"This creature ... actually resembles a thinking area."

This kind of thinking space ... I don't know when it appeared.

Maybe it came along with the breaking void.

This kind of thing is called "quasi-space creature" by Sharine.

Although it is called such a name, it is not actually clear whether space has become a living thing or whether the living thing has become a space.

The pseudo-space creature Sharine thinks that the number of peaks in the void tunnel probably reached its peak.

They always have a purpose, and for that purpose, it will continue to have various effects on the body.

In addition to affecting the living creatures inside, this will also cause various changes to the environment inside the space ... Sometimes they not only affect the body, but also the surrounding environment.

This is the type of space that transcends and destroys civilization.

The creatures couldn't communicate, at least Sharine didn't find a way to communicate with them at the time.

They make space continually change towards a certain goal.

It's a lot easier to understand what their goals are.

Sharine's avatar has done a lot of research in the body of the leapfrog, and it has been found that the goal of the leapfrog is mainly to satisfy the ... creatures in the body.

To be precise, it is to create a completely stagnant civilization.

Every time a group of creatures comes inside the leapfrog, the leapfrog generates various suitable resources around them.

These resources are mostly synthesized from things like debris that drifts into space.

If there are no resources available for the creature to enter, the leapfrog will ignore it.

But if there are suitable resources, it will continuously provide resources to the organism, so that the organism has no difficulty in development.

At least in terms of finding resources.

Many civilizations will develop more and more slowly when the surrounding resources become too rich. When investigating the ruins of civilizations inside the leapfrog, Sha Lin's clone can find that these civilizations have similar places.

After they are rich in resources, the civil war has stopped almost completely, and the exploration activities around them have become less and less, and they have become very ... at home.

These civilizations have been like this for hundreds of years since they first entered the leapfrog, but will slowly change later.

Even if the surrounding resources are still so rich, they may have various wars or want to explore far away from here.

After development stopped for a period of time, they tried to start development again. Although their desire for development was not as strong as when resources were scarce, they would still try to continue development.

When this idea of ​​development becomes more and more intense, the civilization will usher in extinction.

Different civilizations die at different times. In general, the longer they stagnate, the safer they will be.

If they want to get rid of the status quo, as this idea grows stronger, they are likely to suffer destruction.

In general, no civilization can stagnate here for more than a thousand years.

Sharine noticed the goal of this leapfrog ... it was to create a civilization that is completely at peace with no development.

It is not clear as to what this goal is for.

It may just be interesting, but it is unknown if this creature is interesting.

It will only constantly try to achieve this goal, and if something is blocking it, it will try to change the methods to achieve the goal.

At that time, Sha Lin's clone thought that this was indeed a very suitable place.

So, it let the civilization it saved ... stay in the leapfrog.

Then, the clones observed the civilization for a period of time, and when they developed to a certain time, the clones completely stopped their development.

Let them no longer develop any new technology, no longer try to explore new places, and of course stop all internal faults and other problems.

This civilization has become completely ... a stagnant civilization.

And it successfully lasted for a long time, and Sharine's avatar did confirm, as long as it was in the leapfrog ... there would be no trouble if it did not develop.

As long as you know this, you can stay here safely.

At that time, Sha Lin's avatar became less and less interested in this civilization.

It can be said that it feels that the civilization is safe, and then it does not care much about this civilization, but instead studies the situation of this leapfrog.

At that time, the void tunnel had not yet formed, and the avatars mainly studied the surrounding spaces in the void.

Including those spaces that wanted to exterminate civilization before ... Sharine's avatar was interested in them at the time.

Probably because these creatures are also the product of 'fusion' with another void.

The normal void is not fused with the collapsing void in a `` collision type ''. The small spaces that are broken are still separate, but they still have a great impact on the normal void.

At that time, under the observation of Sharine's avatar, many space creatures appeared in the void.

They all have some ability to affect space, and began to assemble those fragmented void spaces.

As more and more of these spaces converge, more creatures notice where they are.

They then started using space for activities such as long trips.

It seems that for a long time, Sharine's clone has been studying this.

It has been observing the birth of the Void Tunnel, the birth of the tunnel ... it is the 'merit' of breaking the void.

If there is no cracking void, the normal void itself does not have as many small spaces to gather together to form such a huge tunnel.

There are also those space creatures.

Their large-scale appearance also greatly helped the formation of the void tunnel.

At that time, Sharine's avatar was mainly researching quasi-space creatures, and it was very concerned about such creatures.

The number of such creatures at the time was also quite large, and they were not all very large, some were very small, like a fragment.

But they can affect the surrounding environment to some extent.

Sharine's clone is very interested in such creatures, so she continues to study them ... The more you study, the more you confirm that the creature is also a mixed creature in the void.

Similar to various unforeseen creatures that appear in the normal void, this mixed creature can only be generated after a certain degree of contact has been reached between different voids.

For example, the Sea of ​​Creation was born like this.

Based on what she knows now, Sharin thinks that Ershi may also be a mixed creature.

... a mixed creature associated with many voids.

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