This has become an unpredictable place ... 'Another World'.

The number of alien creatures is increasing, and they will soon replace the species that Lin originally called the gatekeeper.

At first these alien creatures behaved no differently from the gatekeeper, they acted together with the gatekeeper.

And when the gatekeeper completely perished, the creatures of the other world began their original ... world life.

That is, it is the same as in the unpredictable place. They occupy a lot of stones, and use the stones as the tumbler ... On this, a landscape similar to the original outside world is established.

Then, they regard this as the real outside world, and they are normal outside world creatures.

Of course, all this is miniature, but this group of alien creatures don't care about this, and they don't care about all kinds of strange places.

For example, no matter how they build the place they live in, they will not be exactly the same as the original, and at the same time, they will eat ... resources excavated from some stones.

But these outsiders ignore all the abnormal parts.

They directly construct their own stones according to the appearance of the outside world, and then begin the same life as before.

Lin observed them for a while, and found that none of these creatures would guard some of the important devices here like the original gatekeeper, they just imitated the original life of the other world as much as possible, and they didn't know it at all Something phantom.

Next, Lynn tried to investigate where these alien creatures came from.

When they appeared, the number of gatekeepers began to decrease significantly. Under Lin's observation, these alien creatures were mainly reproduced.

Of course, their reproduction speed is much faster than the original speed, and it does not become normal until the gatekeepers become extinct.

But they must have had an original source, so Lynn tried to find the trace of the source among all the floating stones.

But nothing seems to be found in these alien communities.

There was nothing special about each of the stones they lived in, so Lin went looking for it elsewhere.

After searching for a while, Lynn found something strange.

This is ... Sharine's hand.

The hand floated between many stones by herself, and Lin discovered a tiny pompom for detection.

Sharine's body structure is constructed with a similar effect of cohesion. When Sharine's limb is broken, the limb will become dust and will not maintain its original shape.

But Lynn found that this part of the limb still maintains the original cohesion, so it can still maintain the shape of the hand.

So Lyn took the part back first.

Soon after finding this hand, Lynn found another part ... The part found this time was not so complete.

They are not a complete limb or anything, they are just some body fragments, these fragments are only a few centimeters, and scattered in many places inside the tumbler.

Some are the same places Lynn has been to, but haven't found it before.

But no matter how small these pieces are, they all have some cohesiveness on it, and Lynn finds this very interesting.

So Lin brought all the limbs to a base on the ground and combined them.

After completely assembling all the pieces, Lynn found that she could assemble a heartless ... Saline body.

To be precise, a part of the heart is missing.

Although the body itself has no heart, it seems that it cannot move without this part.

The currently assembled Sharine will not move at all, and of course her expression will not change.

Lin was curious about how Saline became like this. Lin thought that there must be something here to disassemble Shalin.

And it can directly affect the cohesion of Sharine itself.

As a result, the mini forces continued to investigate inside and near the tumbler.

At the same time, Lin also went to investigate the space ruins and other areas where the phantoms could be seen.

In those places, Lynn found no special clues.

After telling this to the avatar, the avatar was surprised.

It's also unclear ... what can make Shalin herself like this, but the avatar also said that she doesn't understand what Shalin is ... now what the state of consciousness is.

The avatar thinks that if Sharine's consciousness is in an unforeseen place, then nothing should affect it.

But Sharine's consciousness may not be in an unforeseen place, which leads to insufficient control of her body.

Or ... in the depths of unpredictable places and the like.

Lin feels that it can be affected, but she is not sure what the impact is.

In the cognition of the avatar, there should be no creatures that can interfere with Shalin's cohesion.

In short, it felt that Lynn had to find all parts of Saran.

But the rest of Lin didn't find it.

It may be more fragmented, or it may not be in this tumbler.

During the time of Lin's search, Lin found that the alien creatures were flying towards Sha Lin ...

Because Lynn's base was built on the ground, they flew from the inside of the tumbler. Through the large holes connecting the inside, these creatures came to the surface on various miniature aircraft they made.

These aircraft are also in the style of the other world, they are similar to those built in the Middle Ages, most of them are ships or something.

Of course they can fly in the air.

Instead of attacking them, Lynn let the creatures fly into the base, and then they began to gather around Sharine and break down Sharine.

They tried to cut Sharine into pieces that were centimeters in size, including the whole hand when she brought it back, and they wanted to tear it apart.

Lynn wondered why these creatures did this.

So Lynn examined the ... brain of these alien creatures carefully.

Their miniature bodies also have a miniature brain with complex structures inside, different from the original gatekeeper's thinking structure.

But in general, it's a similar composition method. After studying it, Lynn found that these creatures didn't think at all.

Their thinking is limited to imitating normal life outside the world, and when their behavior leaves the normal life outside the world, such as flying up to break down Sharine's abnormal activities, they will stop thinking.

It was another 'force' that controlled their tiny bodies to do this.

Lynn detected exactly where this power was.

It is inside the nearby star, and according to the cognition of the avatar, there is not the scope of the illusion world.

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