"Hey, hey..."

Around the town where the pyramids stand, five white creatures are moving quietly in the haystack while observing the movements in the city.

They think they can't see them, but Lynn's eyes have been monitoring them since very early...

But obviously, the sneak ability of these white dragons is not very good, obviously they are white, but they are moving in the brown grass. Lin feels a little worried about whether this group of white dragons can come in, but fortunately, most of them are gathered. In the houses of the pyramids, they are rarely outside, so there is nothing to notice them.

Seeing the empty streets, the five white dragons stood up and they slowly moved towards the city against the walls of the pyramid.

Lynn noticed that each of these white dragons had a bag, as if it was made of leather. They occasionally took a small piece of debris from the bag and threw it on the ground.

What does it look like to be a seed, don't know what it means to do this?

They quietly walked through the pyramids one after another, and they basically treated the wounded inside, so it is still safe.

"Oh wow!" Suddenly, a white dragon stopped. As it walked through a pyramid, it found a piece of crystal inlaid at the corner of the pyramid. It was very excited to take a knife-shaped thing from the bag. Above, I seem to want to get the crystal out.

Strange, does Bai Qilong think that crystallization is a valuable thing? Or the 骸 dragon class likes this shiny thing, just like a gnome likes a bone.

"Oh!" Several of its companions immediately came together, and the white dragons did not persuade him to go. Instead, help it knock the crystals from the corners of the pyramid...

They are constantly using stones or something. The sound of the cymbal was also knocked on with a sharp, stone object. Although the sound was not very large, it was still heard by a lieutenant inside the pyramid. It walked out of the pyramid in a puzzled way and immediately saw it... The corner of the pyramid was missing.

However, Lie did not seem to have doubts about this. It looked back and went back.

The five white dragons knocked the crystal before they came out, and then quickly hid to the other side of the pyramid. They were all panting all the time, and found that they had left. They are calm down...

The white dragons looked at the crystals that they knocked down, and then placed them in a bag, and then continued to move slowly. They quietly passed the road between the pyramids, this time they did not try to knock out the crystals again. But it may also be because it is too difficult to knock, the crystallization is mostly in a higher place, as is the case with a piece at the corner just now.

The five white dragons slowly came under the pyramid where Lin's spy was.

After seeing the situation from the left and right, the white dragons took out a small crystal from the bag - it was a split brain, and they quickly ran to the entrance.

The pyramid is empty. The black pepper is still in the cave that splits the brain, and Lin's spy is discolored outside. The injured ones were also removed before, and now the entire venue is only the white dragon lying on the ground.

They saw it rushing over and talking about it all around.

The body of this white dragon is still not moving, but it is still very hard to point to the hole in the center of the pyramid.

"Hey!" The five white dragons discovered the hole, and then immediately gathered and looked down.

Although the black pepper is also below, Lin is sure that the eyes of these white dragons are not concerned with it, but... the large crystals of the main brain.

At this moment, these white dragons seem to have discovered something wonderful, and they have an emotion of excitement and excitement. They seem to want to jump out and take the crystal out.

However, no one has done this.

Lynn found that they were paying attention to their companions, and they looked at each other as if they were deciding who should go.

Why are they so troublesome, can they say... are they similar in the embankment?

Indeed, if the white dragon goes down, it can't climb up below, and it needs the help of the companion. If the companion in the above wants to do something, there will be no way in the following.

So, these white dragons are also very selfish types...

If they are really the ethnic groups created by the Aite ethnic group, it also means that the Yate ethnic group ignores their development, and probably only gives them knowledge.

"Oh..." When it was impossible to decide who was going on, there was a white dragon who spoke up. It said something that Lynn could not understand, and the surrounding white dragon seemed to agree.

Then, the group of white dragons took out a thing from the bag, which is a creature called ‘snail’. Although the name is very weird, this creature is a kind of terrestrial snail, nothing special.

