4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 202: Short break

Although the wars of Jade Dragon and Liye have been going on, they have not been so lively before. Both sides have found that the other side and their own strength are equal in the process of constant attack.

So Jade Dragon constantly used Yalong to attack, Susumi tried to use Yalong without loss, but Yalong’s air attack did not last long, and Lijun also used a new large-scale unit. This kind of unit called 'The Madonna' is like its name, and it can harvest opponents with crazy attacks.

However, it was not hard in itself, and it was eventually defeated by Jade Dragon. This also led to further losses of Jade Dragon.

In the end, the amount of losses on both sides was very similar, and both sides realized this, so they began to fight back, and the emerald dragon slowly retreated into the jungle, and Liyi retreated back to the city...

When the sun fell, the war stopped.

There were no Lie and Emerald dragons on the original battlefield. There were only wrecks and broken weapons in the area. A large number of pterosaurs were hovering around, and many of them could not wait. They flew to the ground and began to eat and eat.

Although the jade dragons generally bury the same kind, they are no longer free.

Susumumi is riding on Yalong’s back. It is on the edge of the jungle. He stares intently at the city under the setting sun. Looking at the group of retreats around the city, Susumi clenches his hands. Spears...

Around Susumumi, there are constant screams and painful sorrows. Although there are many deaths, the injured emerald dragons are more. Susumi has not suffered any major injuries, but the soldiers continue to scream. Its thoughts are also painful as a spear.

"Next time. Must win..."

Susumi whispered. Did not give up. It also doesn't want to give up. The reason for this war is quite simple, because it feels that it is a threat, and it is even simpler. They are just defending...

If Susumumi withdraws his troops, it is estimated that he can still be peaceful for a long time, but Susumi obviously does not want to do this, if he does. It is necessary to win, this is the character of Susumi...

"Wang, it is estimated that our loss is..."

Mukla came to Susumi's side and began to report various things to Susummi.

There are estimated numbers of casualties of the Jade Dragon, as well as the number of casualties, the loss in this battle and so on.

"Wang, we lose almost the same level as Li, and this will probably hurt both sides."

"No." Susumi said: "Look at the big monsters they have drilled out of the ground." Susumi pointed to the body of an ice spider with a spear, and the crystal-covered shiny carapace on it It was dawned by the emerald dragons, and a large group of pterosaurs were rushing to eat the tender meat exposed under the carapace.

"They lose more than us. I don't know how they drive this monster, but they don't count much." Susumi said: "Behind the battle. They should have no monsters, if there are no monsters. Help, victory still belongs to us."

Mukla said: "But... this will also lead to a lot of casualties. For an opponent who has never attacked us, this is really too..."

"You can't question me, Mukla." Susumi turned to look at Mukla. "I have seen the crazy side of this group of creatures and won in the war, otherwise you will face death."

Under the head of Mukla, "Yes, Wang."

As the sun slowly landed, the surrounding jungles fell into the darkness, and only the screams of the pterosaurs and the screams of the emerald dragons were echoed around.

The emerald dragons ignited the bonfire, the light of the flames illuminate everything around them, and watching the soldiers look like, Susumi is also difficult to grasp the current situation.

Susumi’s troops have healers. The treatment technology of Jade Dragon is not very good. Most of them rely on some plants, but they usually only deal with some minor injuries. In the face of some seriously injured soldiers, they are very What is hard to do is to wrap the wound to stop bleeding.

And what is faced here is not only the bleeding of the wounds, but also a lot of creatures living in the swamp jungle, such as blood-sucking insects, tiny 'muddy jade', and the humid air here are quite dangerous. It is possible to bring fungus infection wounds, so that even a small injury can become fatal.

Susumi saw this situation, it was very hesitant, it did not know when to attack, and how to treat the wounded.

It has been difficult to grasp this war, but because of this, Susumi wants to win a complete victory.

If you lose a large part and retreat back, what is it like? Presumably there will be a lot of emerald dragons beginning to question Susumui, but now at least not, Mukla is not a question, it is just a worry...

These jade dragons are so badly hurt that they have no doubt about Susumui. They are still highly wary, and they all want to anger their anger to Li, and many of them are pulled out from the ice spider. The carapace looks very happy...

The morale of the soldiers is still there, and the monsters that have been set up should be gone.

That's right, it still wins! However, it requires better tactics, a more perfect tactic...

Susumi is probably thinking about it now.

On the other side, they are no better than the Emerald Dragon. Lin’s spy is still in the city of Li, and Lin uses spies and eyeballs to observe the situation on both sides.

Lin’s pyramid is actually not much in, only some of the wounded are on the ground, so they have not found the situation yet.

Many of them have moved their companions back into the pyramid's cabin for treatment. There are fewer deaths, but there are many injuries. Their carapace has a shortcoming that it is difficult to recover after injury.

Lie is basically the same method as Emerald Dragon. They seal the wound to stop bleeding, but usually use their own saliva. In the shackles, there is also a general feeling of anger...

They all have anger against the Jade Dragon...

This is also a matter of course, but before Lin felt that they were not very angry, this may be related to the fact that they were attacked in the city this time.

In this case, even if the Jade Dragon retreats, they will never give up... Both sides have formed a kind of 'hate', and this war may continue.

When the two armies were temporarily resting, Lin found something interesting.

Lin found that some white dragons appeared outside Licheng's city. They are trying to enter the city... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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