"This is our ... origin."

The coincidents never thought that their own race history would be on a small pipe.

There are many ... coincidents in different periods living on this small pipe.

To be precise, it is used by coincident memories of different periods to create many creatures on the body.

These creatures with coincident memories from different periods live in harmony on the small pipes, and they live in different areas of the small pipes according to their own times.

In the process of fighting the small pipes, the coincidents tried to board the small pipes many times ... so they realized that these creatures have their own memories of civilization.

No matter what period of memory these creatures have, they all work well with creatures from other periods.

They have been living here for a long time, compared to the creatures that the coincidents encountered on the small pipes ... they are the longest living.

After the coincidents who successfully boarded the small pipe communicated with the creatures above, they found out why the small pipe is powerful.

Mainly because of these creatures ... many devices were made here.

Although these creatures have memories of coincident ages, they can't create almost anything of the past.

Of course, there are also no abilities of those who are really coincident, such as combining into a unified consciousness or something.

However, with their cooperation, they successfully 'invented' some new technologies and produced many things.

They transformed the buildings on the original small pipes, built their own cities, and developed a prosperous ... civilization.

As for their resources, they are tapped from small pipes, which have a lot of resources.

But when they were ready to develop further ... for example, when they wanted to make aircraft to leave small pipes, they found some conditions.

What they make disappears.

If they make an aircraft or something that can fly out, it will disappear immediately when the aircraft starts.

And they have made many weapons and things, and these will disappear directly.

This is actually that the small pipes directly 'take away' their creations in some way and store them in the body for their own use.

From this time ... they are trying to fight the small pipes.

They are constantly trying to make all kinds of things, because the disappearance of these things is different ... At the same time, they have been studying how small pipes make their things disappear.

Just in continuous testing, they have never successfully escaped the small pipeline.

They make a lot of things, and some have teleport-like effects.

These things are usually normal during the testing phase, but they will disappear when they are intended for official use.

When the small pipes and the coincidents are at war, they are constantly trying to signal the coincidents, but the signalling device will also disappear.

And even if they send some signals, the coincidents never receive them.

It's not until some coincidents have successfully landed on the small pipeline ... that they can really connect.

After the coincidents communicated with these creatures, they unanimously decided to cooperate inside and outside to completely solve the small pipeline.

This is actually very likely.

Because these creatures can't reproduce the past technology in the small pipeline, but the coincident can.

The coincidents who boarded the small pipe tried to escape with some creatures.

What is more amazing is that it is easier for the coincidents to escape or board the small pipeline.

But if they want to board a large number of small pipes or take some powerful weapons, they will definitely be found.

It's okay to go in alone and escape with only a few creatures.

So the coincidents successfully returned to their cities with creatures with their historical memories.

And these creatures ... have completely shared their historical memories with the coincidents.

The civilization of the coincidents ... or the last coincident civilization now understands their past.

They were born in a bursting void and are a highly developed civilization.

They themselves believe that they have reached the peak ...

In the earliest days in memory, coincidents have very powerful abilities, they have defeated many civilizations and dangers, and have energy and unparalleled power that can be sustained almost forever.

At least they thought so at the time.

Their civilization has also entered a state of pure enjoyment.

The main thing they did at that time was to search for interesting creatures in the void. When they found this creature interesting, they would try to strip off part of their consciousness and then experience the life of this creature.

At the end of the experience, they recycle the experience and keep it forever as part of their body.

Their lives are a constant experience of experience ... it feels similar to what they did later.

What interrupted their lives was the collapse of the void.

They think that ... it's their own cause.

Because their civilization had already detected the 'walls' of the void.

They did not find any other void at the time, but they thought there must be another void.

So they wanted to leave their own void to explore other places. At that time, the coincidents thought that as long as they broke the void ... the 'wall' could reach another void.

They created something special at the time, called a 'push ball'.

This kind of thing can push the 'wall' of the void at a very slow speed.

Initially, they were tested with some small spaces. Under the influence of the moving ball, the phenomenon of 'cracking' occurred at the edge of the space, and finally a new space entrance was formed.

And the walls of the void, they also think that they can move open like a space, but this speed is very slow.

Because they are too slow, they have left the pass ball in many places and never care about it, and continue various experiences.

Later, the collapse of the void appeared.

Coincidents believe that this is what they cause.

They noticed after the crack happened for a while, they found a little bit, and the 'shift ball' they put changed.

The number of these **** has increased.

After testing the coincidents, they found that they had a reproduction-like function, much larger than before.

And there are some huge 'cracks in the wall' around these balls, which seems to be caused by them.

It's just that these cracks occur much faster than the coincidents predicted.

Even if all the **** are recovered, the crack will continue to expand, and finally ... the void collapses.

The coincidents considered them to be the culprit responsible for the entire phenomenon, so they decided to take up this responsibility and repair the crack.

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