The snails of the five white dragons are almost the same size. Lin noticed that it was just empty shells, not alive. They pinched the snail shell between the two fingers, and then the five white dragons squeezed their snails together. Push hard...

'咔...' Soon, the snail shells were squeezed under their power, but the shells of two white dragons were not bad, and the two white dragons stood up again, one by one in one another. Squeezing the snail shell...

They should not rely on this method to choose who to go on? This feeling is still... very interesting.

In the end, Bai Xiaolong, who had proposed this method before, won! Although its snail shell is a bit cracked, the opponent's has been completely crushed! It was emotional, but it did not show it.

Bai Haolong took a few long ropes from their bags, which seemed to be made of leather, and their manufacturing ability was quite good.

The four white snails who lost the snails tied themselves with ropes, then fixed the head of the rope to the ground with a pointed cone, and then they jumped out of the hole after giving a few words to the white dragon.

Their decision seems too sloppy, and the word sloppy is too strange, but it doesn't matter, as long as Lynn can follow them to their islands.

These white dragons seem to have not regarded the black pepper curled up on one side as a living thing from the beginning. After they went down to the bottom, each white dragon looked like a fascinating crystal, and they wiped away the black pepper before the crystal. The blood that comes out, then the eyes are staring at them...

After watching it for a while, the white dragons began to work together to carry the crystal. The crystallization seems to be quite heavy. The four white dragons moved together. They held the crystal together and slowly climbed up with the rope.

Here you can see that their ropes are tougher, and the tip that was previously inserted on the ground is also very stable.

However, when they didn't climb much, a white dragon's leg was suddenly caught... it was black pepper.

The black pepper suddenly stood up and ran over and grabbed a white dragon. The white dragon turned his head and looked at it. It suddenly panicked and began to frantically kick the black pepper with his feet, but the black pepper completely ignored it and pulled it hard. Down, the black pepper pressed the white dragon to the ground and continually hit the face.

The other three white dragons did not go to help, but hugged the crystals to climb up more quickly, completely ignoring the help of the white dragon below.

Lin feels that they are more selfish than Emerald Dragon. It is estimated that they are thinking that if they are one less, they will get more.

As they climbed to the top, the white dragon above stood in the hole and blocked their way.

"Oh oh oh!" The white dragon above pointed to the crystal, as if they wanted them to take the crystals first.

The three began to hesitate, but the black pepper below quickly smudged the white dragon, and now they are pulling their ropes. They panicked and pushed the crystals together.

After the white dragon received the crystal, it suddenly had a strange emotion. It quickly stood up and slammed into the three white dragons in the hole with their feet! These three were originally not so tight because the black pepper was shaken underneath, and when they were caught, they suddenly slipped.

At this time, the outside white dragon immediately took out a sharp stone on the side and cut off the three ropes.

The three white dragons below did not notice that the ropes were cut because they had been tied with the black pepper, but the situation was almost one-sided. At the moment they fell, the black pepper cut a throat with a paw. The other two wanted to stand up and fight back, but the black peppers easily slammed their feet on their abdomen, and they suddenly fell to the ground and could not get up.

These white dragons, as Lin knows, are really too weak. Three creatures of up to two meters or so, in the case of three-on-one, are only 1.8 meters tall and weigh more than their light black peppers. It will be solved within a few seconds.

Although black pepper is a combat commander, they are really weak...

But this is not the matter of the white dragon above, it has crystallized itself! It is very exciting, holding the crystals and touching it.

However, there is also a white dragon that sees all the situation outside. It is the white dragon that was previously paralyzed by Lin. It is still lying on the ground, but he does not dare to scream...

But this is useless, and the white dragon that is holding the crystal has noticed it...

Bai Xiaolong stood up and took a sharp stone from the bag and walked over to the paralyzed white dragon.

Lynn thought they would save it, but now it seems impossible.

... is really sad selfishness. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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