4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 220: To understanding

After knowing enough about the small pipeline ... the coincidents started planning to deal with the small pipeline.

And they succeeded.

They found that the small pipe's rapid recovery capability was mainly derived from something similar to a micromechanical.

After the small pipes have escaped, these machines will start and quickly repair various injuries on the small pipes.

Knowing this, the coincidents came up with a way to make these machines fail.

Of course, the capabilities of each small pipeline are somewhat different, but in general ... the coincidents have coping methods.

Because they already know ... how small pipes control these capabilities.

All the power of small pipes comes from the devices 'invented' by the creatures they make while living on them.

The control methods of these devices are similar for small pipes, mainly using a special signal.

The coincidents found ... a way to block this signal.

In a whole new way, the recloser successfully killed many small pipes.

These small pipes failed to escape, or were unable to recover from damage after escape.

Whenever possible, the reclosers will try to obtain the small pipe corpses killed by them and learn more about the creature.

After successive victories, the reclosers felt that they had completely escaped the threat of the small pipeline.

However, the number of small pipes was still large at the time, and they continued to attack the coincidents, even if many of them were killed.

Therefore, coincidents have also become very interested in this behavior of small pipes.

They want to know where these creatures come from and why they have such a weird lifestyle.

In this regard, they launched a very detailed investigation ... although the small pipeline is very happy ◇ Zero Zero Reading Network ◆ Huan to get the story records of other civilizations, but they do not seem to have any stories about themselves.

Nonetheless, the coincidents have found some history about small pipes.

In some small pipes, the coincidents found ... surviving creatures.

Small pipes always create a large number of creatures on the body, and these creatures seem to live for a thousand or more pompom years.

They do not need to develop a large civilization or anything. Even a small tribal group can ‘invent’ a lot of things by digging out some special materials on small pipes.

But no matter what kind of creature ... no matter what data information they created, they always live short.

So the small pipes that attack the coincidents are always vacant.

There are just some coincidents, and the structures on them still have some living creatures inside.

The coincidents encountered such a group of creatures. They not only lived on the small pipes, they also knew a lot about them.

Because they are trying to study everything in the small pipes from the moment they are born.

The coincidents discovered them and talked to them, and did some research with them.

The coincidents therefore discovered the 'brain' part of the small pipeline, and by studying the information in it, they learned a lot.

A small pipe ... a creature from a frozen void.

Although the coincident did not know where the frozen void was at the time, it could also know that it was another void.

The small pipes themselves are from that void creature, and they ... have a mission.

That's getting information from the creatures that broke the void.

They are constantly searching for information about the stories of various civilizations in the void, and then use this information to create creatures on their bodies.

These small pipes have no way to tell which civilizations came from the broken void, so they collect everything.

There is a special place ... if they have collected the character information in some stories of the collapsed void civilization creation, then the creatures they create using this information have a great chance to live longer and create Out some useful ... devices.

The information collected has nothing to do with the collapse of the void, then these created creatures will die very quickly.

The coincidents initially thought that the creatures they created were not adapted to the environment, but after conducting research, they discovered that it seems to have a deeper cause.

It's just that they can't investigate how all this works.

The coincident did indeed find such a pattern after conducting various investigations on the creatures that had appeared on a small pipe.

Creatures from the Fractured Nether can live longer, and they are also key to the progress of small pipes.

And this information is mainly obtained through the group of creatures that live on the small pipes.

This group of creatures calls themselves 'investigators'.

They said that they intentionally left their own story information, and then let the small pipeline use their information to make themselves ... use this method to investigate the small pipeline.

This feels like a manufacturing habit using small pipes.

At the same time, they also said that they were studying another giant pipeline ... that is, Midgart.

They argue that there is no direct relationship between these two channels, but there is some distant connection.

But they didn't tell the coincidents in detail.

The coincidents were not very concerned at the time either, they were just grateful that they had escaped the threat of the small pipeline.

However, they soon found small pipes ... not just the ones they killed.

One time the recloser was attacked by a very powerful small pipeline that destroyed a large number of recloser forces ... and shattered multiple cities of the recloser.

The coincidents are fighting against this small pipeline, but even if it pays a heavy price, it is difficult to win.

What surprised them the most was that a large number of living creatures inhabited this small pipe, forming a prosperous ... city on the small pipe.

These creatures ... are the coincidents themselves.

In fact, it is the coincident of the 'full period'.

Now the group of coincidents living in the void can be said to be the last and weakest period of the civilization of the coincidents.

The ‘Coinciders’ who lived on the small pipes are all accommodated from the birth, development to the peak of the civilization of the Coinciders, and to the end of the present period.

To be precise, it was the small pipeline who did not know where to get the memory data of the coincidents throughout the period, and then used these data to create these residents on the body.

Although these inhabitants are coincidents of the entire period, they only have relevant memories, and do not have any period of technology or ability ... During the battle, many of these coincidents were captured.

The integrator understands what the past in which they were born looked like.

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