4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 7 Chapter 226: Familiar

The last war ... and the fiercest.

Coincidence has a large number of weapons and various powerful technologies of the past.

And so are their opponents.

Those small pipes have grown a lot throughout ... the technological creations from the civilization of the coincident.

Although they are the same size as the original cubs, they have the fighting ability of a small adult pipe.

These small pipes flew out of the space with coincident civilized buildings and invaded the surrounding space and occupied many places ... They established a lot of defense systems in these spaces, such as forts or forts.

Of course, the ultimate goal of these small pipes is the space of the coincident.

They are different from the previous small pipelines mainly for obtaining the memories of the coincidents. This group of small pipelines is completely aimed at eliminating the entire coincident population.

Their war ... Both sides can be said to be very similar.

Regardless of the weapon used or the tactics adopted, they are very similar.

After playing for a long time, even the coincidents produced these small pipes just as vehicles, which is a kind of feeling that the same kind is controlling them and fighting themselves.

Because the two sides are too close, they are inextricably linked.

Because the coincidents don't understand the situation of the small pipeline, they can only see that they are getting more and more casualties with the battle, and the small pipeline comes out like an endless stream.

However, in fact, the small pipeline mainly uses the resources found in various spaces to construct many companions.

They can use those resources to directly assemble new small pipes. None of these small pipes will grow up ... They are generally only tens of meters in size, but each can construct various weapons of coincident technology on the body.

The war lasted for a long time, and both sides were using similar tactics to try to completely destroy each other.

Without success, it became a long war of attrition.

The longer it lasts, the more ... the doubters will be.

They never felt that these small pipes were their real opponents, and they always felt that there was something controlling them.

The space with a lot of their creations, the large number of small pipes found in it, and the small pipes now want to completely destroy them, there must be something controlling all of this, there must be something living, or something controlling So things work.

The longer the war lasted, the more the reuniters wanted to end it, and they dispatched a large number of troops to try to find the creatures behind it.

They always think so, so they keep looking ... almost crazy.

In order to search for this behind-the-scenes creature, they used a lot of resources, which also led to defeat in the battlefield.

But this group of coincidents don't care, they are probably holding on to the idea that they must be destroyed even if they perish ... continuously searching.

Finally, the group of coincidents went to a place.

This place is a special space and they have a very interesting view here.

Here shows the past ... and the future.

In this space, coincidents can see many flashing illusions. Some of them are fighting small pipes, some of them are living in the normal void earlier ... and the future, if they continue like this If it does, it will give the scene of the complete elimination of the small pipeline.

This is very similar to the space of the era's defender, but it is more direct ... it directly shows these past and future phenomena in the space.

Therefore, the coincident believes that this should be a special era stubborn.

In fact, after returning to these fragmented spaces from the normal void, they did not find the space of the Time Keeper.

This was their first discovery, so they were very suspicious of what this had to do with 'behind the scenes'.

Although they did not investigate anything later, they used the illusions here to restore the situation.

Because the illusions here show the future, although they are not completely accurate, they can know here how the small pipeline will attack them in the future.

This allows reconstructors to hold their front while also having more time to research and investigate.

Although they have not found any behind-the-scenes controllers, they have encountered a special group of creatures.

This group of creatures has been seen by the coincidents before ... a group of creatures who call themselves Investigators.

They are mainly research and observation pipelines.

Of course, they mainly study the large pipeline, which is Midgart.

Although they didn't mention the name, according to the description that Lynn now gets, they are talking about Midgart.

This group of creatures has always believed that Midgart has some connection with the small pipe and is investigating everywhere.

They have investigated a lot before arriving here, and after arriving here, they think they can already draw conclusions.

Everything related to the small pipe, including this space showing past and future, may be a dead Midgart.

Of course they are not completely sure ... they have quite a lot of doubts and guesses.

The coincidents are very concerned about this, so they talk a lot with this group of creatures.

These creatures didn't talk much to the coincident when they met the coincident, but now they talk to them a lot.

Because they indicate that their research is almost complete.

After a lot of information was exchanged between the two sides, the coincident and the group of creatures summarized the general situation.

That was very early, when the collapsed void had not yet collapsed.

There may be such a Midgart ... not the Midgart that Lyn knew now, but an ancient individual who went to the breaking void.

Then it died in the crumbling void.

Midgart's death puts them in a state of 'eternal observer'.

This is a state in which consciousness spreads in the void, and Midgart will be at the 'level' where he can observe everything in the void.

In fact, this group of studied creatures did not know the status of eternal observers, but they have investigated the impact on the surrounding environment after Midgart's death.

They believe that after the death of a Midgart, there will be many changes in the surrounding void environment.

These environmental changes are related to Midgart itself. For example, its civilization, its original capabilities, and even its original hobby or something, will be reflected in the surrounding environment in some form.

I just don't know if it was deliberately made by Midgart or if it was an effect that would automatically occur after death.

And just after Midgart's death, the void began to collapse, and these environmental impacts also spread into these divided spaces.

As a result, many wonderful situations have occurred, such as the birth of creatures such as small pipes.

And ... show the past and the future.

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