are covered with shiny crystals. Most of these crystallized materials are obtained from the original underground residences. When they died, many of them went back there and collected crystals from there.

The crystals that are laid on the surface of the pyramid are often east and west. It seems quite irregular. Lin found that some jade dragons will see this irregular shape and it will be very difficult. There are many individual creatures, and they like to see the rules. Something, this is a peculiar expression.

However, more Jade Dragons pay attention to crystallization not because of irregular crystals, but because of the high value of these crystals.

The Emerald Dragon occasionally gets some crystals. Crystallization is usually quite rare for the Jade Dragon. A small piece can be exchanged for quite a lot of food, even houses.

Of course, the crystal itself does not make much sense for the jade dragon. Although some crystals can store light energy or heat energy, the jade dragon almost does not use this function of crystallization. They just think that this thing is pretty good. Therefore, it determines its value.

The only jade dragon that is not interested in crystallization is Susumu. It is estimated that it is related to the king, and it has seen a lot of crystallization before, but it never has the idea of ​​coming here to take the crystallization...

Other emerald dragons are different. The group of emerald dragons are excited to see the glittering crystals on the pyramids. The crystals are not so big. If they live in crystal-built houses, they are expected to even dream. Smile and wake up.

In fact, Lin feels that if Jade Dragon is likely to win the battle. If a large amount of crystallization is obtained, the value of these crystallizations will become quite low, and such things are inherently rare and valuable.

However, the Emerald Dragons apparently did not consider these things. They took the weapons with excitement and arranged the formations with the command of the commander.

If they want to be crystallized, they will have to face the last difficulty... the army standing outside the city.

Li Yi has been carrying out the tactics of running and running, but now it is different. They are gathered together on a large scale outside the city, and the number is not even less than that of the Emerald Dragon. They are also arranged in a formation. Waiting for the attack of the Emerald Dragon.

But what makes Lin feel a little surprised is that there are no specialized units in this group. All are ordinary standings.

Maybe Li Yi still hides something, but Susumui will not wait any longer. It looks at the excited Emerald Dragon army. Susumi has realized that this is the best moment for the attack. It is a Yalong. Head, together with other Yalong troops, rose to the sky.

"This is the ultimate battle! Jade Dragons!" Susumi's voice passed from high altitude: "The enemy city is in front of us. The things we have to do are very simple, clean them up! Completely solve their threats. Their resources are also ours!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!!!!" The jade dragons cheered up, their morale has expanded to a very high level, and it will burst out!

"Giant bow is ready!" Under the command of Susumi, the Jade Dragons launched their large weapons. Although the two armies are now more than 500 meters away, these weapons are enough to attack the target.

At the moment when the Emerald Dragon launched the giant bow, Lishen suddenly began to move. They obviously knew this kind of weapon. Lie had already raised their spears and took the lead in launching the charge!

Tens of thousands of squats smashed a large piece of black at the time of running. The earth and the grasslands were shaken with their pace, just like sweeping all the tsunami. Even the trained jade dragon could not help but be timid.

However, it was just thoughts, and their bodies did not show any fear. Under Susumi’s orders, they still acted calmly. The Jade Dragons had already set up the giant bow and could attack at any time.


With a loud shout, dozens of giant bows also made a loud noise at the same time, and the arrow on the top of the arrow flew out like a bomb, and quickly approached the army of Lijun...

At the moment of contact between the two sides, Lie was instantly torn open by the arrow. They didn't even have a chance to scream. The broken upper body was blown out with great power and fell heavily back to the ground. On the other hand, I was smashed by the other rushed.

The arrow penetrated several vertical shackles and slammed into the land. The giant bow that was launched just killed hundreds of shackles in an instant, but this weapon has great power, but it is fired. The **** is too bad. When the Jade Dragon is still preparing to fill the second round, the Lijun army is already close to a distance of about 100 meters.

"Archer! Shoot!"

The Emerald Dragon has no need for a giant bow. A large number of archers are aiming at the Lie group to pull the bow. Because of the density of the opponents, they almost do not need to aim. The storm-like arrow rains down and the sharp arrows penetrate into the vertical. The shells, countless screams fell to the ground, more rushing up, the distance between the two armies is only more than 30 meters...

The emperor's spearmen were already standing in front of the team. They pointed the speartips at the rushing army. They had been unable to conceal the fear in their hearts. Many of the emerald dragons began to tremble with their hands. They knew that the two armies collided. In an instant, they are destined to see the future, but none of them left the post, and the trembling tip did not change position.

In the face of a strong enemy of terror, no matter how selfish creatures are, they will appear quite unselfish at this moment...

'boom! ’

A loud noise.

But this is not the sound of the collision between the two armies. In the center of the emerald dragon army, the ground does not know how to burst open. From the earth, some creatures that the emerald dragon has never seen before have been drilled. Many jade dragons are these. The rushing creatures are thrown into the air.

At the moment when these creatures were drilled, the army of Lijun also ran into the troops in front at almost the same time. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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