The concept of destiny has always appeared in many biological civilizations,

But what is more interesting is that most of the creatures who feel that they have a fixed destiny ... they have no fixed destiny.

They were born in randomness and died in randomness.

Some creatures do have a fixed destiny.

For example, when some powerful creatures die, they will 'design' so that some creatures can recover themselves.

The small pipes, coincidents, and the creatures that inhabit Midgart are set to fate.

Their main role is to revive Midgart.

This is a wonderful phenomenon.

Actually different from the eternal observer state that Midgart knew after Lynn's death, this Midgart intends to become another special form after death.

Generally related to the eternal observer, but not exactly the same.

According to investigators, they stated that Midgart wanted to use this method to 'integrate' into the broken void.

As to why they do it, and why it is necessary ... it is unclear.

According to the information we have learned, this is probably the reproduction process of Midgart ... Midgart died, and then his death affected the surrounding environment, and a new creature was born in the environment, and this kind of organism began to assemble new rice Degalt.

Once the new Midgart has grown, this cycle can continue.

At least that's how it manifested in the breaking void.

The investigators told the coincidents about these things, they said a lot this time, and told the coincidents that they could understand why.

Because they are also residents of Midgart.

And since investigators have lived in Midgart ... they already have the character of 'investigators'.

At that time, they were constantly investigating the 'world' around them.

Because they want to know everything about the pipeline, they have been continuously investigating, and their behavior has not been hindered by any ...

Or that Midgart didn't stop them from knowing themselves.

So investigators can go to many places where other residents can't, and they can create quite a lot of ... technically powerful items.

Of course, they are mainly surveys.

Their purpose has always been to understand the world around them, and so did Midgart's death.

Like many living things, they began to live in the collapsed void after Midgart died.

In fact, when Midgart died, they knew very little about Midgart ... they didn't know Midgart was a creature at the time.

After developing for some time in the Fractured Void, they went to the normal void.

At that time they slowly developed in the normal void, nothing special happened, and in the process of development ... these investigators were exposed to some information about Midgart.

They did not link this information to where they had previously lived.

It's just that they are very interested in this intelligence, so they constantly try to find relevant information and start investigating.

Investigators at the time were constantly searching in the normal void for everything about Midgart.

At the same time, their technology is developing in this direction.

They themselves don't understand why they are so ... obsessed with this information.

A lot happened later until they came back here again and came into contact with the small pipe, the coincident.

And found the location of Midgart's death.

Only then did the investigator slowly discover that he was also a creature that once lived in Midgart.

Their fate is also ... fixed.

Midgart asked them to investigate themselves, so investigators continued to investigate for countless years.

Although I don't know what it is for.

The main thing is that after investigators understood all this, they still wanted to continue to investigate Midgart.

After they discovered Midgart's series of plans, investigators believe that the coincident and the small pipeline are the core of its resurrection ...

Investigators themselves were not involved in the recovery of Midgart.

Midgart wanted them to do what seemed to be investigating and documenting the entire process, and then ... not knowing what to do.

Perhaps after the end of Midgart's series of plans, a new fate will await them.

In their investigations, however, they found that none of this had gone according to Midgart's plan.

A lot of changes occurred during this period. In the end, the final outcome should have been a small pipeline that would 'swallow up' the coincident.

The coincidents were not solved so easily. They continued to fight the small pipelines. After coming into contact with them many times, the investigators developed the idea that the coincidents could defeat the small pipelines ...

So they planned to give some help to the small pipeline. Before the small pipeline attacked the investigator, they were killed without any resistance. That's also because the investigator was deliberately helping the recloser so that the recloser could get his own technology.

They themselves are somewhat averse to this 'fixed destiny'.

So they want to see if the coincidents can ... get out of their original fate.

As they see now, the coincidents succeed.

They destroy most of the small pipes, and they will not be chased by the small pipes again ... they get rid of their fate.

They are no longer bound by the destiny limited by Midgart.

Although investigators believe that the main reason for the change in Midgart's plan was the collapse of the void.

This split has had an unpredictable impact on the overall plan.

The main question is whether Midgart knows if it will break ... it should probably be known.

All in all, they are no longer under the control of Midgart.

Coincidents are very ... incredible to investigators' claims.

It didn't take long for the coincidents to be surprised before they were captured by investigators.

Investigators said this was indeed an incredible event, so they wanted to include it all.

That is to make their information into a 'spatial illusion', which is what Lin now sees.

Creating these illusions requires capturing and killing all coincidents, and recording a series of events as illusions in some way.

Then let all creatures know what happened here through this illusion.

In fact, they mainly wanted to let other creatures know ... Midgart's 'failure'.

As for the coincidents, of course, they were all killed to create illusions.

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