4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 243: Internal creature

These investigators all seem to be sleeping here.

Lynn let a lot of mini-arms ... drill down in the tumbler's ground.

Although the tumbler's surface is only a thin layer, these investigators are stored in this thin stratum.

Lynn discovered that they were all scattered during the test.

They are dispersed in the form of fine particles, and after some kind of stimulation ... they will gather and become like fossils and emerge from the surface.

The stimuli to get them started should be related to phantom creatures.

Under normal circumstances, phantom creatures cannot pass through this place where they are blocked.

But if it passes like an avatar, these investigators will activate and pursue the escaped illusion.

Lynn thought this might be the system they had set up a long time ago, but still don't know why Saran disappeared.

Also, those sculptures on the surface of the tumbler were gone.

Why is all this happening?

Because she wanted to know enough about it, Lynn started a more detailed study in this place.

That is to establish a base here, create a large number of arms to detect the entire tumbler, and understand the overall situation of this place.

In the process, Lynn was not attacked.

Those investigators would only be activated by the escape of the illusions, and besides how much Lynn did to break them down, there was no particular response.

Then Lin slowly ... filled the tumbling man with the mini-arms made.

Lin carefully investigated the inside and outside of the tumbling man, and during the research, Lin found that the place was quite complicated.

Most of the entire tumbler area is composed of extremely thin strata of hundreds of meters to several kilometers, and there are many things such as stones floating inside. They are all relatively common materials in the void.

Lynn found that there were actually a lot of biological groups living in the group of stones floating inside the tumbler.

These creatures ... can also be regarded as civilizations.

They are actually all creatures, but they are divided into many different groups, each occupying a different place.

It can also be said that each group formed a different tribe.

These creatures are very small, all below a millimeter, and a floating stone is territory for them.

And they have also been engaged in wars. They have created various small war weapons that fit their stature, and various conflicts have continued.

The reason for the war is usually to compete for some high-content stones.

In these war biomes, Lynn found a more special creature.

They never participated in any conflict, they just watched other tribes, and when the war evolved too fiercely ... they would go out and stop.

However, the main task of this group of creatures is to maintain the stability of this tumbler.

In fact, they are guarding some important things here, such as gravity stabilization devices.

This device is similar to the gravitational organ of a bus, mainly to keep the hollow tumbler stable.

At the same time, there are some other strange devices, and Lynn has not found any use for those devices, which may be related to phantoms.

So after observing them for a while, Lynn tried to communicate with them.

Although they were extremely exclusive, Lynn slowly developed methods to test their thinking.

Lynn found that the creatures knew nothing about the investigator, but knew the illusions well.

These creatures knew that the illusion came from another void.

But they have a strange understanding that they think that void is leaking.

If it continues to leak, the void will be destroyed, and of course it will be affected here, which may at least completely destroy the tumbler.

And their mission is to stop the leak and maintain the stability of the void.

This group of creatures call themselves 'gatekeepers', and they have been protecting here for quite some time.

But because it is too long, many individuals between them think that this kind of long-term task seems to be meaningless, and also think that what is revealed in the void is nothing but a legend.

As a result, their groups began to divide, and the divided groups formed various tribes.

However, there are still a group of 'gatekeepers' who have always adhered to the original task, and they have never given up to guard the leak of the void.

So this is the scene today, where the divided tribes are fighting each other, and the insistent groups are guarding the important things.

The strange thing is that they don't know how long they have been on this task of guarding the leak of the void ... nor do they know about the investigator.

So Lynn continued to observe them for a while.

After observing this group of 'gatekeepers' for almost ten pompoms day and night, Lynn discovered something very strange.

Lynn noticed ... between them.

To be precise, it's Sha Lin's alien creature.

The alien world in the various Ershimin works that Shalin has visited before on the journey. The creatures in those alien worlds appeared in these ... 'guardians' groups.

Alien creatures are also as small as the gatekeeper, with a body size of less than one millimeter, but their shapes are exactly the same as those of other alien creatures in Ershimin's works.

However, their basic structure is the same as that of the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper is a micro-mechanical creature, and so are these alien creatures.

It's just that, just like there is a big difference between cell organisms and cell organisms, there is also a big difference between gatekeepers and outsiders.

Even more amazing is that the gatekeepers did not respond to their appearance.

The gatekeeper seems to have ... accepted the appearance of these alien creatures.

The alien creatures themselves are integrated into the gatekeepers normally. They participate in the war between the gatekeepers and do the same thing.

Then, Lynn finds that the number of gatekeepers is getting smaller and smaller, and finally completely replaced by outsiders.

Because the breeder's own breeding does not occur between individuals, but through a relatively large breeding device to create a new generation.

Alien creatures, as before, can reproduce between individuals, and they reproduce very quickly.

As for where the first alien creature came from, Lin didn't find it.

When they were found in some tribes, they were already many.

Then ... it's slowly getting more and more, and fewer and fewer guards.

In the end these outsiders completely replaced the gatekeeper.

In the dozens of pompoms day and night, Lynn discovered that the gatekeeper was completely ... extinct.

At least they were not seen again on this tumbler.

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