4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 224: search for

Although I learned about my past, the current situation has not changed much.

Coincidents must resolve the current small pipeline crisis before they can survive.

But knowing everything in the past, they can also restore some of the past technology and create some powerful weapons.

At the same time, the coincidents also understand that the capabilities of the small pipes actually come from their ‘self’, so they know what the capabilities of the small pipes are.

After discussing this group of coincidents, they decided to create a weapon that could destroy the small pipeline in one fell swoop.

They started building weapons with the remaining resources, and before the next attack on the small pipeline came ... they finally finished the weapon.

The small pipeline also launched an attack shortly after the weapon was completed.

This battle ... is the coincident victory.

Although they are not true coincidents, they exert the same 'power' as the original coincidents.

They shattered the small pipes with new weapons they made. Of course, all the creatures who lived on the small pipes and had the memory of the coincidents also died together.

This battle cost the coincidents a very heavy price. Although they created powerful weapons, they were ... difficult to fight.

After winning the battle, the coincidents quickly ... escaped.

They left the normal void, because they felt that the previous small pipe was not the last one.

There may be more small pipes that don't know when to attack them.

So they went ... the route of return, left the normal void, and returned to the original space.

They believed that they had been okay in space for so long, but that they were attacked after coming out of the normal void, and it was definitely safer inside than outside.

Then the group of coincidents returned to the original ... breaking space.

There are a lot of things left in this space before they go to the normal void ... They can use these things to quickly restore the damage of war.

Slowly, the coincidents began to recover, and at the same time they were trying to make past technologies.

They don't care much about the fact that they are not true coincidents. They have always regarded themselves as coincidents.

But there are some things that true coincidents can do that they can't do, such as integrating into an overall consciousness.

Some creations require holistic consciousness to make them, so they ca n’t be fully restored with past technology.

But they have been able to recover a lot, and they did not suffer any attacks when they stayed in the original space ... This made this group of coincidents quickly return to their previous state and even become stronger.

At the same time, they also decided to change the past. Although they still like to experience various creatures, they plan to seal their memories no matter what they experience.

Although they think it will be less fun, they can avoid all kinds of dangers.

In the end, this group of coincidents restored almost everything ... the technology they could restore.

To be precise, it is the technology memorized by those creatures with memories of all ages rescued from small pipes at that time.

Although they can make everything ... but they don't think it is enough.

Because these biological memories are not complete, especially the technology of coincidents in the oldest ages.

So, the coincidents decided to investigate all their past technologies completely, so that their civilization as a whole would be restored to the level when they broke up in the void.

They decided to find the ... quasi-space creature that recorded everything about them.

The coincidents believed that they were strong enough at the time, and although they did not fully recover the technology, they had reached ... a high degree.

Although this space may have all of their technology, they did not consider the space to be biological at the time.

They feel that this space does not create anything to deal with them.

However, the information recorded in space may be obtained by other organisms such as small pipes.

So the coincidents also intend to recover their technology as quickly as possible.

But what exactly happens is that they do n’t know until they find this space, so they are also fully prepared ... armed.

After all the preparations ... they searched around for a space where their information might be recorded.

At the same time they are looking for another possibility, which is to return to the broken void.

If they can return to the broken void, where their civilization was originally ... it's okay.

It's just that they never found any way back.

But after searching for a while, they found ... that space.

At first they were an accidental team entering this space, and after entering, they were quite surprised.

Because in this space are all creations of their ages.

They originally thought that they would need to carefully check the 'energy' in each space to know if this space has stored their historical information.

But I did not expect that as soon as this space came in, we could see a lot of historical information.

So they sent a large number of troops to explore this space.

They found many creations from the past here, but they also found that they were just shapes.

They are all things that can't be started ... can't be used.

Even so, the coincidents were so shocked by these things that they were imitated exactly as they knew.

This makes the coincidents think that there may be some civilized creatures or the like that are making all this.

The last coincident found a huge building.

This building was created in the era of the collapsed void. It is a building hundreds of kilometers in size. The original purpose of this building was to place the seed of life.

Some coincidents find it very interesting. If the creatures they like to play are extinct, they will take a small part of these creatures and save them in this kind of building.

Only the coincidents of the earliest period had ever made such a building, but never since.

But now coincidentally found this kind of building in this space, what shocked them most was inside the building.

It's all ... small pipes.

These small pipes are all tens of meters in size, their number is very large, and they are all not activated.

This place seems like a ... factory for making small pipes.

These small pipes are not the same as the buildings around them. The small pipes are slowly constructed and perfected here ... and they will all start soon.

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