"You too can be redeemed ... to live in the eternal world."

"This world, your civilization ... is about to be completely wiped out, if you don't want to, then come ..."


"They ... seem to be leading these civilizations, and now they almost understand."

Sharine and Lynn conducted a detailed study of these past avatars ...

In fact, the research information is mainly carried out through an avatar, and only this avatar records the past situations.

The situation is indeed ... Salen was trying to save other civilizations while studying them.

These civilizations were about to be doomed.

Sharine's avatar stayed in many civilizations some time ago a long time ago, and they gave ...

These guidelines have only one purpose: to save these civilizations.

Although the distances between these civilizations are quite different from each other, they all end up in ruins.

Of course, they died for different reasons.

Sharine's avatar was helping these civilizations through their doomsday, but it didn't seem to be successful in the end.

These civilizations died in the end. They didn't support them for a long time ... some of them even died before the civilization died.

It has to do with ... another collapse of the void.

Cracking the Void is itself a huge and ancient void, and it has been in a crack since long ago.

From the edge, the entire void shattered into small, tiny spaces that floated out.

Apart from the collapse of the void itself, it is the normal void that is most affected by this collapse.

These fragmented small spaces have ‘melted in’ into the normal void in large numbers, becoming normal void, and becoming a huge number of ... single small spaces.

These things in the small space exist in the normal void itself, but the collapse of the void has further increased their number.

There are many civilizations in the collapse of the void itself, and many civilizations did not know such a thing when the void collapsed.

They don't realize it until later.

Some civilizations are trapped in space like this, and some have successfully left.

After these leaving civilizations came out, they found the normal void scenery outside ... to their surprise.

Although the two ‘rules’ of the void are similar, there is no such thing as a normal void in a bursting void, just like an ordinary starry sky does not.

There is no star at all in the cracking void ... or the usual tumbler and the like. The more common things inside are irregular floats.

Many civilizations were born on that large enough float, but it is said that this void was at the beginning of the collapse, when the civilization flourished.

Smarter creatures from earlier times were rather rare, and there was no powerful civilization.

When many civilizations appeared, this void began to collapse, and their development time was the collapse time of the void.

In the end most of these civilizations were trapped in space, and some came to the normal void.

The civilizations that Sharine's avatar came into contact with all came from ... the void.

Not all come directly, but they are more or less related, for example, some civilizations are made up of machinery created by the collapse of the void civilization.

At first, Sharine's avatars approached these civilizations, and through research they found that all civilizations have one thing in common.

That's about space.

Most of these civilizations do not have space-related technologies, and they do not even know that there is such a thing as space.

But they always have some legends about space.

Some of these legends are like myths, some of them feel like their illusions. Most of these legends are described as: "If you go to a certain location, you will suddenly feel that you are completely different from the previous ... ... "

Then there are countless stories in general.

According to these space legends, clues can be found in every civilization.

And when these clues are found, a space can be found in the end. Some of these spaces are near this civilization, some are overlapped with their cities, and some are more wonderful. For example, a civilization that moves around, the space is also Follow them.

Sharine's clones were the first to discover the space legends of these civilizations and investigate them with interest.

During the investigation, the avatars found that there were some remnants of ... in these spaces.

Along this clue, they also discovered something about the broken void.

Finally, it can be determined that although these civilizations are in the normal void, they are actually related to the collapse of the void.

What is special is that these civilizations seem to be controlled by space ...

The influence of these spaces on civilization is not only to make them have various legends, but also to actually have a lot of ... influences.

Including the effects of their destruction.

These spaces will often ... do something.

The more common harmful effects are the disappearance of a certain resident or a group of residents, and the larger effects can even distort the growth status of civilized creatures, change their mental thinking, and so on.

The investigation of the avatars slowly found out that these effects did not occur randomly, but were purposeful.

Usually when the civilization becomes strong, the influence will become more and more serious, and even the entire civilization will not develop and slowly die.

It seems that these spaces have some kind of consciousness, they just want these civilizations to perish.

At that time, Sha Lin's clones also had an idea.

They want to try to make civilizations fight the demise of space, and see if civilizations can continue.

In the process of continuous trials, although it said that for some civilizations, the time of extinction was slowed down, the results were the same.

The avatars ultimately failed to save these civilizations.

Sharine told Lynn that it wasn't actually clear why the avatars were doing it at the time.

Just simply curious to see if civilization can sustain it? Still have 'compassion'? Or something else ...

Strangely, Sharine couldn't fully confirm her thoughts.

Although it says pure curiosity is the majority.

But it was not all failure.

There are still a few exceptions, there is such a civilization ... successfully survived and avoided complete extinction.

And they don't rely on themselves, but ... wild animals.

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