4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 225: internal

"It must be completely destroyed here."

Immediately after discovering the group of small pipes stored in the building, the coincidents made a decision that they would blow up all the small pipes.

They started immediately.

They have prepared a special weapon, which can be called a 'space doomsday device'.

This kind of thing can create a devastating explosion that spreads to the edge of the space, and can clear everything in this space.

Because when they saw a lot of small pipes and found that they were all alive, they immediately decided to eliminate them all.

These small pipes started quickly, and they also found that there is more than one building in the space where small pipes are placed.

There are also many similar large buildings filled with small pipes.

But as these coincidents act, they also have some different opinions.

Some coincidents believe that these small pipes are all young, and even if they all wake up, they have no ability to threaten them.

Rather than blowing up all the small pipes, study why these small pipes are here.

This opinion was also endorsed by other coincidents, who decided not to blow up the small pipes immediately, but to start research.

They quickly detected the location of all small pipes in the space, and of course surveyed all surrounding buildings.

It's just ... they found something strange.

That is the surrounding buildings, as if there is no connection with the small pipes. No matter what kind of building or other creations, they are all just a simple shape.

The large buildings that place small pipes are not factories that make small pipes, they are just like boxes for small pipes.

This confuses the coincident.

They can't investigate the origin of these small pipes, and don't know why they are so many here.

They can only know that these small pipes are fast-starting, and the thinking structure of small pipes is similar to some high-temperature creatures.

It is a high-temperature, 'object' that is constantly changing inside, but it has a very low-temperature dormant state. After this state is over, the temperature will rise rapidly to reach the awake state. The thinking of a small pipe cub itself will There has been a constant replacement between high temperature wake and low temperature hibernation.

When the small pipe enters adulthood, this high-temperature thinking structure will disappear and become another more wonderful state.

The coincident has a way to detect how many rounds of high and low temperature the thought of a small pipe cub has undergone. All the cubs found in space have not undergone transformation, that is, if they wake up ... this is the first Wake up.

This means that these are just born cubs, but there is no way to find out why they were born.

In the end, the coincidents decided first ... to remove all their unknown knowledge in the space.

Although the various creations in this space have no real effect, some things still record the past history.

Because the coincident has some past records engraved on something like words.

The coincident decided to take all these useful things away and then blow up the place.

The whole process went very smoothly ... The coincidents carried away various creations that recorded the past information.

When they determined that nothing was useful, they decided to blow up the entire space.

And when they put their weapons ready to start, those small pipes ... suddenly started.

They launched faster than expected by the coincidents, but the coincidents had designed the weapon, and they immediately evacuated from space at the same time and activated the weapon.

Then ... some time passed.

Because they can't detect the situation in this space from other spaces, and of course they don't plan to look directly into it because they activate the weapon.

So this group of coincidents waited until the end of the explosion before they returned to space to investigate.

Originally, they believed that this weapon could turn the entire internal environment into a ruin.

But when they went back, they found that the whole space was ... intact.

Nothing was blown up. What is different from the previous one is that there are small pipes flying everywhere.

All the small pipes woke up and shuttled through the complex.

And as soon as they met the coincident's exploration force, they immediately attacked them.

These small pipes are all cubs, so it's easy to deal with ... After the coincident solves them, they start investigating the specific reasons.

And they quickly found out why ... they went to the location of the weapon and found a creature here.

This creature ... is one of the creatures with their historical memory that they previously rescued from small pipes.

A few of these creatures live in the group of coincidents, and they are generally treated as ordinary inhabitants ... nothing special.

The coincidents did not bring these creatures when they went out to explore the space, so this one did not know how to get here.

And it turned off the weapons that blew up the space.

After the coincident grabs it, try to ask for some information about it.

This creature tells the coincident that it thinks the small pipe is the real ... recloser.

There is no particular reason, it is that he strongly feels that the creature such as the small pipe comes from the broken void ... the real coincidents themselves.

As for the current group of coincidents, which were later transformed into other creatures by consciousness, they are not orthodox.

So the creature felt that it was necessary to let the small pipes survive to solve the current group of coincidents.

It then switched off their weapons that would blow up the entire space after the reclosers had retreated.

The coincidents certainly don't feel that this creature is right. Although they are surprised by the creature's statement, they have not investigated whether the small pipeline is connected to the true coincident.

They just killed the creature, then activated their weapons again to blow up the small pipes in the entire space.

But they found ... that the weapon could not be activated.

Because this group of small pipes 'evolves' fast.

In general, cubs are not capable, but they now have a lot of new ... structures.

These structures are some ... highly technical devices in different eras of the coincident civilization.

This group of small pipes used these devices to launch attacks on reclosers.

This war is the last one, and indeed it is for this group of coincidents.

And Lin's strange thing is ... why knowing the history of these coincidents, can she 'communicate' with her avatar?

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