"Location ... here."

Here is somewhere in the normal void.

Lin's battleship made of mountains was riding Sharine in the void.

Sharin didn't sit inside the battleship, but stayed outside, standing on the head of the battleship ...

It looked at the surrounding stars and said to Lynn, "I'm here ... I feel them."

Speaking, Sharine waved her hand gently in the void, and saw the starry sky suddenly start flashing ... A large object appeared in front of the battleship.

"Sure enough, here is their battlefield."

Lynn stopped the battleship and looked closely at the object ahead.

This object is somewhat like a beetle. It has a black body, a metal shell-like structure, and many limbs.

As Sharine continued to wave her hand, more of these things appeared in the surrounding starry sky, and they all moved in the void and motionless.

They are not actually physical, but an image, and Sharin makes them appear.

"It used to be a battlefield," said Sharin. "The information about their battles is recorded here. I can open the information record."

"They are called corpses, they are a kind of creatures who like war very much. They are quite crazy and will attack any creature encountered in the void. At the same time, they have a special place ... they will put all kinds of corpses record it."

"Whether it is their own or something else, they are generally recorded if they are complete enough, as they are now ..." Shalin said: "The information recorded by this particular method can be retained. long time."

As Sharin said, she made the surrounding void more visible.

Lin could also perceive when these scenes emerged that it was a kind of dream energy.

But these energies are special ... they can be directly manifested in void space without any 'material'.

In addition to things like beetles, there are other things.

"right here……"

Sharine then jumped off the ship's head and floated forward for almost a hundred meters before stopping.

The moment Sharin stopped, a figure exactly like it appeared in front of it.

This is its ... avatar.

"There's also one here." Sharine gently touched this avatar with her hands, and at the moment of touching ... Lin noticed that all the images around him had begun to move.

"Very good, the information here is perfect." Sharine said, "then use this to see ... what happened."

With Sally's words, you can see that the surrounding scenery has become more and more complicated, and there are many things that were not originally available. They are indeed engaged in a war.

Including things that were initially seen like giant beetles, and many other aircraft.

They are all hundreds of meters in size, and they all look like arthropods. In simple terms, they are a body and many limbs.

These aircraft are frantically firing a large number of barrage, they are attacking something floating from a distance.

These things look like a lot of tiny debris.

They are only a few centimeters in size.

They are like a huge storm of hundreds of kilometers in size, constantly spinning towards the table.

These arthropod-like aircraft are constantly attacking these storms of debris.

Repeated explosions blasted large gaps in the debris storm's surface, but were filled in a few seconds later.

And at the moment of each explosion, Lynn could see ... Sharine's avatar in the storm.

This clone is very conspicuous because it is very huge, has a height of almost one kilometer, and it glows golden light all over.

And this avatar appears to be directing these fragments.

As soon as it raises its hand, a large number of debris will accelerate to fly up and wrap around an aircraft.

What is more interesting is that after the debris spread out, the original aircraft has disappeared, but it will leave an image on the spot.

This image ... is what the aircraft looks like.

There is no suspense for the next scenario. This huge storm of debris has devoured every attacking aircraft.

Each time a ship is resolved, they create an image in situ, as if to commemorate the death of the aircraft at this location.

Obviously these fragments are what Sharin calls the "Body Marker".

Sharine's avatar at the time was directing them to fight.

"That's it ..." Sharine looked at the images and said, "It wants to do this ... It wants to save this corpse print civilization."

Sharine told Lynn that it had just been able to perceive a lot of information.

This information is mainly left by the avatar, which is much more detailed than the information left by the avatar found before.

Although it seems that the corpse-printer is very powerful now, it is said to be a civilization that is about to perish.

They were originally a much larger group than they are now, and now very few are left.

The corpse-printer itself is a very interesting creature. They mainly live by eating other species.

In addition to obtaining resources, they can analyze the thinking structure of many kinds of void creatures, obtain their memory information, etc., and they will discard most of the useless information, leaving only those knowledge that can strengthen themselves, and then find other Species.

In a relatively strong period of development, these debris gathered over tens of thousands of kilometers of 'storms'.

Then it got smaller and smaller.

Sharine's avatar met them at some point and spoke to them.

This creature may seem difficult to communicate, but in fact ... it is very easy to communicate.

Because they are easy to understand the language and other communication methods of other creatures, and their avatars also use some special methods.

In the end, the avatar learned a lot about them from this group of corpses, so the avatar said that it could let them through this difficult time.

The avatar said that they could keep them alive, and at the time, the avatar told the dead body that now, in the void, a large number of civilizations are in disaster.

What it was doing at the time ... is to make these civilizations alive.

It seems that Sharine's various avatars have done this kind of thing in other civilizations before.

They let these civilizations worship themselves, and then they guide them ... to save them.

Why did Sharine's clone do this at the time?

This seems to have a deep connection with the broken void.

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