"Mixed creatures ..."

"Mixed rules ..."

"Maybe it's looking for this."

Sharine's avatar ... has been investigating these things.

Such as creatures mixed with unpredictable land and normal void, pseudospace creatures and so on.

These creatures come from a mixture of voids, and they were created under a new 'rule'.

Sha Lin believes that a new rule will be born in the collision between the void and the void, and completely different rules will appear in the void on both sides of the collision.

New species will be born.

Like the sea of ​​creation, quasi-space creatures, and ... Ershi.

During the investigation of the avatar in the normal void, he found many clues about Ershi, which may be an ancient mixed creature.

And Ershi himself may be investigating this, and its various behaviors may also be researching the collision phenomenon in the void a long time ago.

Sharine thinks that the collision in the void has not only happened once or twice, but also a relatively large collision long ago.

As for when and what collision with the void was unclear.

Elsh may be investigating the matter.

It seems that Sharine's avatar does not pay too much attention to the situation of Ershi. She is simply interested in such creatures, and has been following all their traces, looking for them for research.

At the time of the research of the avatar, the void tunnel was also slowly formed, and various creatures continued to fuse a large amount of space.

Civilizations are also using these spaces for long distance travel.

Usually a space's entrance is in one place, and the other entrance is in another place far away.

Walking a few kilometers in a space may span hundreds of millions of kilometers of normal void.

Sharine is also studying this phenomenon, studying the 'relationship' between these spaces and normal void.

How exactly do they mix with normal void ... these clones have been studied.

And its research results have been recorded by it.

To be precise, it is recorded in the body of a 'crossover'.

A creature such as a leapfrog itself will record many things, such as the civilization left behind by its avatar.

Although the avatars didn't care much about them later, they occasionally went to see them.

This civilization has completely stagnated all development, they have not thought of exploring elsewhere, nor do they want to develop new technologies.

These creatures are mainly constantly using various resources for various entertainment. When their development stops, the leapfrog treats them very gently.

That is to provide them with a lot of resources continuously, without any idea of ​​dying them.

The leapfrog did another thing too, and that was to document this civilization.

When their civilization development stagnated long enough, the leapfrog began to record the lives of these creatures.

It records everything that happened in the entire civilization.

Such recordings are actually similar to video recordings, and every picture of their lives is recorded inside the space.

Sharine's avatar at the time discovered the recorder's way of recording. It found that this recording function would be turned on as long as certain conditions were met, and it would not stop.

Therefore, the avatar used this record to record various things it encountered and various studies.

But why is the avatar recorded here? The cause is unknown at this time.

But its record does record the journey of the avatar.

The creature, the leapfrog, merged into the void tunnel a long time later, and died as the void tunnel collapsed.

And its corpse remains in the void all the time.

Now Lynn and Sharine are investigating the body here.

The corpse of the leapfrog can also be said to be the 'shadow' left by the leapfrog with a special stay.

It is like a huge illusion that cannot be touched directly, but it appears in many types of senses.

The corpse of a leapfrog can also be seen in common sight.

It is more interesting to see that it must meet a condition, that is to recognize it.

You must recognize the existence of this leapfrog in your mind in order to see its remaining body.


"It's mentioned here ... The clone finally entered a place called 'Alpha Maze', of course this is it ... which is my name."

Sharine and Lynn are slowly floating in the 'body' of the leapfrog at this time.

It looks like a very huge cave with a lot of weird objects floating in it ... They all look like shiny slimy objects, each of which is tens of meters in size.

These floats are actually records of the past.

It records the stagnation of a civilization, and also includes some records left by Sharine's avatar.

When the avatar was investigating the space and various information related to the mixed void at that time, he also kept the investigation record here.

When the avatar started researching, the void tunnel was still in its early stages, but at that time, some creatures had constructed long and long space channels.

At some point, the avatar found a fairly long passage.

The avatar calls it the 'Alpha Labyrinth', and this is a place that can get lost easily.

'Alpha Maze' is similar to other spaces, with many entrances and exits, but these entrances and exits often change positions.

The first pass and the second pass may reach completely different places.

The avatar studied the maze very carefully at the time, and believed that it was an unstable mixed phenomenon.

To put it simply, the other stable spaces only appeared after the collapse of the void and the normal void.

The fragmented space and the normal void are slowly stabilized after contact, so that their entrance and exit will be fixed in one place under normal circumstances.

And this maze can be said to be in a state of not being completely mixed, so its entrance and exit are constantly changing.

It can be said that the maze is a more ancient state of space ... Of course, this is just the idea of ​​the clone at the time.

Research on these spaces was interrupted by a creature at the time.

This creature attacked Sharine's clone in the 'maze' and nearly killed it.

The avatar killed the creature.

The clone also studied the creature carefully, and it found something very interesting.

It was the earlier normal void.

The avatars at that time had a wonderful idea. Maybe many common things in the normal void are themselves ... not normal.

They may have been born of a mixture of other voids and normal voids.

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