4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 223: Recorded consciousness

Those quasi-space creatures ... don't know when they were born.

Maybe it was formed after the space collapsed.

They are generally not considered as living things, and they are all considered to have some special phenomenon. At present, only Sharine's avatar regards them as living things.

These pseudo-space creatures have many wonderful characteristics, and they will cause many special effects in their own space.

And some pseudospace creatures can even affect other space environments.

There is such a quasi-space creature that focuses on the coincidents from the beginning of the experience of the coincidents, and then has a lot of influence on their experience.

This quasi-space creature is not the space where the coincidents live, but another space far away, but ... it affects the coincidents in some way.

The coincident experience has a 'fault' that causes them to experience it in the experience.

When this pseudo-space creature attacked the coincidents, they themselves were attacked.

That was the attack from ... a small pipe.

At some point, the small pipe invaded the space of this pseudo-space creature, and got a lot of ... information in it.

There is overall information about the group of creatures of the coincident.

It includes all kinds of memory information from the earliest to present coincidents. Although the coincidents seal the previous memories each time they experience, these memories are stored somewhere in their minds.

Pseudospatial creatures obtain this information when they affect coincidents ... and then the small pipeline obtains information when it goes to the interior of the pseudospatial creatures.

Then the small pipeline transformed the information into residents, and finally became ... now like this.

The current group of coincidents can be said to be the final result of the group of coincidents who are trying to fuse the space.

They have been trying to experience it from the beginning to the present.

After they found other spaces, they tried to simulate those space environments.

Then they were consciously integrated because of the attack, but why do they now look like decentralized consciousness? That's because ... it's actually the result of a simulation.

After the coincident has integrated consciousness, after the two spaces collide, its consciousness becomes a very wonderful state, and this is very similar to Ershi's consciousness.

There are actually follow-ups to this matter.

After the collision, this consciousness did not become Ershi ... at least not at the time, but continued to sway there.

After the collision, it has become a very strange creature. It is not actually space itself, but it can ‘conduct’ your consciousness in different spaces and allow you to move in different spaces.

Its own personality is similar to the original coincident, and its main interest is to observe various living creatures in space.

Of course, it also wants to continue the experience.

However, its consciousness at that time became a special form, so there was no way to experience it directly.

Simply put, it can't separate itself into a separate personality state, nor can it play any creature.

There are many ways for coincidents to experience other creatures. Sometimes they directly transform themselves into a certain creature. This is also the way they think they can experience the best.

It is just that this consciousness itself is a state of 'emptiness' similar to dream energy, so there is no way to change it.

But during its observation, it found such a group of creatures in a certain space. The thinking of this group of creatures is a little special.

Conscious discovery can inject itself into the thinking of these creatures and directly experience what these creatures feel.

It's like experiencing this group of creatures.

But at the time consciousness felt that the creatures were ... boring.

They live a life that is consciously considered bland, and consciousness does not want to experience them.

But consciousness can transform them into what they want to experience, so consciousness begins to affect the thinking of this group of creatures, which makes these creatures slowly become like coincidents.

Not only in terms of personality, but also body shape, and even technical aspects are getting closer to the coincidents themselves.

The main purpose of consciousness to do this is to use them for various biological experiences.

Under the continuous influence of consciousness, the technology of this group of creatures has advanced rapidly, and at the same time, they have also become interested in experiencing different ... smaller creatures than them.

They started trying to build different environments like true coincidents, and then tried to experience creatures in those environments.

And because consciousness can directly connect with them through thinking, so that they experience various experiences is equivalent to consciousness experiencing itself.

Other than that, consciousness did not interfere with them in any other way.

However, it is strange that this consciousness does not seem to remember the past.

That is to say, there is no consciousness about the matter of integrating the space and the memories of the integrators civilization as a whole.

Because after space collision, this consciousness should restore the memory of the past due to the completely changed morphology.

But it only retains the character of the coincident.

In short, consciousness has been using other species to help itself experience it, but its behavior has actually been recorded.

That is, the pseudo-space creature that initially affected the coincident.

It records the activities of the consciousness after the collision in some way, including the group affected by the consciousness ... The activities of the group of creatures that have become the coincidents are recorded by it.

Later, at some point, this group of creatures affected by consciousness became coincidents and made a major discovery.

That was the discovery of normal void.

They thought it was a huge space at that time, and after doing a lot of research on it, they decided to explore this huge space.

When this group of 'coincidences' went to the normal void, the consciousness that had been 'attached' to them ... disappeared.

Consciousness entered them into the normal void, and then did not know where to go.

And this group of creatures still began to explore the normal void with the character of the coincident.

In the end it became the group of coincidents that Lin had now encountered, attacked by small pipes.

This group of coincidents built a huge city in the normal void, and later suffered a small pipeline attack ... this is the case now.

After knowing all this ... of course they were surprised.

But the most amazing thing is that it records some kind of pseudospace creature.

And a small channel to get these records from this pseudo-space creature.

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