"Though these creatures are currently weak, they have that potential to change their destiny."


Coincidence and small pipes ... a very long war.

It's time to end.

Due to their inability to end the battle line for a long time, the regroupers decided to start the final decisive battle.

That's ... blowing up record space.

Although this is a tactic they decided to use from the beginning ... but there has never been a chance to use it again.

Until now ... they intend to use all their power to attack the space, and they confirm that this place controls all the actions of the small pipeline.

Only by blowing up here can we end all of this.

The small pipeline also gathered a large number of troops in the recording space, where the two sides tried their best to destroy the opponent completely.

The reclosers soon discovered that this was impossible, and the small pipes could completely resist their attacks.

No matter how the folders attack, they can't pass through the defense line of the small pipeline, and not only did they not penetrate, they also made the small pipeline counterattack.

So the coincident decided to use ... suicide tactics.

They intend to directly destroy all space.

A survey by the coincident found that the resources of these small pipes were not obtained in a vacuum. They mainly eat some special food in the surrounding spaces to survive.

The weaker the smaller pipes are, the more complicated they need to be. For example, if you have no special ability, you can eat all kinds of debris commonly found in space.

The more powerful the smaller pipes are, the more special food they get, of course, the rarer they are.

Now this group and the small pipelines of their wars, like them, are mainly active in dozens of spaces.

There are many entrances and exits in this space, but there are few entrances and exits.

For example, if you want to go to the normal void, you can only enter and exit through the only space. If you want to go in the direction of breaking the void, you also need to go through a unique entrance.

As long as the coincident destroys some of the resources in the space, and then blocks the few ‘entrances’ and exits, all the small pipes will always be trapped in these dozens of spaces and cannot leave.

Of course, the coincidence's own civilization is also built in these dozens of spaces, and doing so will destroy all of them.

But they don't care so much anymore, they decided to start the whole plan immediately.

After the countdown to destruction was initiated, a small number of coincidents evacuated to the normal void first.

Most of the coincidents stay in these spaces, blocking offensive attacks by small pipes.

Because it takes time to destroy these spaces, they must resist small pipes, otherwise small pipes may prevent the destruction process.

They can't escape them all, and they're not sure if there are any small pipes in the normal void.

But at least doing so will lock up all the small pipes that have been fighting with them in this part of the space.

The integrators soon started the entire process of destruction, and in each space they launched something called a doomsday launcher.

They will expand at a rapid rate and destroy everything in space.

At the same time they completely blasted out the entrances and exits.

The evacuated coincidents successfully escaped into normal void before the destruction.

However, they did not penetrate into the normal void, but observed the entrance and exit of the cracked space to the normal void.

They need to make sure that the entrance is always blocked and that no small pipes escape.

And after a while, they suddenly found the entrance ... opened.

They were also surprised when shocked, because there were no small pipes coming out.

If they were opened by small pipes, they would definitely come out immediately.

So this group of coincidents returned to space with some curiosity.

They return to the dozens of spaces where they once lived, developed, and warned, and what they showed in front of them ... was a doomsday scenery.

There were originally many things in these spaces, most of them were large floating objects similar to rocks.

Of course, there are various buildings built by small pipes and coincidents, battle forts and the like.

And now there is nothing left. All the debris floating in the space is the largest one centimeter.

And the size of one centimeter is very rare, more debris than the cells.

It seems like ... their plans succeeded, they destroyed everything in space, but they were much stronger than they expected.

They were originally thought not to break to this extent.

After looking around for a while, they found ... a small pipe.

Even in such a space, there are still small pipes alive, I don't know how they survived.

But these small pipes have become very ... docile, they have no idea of ​​attack at all, just wandering around.

In the end, the group of coincidents returned to the recording space, the place where they recorded the creations of civilizations of all ages.

The original creations had all disappeared, but among countless debris, they saw familiar creatures.

That is ... the investigator.

The investigators did not show any hostility towards the coincidents, but said that they had successfully learned everything about the small pipeline.

It's amazing that investigators started telling coincidents about their research.

They say ... The main goal of the small pipeline is to hunt down those who have fled Midgart.

These inhabitants had many other creatures besides the coincidents, and after the death of Midgart, they scattered into the breaking void.

The small pipes are mainly hunting them down.

To be precise, the small pipeline is collecting information about these creatures, then recording their information, creating a very similar creature on the body.

As long as the creatures who were once residents of the pipeline, they will be able to 'invent' many things with great functions in the small pipeline.

These things are actually a reduction of Midgart's ability.

The more creations a small pipe has, the closer it is to Midgart itself.

Of course, no matter how close a small pipe is, it is only a small fragment of Midgart. It may be that many small pipes are combined together and they can become a Midgart.

But it takes a very, very long time.

Because the creatures that left Midgart, they themselves ... changed too much.

There have been many changes in order to adapt to the new environment of the broken void, and they are no longer the way they originally lived in Midgart.

The more creatures you change, the less information you get from a small channel.

How long a creature can live on a small pipe is determined by how similar they are to living in Midgart.

If a living thing changes too much, they can do little to help small pipes.

And there is a kind of creature that is completely unchanged from the one living in Midgart.

This group of creatures ... is of course coincident.

Their original fate should have been captured by a small pipe and the process of constructing a new Midgart.

But ... the coincidents changed their destiny.

The investigator said: "You are now completely ... free."

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